This is in response to the Danish newspaper? Then how do they explain all the anti-jewish cartoons over the past 30 years that have run in Islamist newspapers?
Hijacked or not, they are now the said:It is fairly obvious to me that despite the peaceful teachings of the Koran, Islam has been hijacked by a group of hateful, xenophobic, extremists. They will use any flimsy excuse to provoke and exercise their bloodlust. In their Mosques and in their schools they teach hate and intolerance, revenge and death. Who knows how many generations will be poisoned by hate.
Today it may be Jews, Americans and Danes on their death list but that will never satisfy the bloodlust. To the Islamists all nonbelievers must die.
True, but most of them don't go around rioting, beheading and bombing when insulted by a cartoon.assoholic said:Most born again christians I have met are morons and above all hypocrites.
Are you kidding me Jews are even more sensitive, they were offended by the movie passion of christ since they felt the movie is very anti-sematicDon said:Well let's see if Jews and Europans world wide start rioting, buring down embassies, burning flags and calling for the death of nations
Ever see The Excorsist? Head spinning, that sort of thing.Meister said:I wonder what the Christian equivalent of a Jihad is?
well I'm sure mossad did some hits that went unnoticeDATYdude said:But Jews didn't put out a contract on Mel Gibson's life for making Passion.
Not that this would'nt be an appropriate response to another Lethal Weapon sequel.
At least according to Speilbergbenn said:well I'm sure mossad did some hits that went unnotice