Dummy's Guide to Hobbying


Dec 12, 2002
Friends and foes, I am now on the verge of quitting this hobby. Looking forward to semi-retirement as I have found "the one". I have decided to share with you some tips from my experience, tips that would have saved me lots of money and pain if I had known of them in my early years.

Dummy`s guide to hobbying.

1. If you are thinking of going into hobbying - whether its with MP/SP - don`t. It can be a highly addictive and expensive hobby. But if you must read on.

2. Know the language. Here is a link to the hobbyist acronyms https://terb.cc/vbulletin/showthread.php?370-Short-Forms-amp-Abbreviations&s=

3. Know the rules. Whats Legal or not. Don`t quote me but read for yourself.
Section 212 of the criminal code of Canada (Here is the link http://laws.justice.gc.ca/en/C-46/section-212.html)
BTW whats legal in Canada is not legal in the US. SO if you are in the US think twice before you use bp.

4. Know the cost. High end courtesans charge more as they focus on high spending clients, Agencies are mid range . BP girls mid to low range. Research on terb for an idea of pricing. Generally gems can be found at any price range. That said I have not come across any gems at $60/HH, neither have I met $350/h SP`s that offer anything that justify the extra. The truth as they say is somewhere in between.

5. Play safe - Condoms at all times.

6. Be safe at all times. When going to see an SP - don`t take your wallet. Take your keys, cellphone, cash and a little extra for a tip. I have heard too many stories of wallets stolen.

7. Talking of cellphones. Get a separate cellphone for hobbying. Or at least use one that cannot be easily traced back to you. I have heard of lots of stories were S/O`s have gotten calls back from irate SP`s.

8. Read reviews - Let the experienced guys TOFTT. What you see is what you get. The ad is marketing. Most times its false advertising.

9. Be prepared to walk. Walk in and if its not what you expected walk out. Till money is exchanged its a case of caveat emptor - buyer beware.

10. Post a review. Be nice share the gems and let us all know about the bad ones.

Happy hobbying!

Enjoy and feel free to add to this thread.


May 13, 2013
i always text my brother or friend the sp i am going to see and where the address is just in case something goes bad.
60/hh - ive only found one gem the rest are mid 40's and overweight
always write a review on the sp you see to help us create a sp compendium
for you first time go for a well review sp around $200 so you have standards to judge sp's


Feb 19, 2012
Another important point, ALWAYS treat the ladies well, and with the upmost respect. Most of them are intelligent, beautiful, caring individuals, performing a job that is not always easy. You will be rewarded in turn and YMMV will be much less of a factor.


Dec 12, 2002
Mouthwash! If she is not giving you DFK you probably have bad breath. If she refuses DATY, it probably is the white slimy stuff on your tongue.

Always brush beforehand or ask for mouthwash before you start.
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