Dubya's AmeriKKKa Angers Nations


Active member
Aug 17, 2001
rogerstaubach said:
Typical self-serving response as usual *d*. But we have come to expect this sort of "foolishness" and obsfucation of reality.

I note that you are unable to answer my question as to 'criminal charges', charges', 'disposition of charges', 'criminal courts' etc. Why?.....

.......because the vast majority of these detainees are enemy combatants captured on the battelfield and have been detained to PREVENT them from returning to the battlefield and engaging in hostile actions against coalition/ Afghani security forces, and ordinary civilians. This a historical moral imperative practiced throughtout centuries of warfare.
As usual you have twisted reality to suit your flimsy position. These detainees are not POWs. The US government does not give them POW status or rights. The 'historical moral imperative practice' you speak of has not been implemented by the US in Gitmo. Instead they stripped them of their legal right to habeas corpus with the Detainee Treatment Act, against a Supreme court ruling I might add, and detain them as something sub-human -a combatant/non-POW. So, as required under the Geneva Conventions, unless they are charged with criminal offenses or could face serious human rights abuses, non-POWs are to be returned to their home countries.

These detainees regularly have their detention and threat level reviewed and if they are deemed not to be a threat they have been and will be released. This is what is happening. Nothing and I mean NOTHING that you deludedly croon about regarding "innocent" is valid and factual. No charges, just enemy combatants detained to prevent them from killing and if their threat is now deemed low they are released. These are the facts.
Now wait a minute. They are not POWs, but you say they have the status review rights of POWs. Nonsense, they are classified by the US government as enemy combatants with no rights. But a status review tribunal was created as a farce. And it is under these ambiguous conditions that puts the military review tribunal and commission under question by the US courts as being legit. So I ask again, there must be war crime charges against these detainees to have held them this long? Where are they? If there are none, and they're not POWs, than they are INNOCENT and free to go.

Detainees do not have to charged with any crimes buddyboy. Those captured on the battlefield and whose actions do not amount to crimes can be detained till their threat level is deemed to be minimal or until the cessation of hostilities. You don't like it......to friggin bad.
By whom? Who determines when non-POWs/non-civilians/sub-humans are free to go? A US military tribunal that is under question by US courts as being legitimate for such proceedings?
And those who have been captured and detained and whose actions rise to the level of crimes are being charged accordingly.

These 'innocent, and at the wrong place and wrong time detainees' do not meet the requirements of the Geneva Convention regarding POWs. These dickheads do not meet the requirements of 'civilians' and thus should not require the protection of the full scope of American jursiprudence. Why should they be afforded the mountains and mountains of civilian protection when they have engaged actions hostile to the system they seek to destroy?
That's for a judge and jury to decide. No one cares about your prejudice opinions.
Last edited:
May 3, 2004
*d* said:
As usual you have twisted reality to suit your flimsy position. These detainees are not POWs. The US government does not give them POW status or rights. The 'historical moral imperative practice' you speak of has not been implemented by the US in Gitmo. They are being detained as something sub-human -a combatant/non-POW. So, as required under the Geneva Conventions, unless they are charged with criminal offenses or could face serious human rights abuses, non-POWs are to be returned to their home countries.

Now wait a minute. They are not POWs, but you say they have the review rights of POWs. Nonsense, they are classified by the US government as enemy combatants with no rights and that includes any rights to proper military commission review proceedings. And it is under these ambiguous conditions that puts the military review commission under question by the US courts as being legit. So I ask again, there must be war crime charges against these detainees to have held them this long? Where are they? If there are none, and they're not POWs, than they are INNOCENT and free to go.

By whom? Who determines when non-POWs/non-civilians/sub-humans are free to go? A US military tribunal that is under question by the Supreme Court as being legitimate for such proceedings?
That's for a judge and jury to decide. No one cares about your prejudice opinions.
Just casting a cursory glance thru your post glaringly reveals a multitude of delusions and obsfucations.......all summarily applied to pander to and support those who desire to KILL.

However, seeing as I don't have time today to disembowel the guts of your post, I will bid adieu till I tomorrow's imminent slaughter of your hilarious post.


Active member
Aug 17, 2001
rogerstaubach said:
Just casting a cursory glance thru your post glaringly reveals a multitude of delusions and obsfucations.......all summarily applied to pander to and support those who desire to KILL.

However, seeing as I don't have time today to disembowel the guts of your post, I will bid adieu till I tomorrow's imminent slaughter of your hilarious post.
You have the body ...but not at Guantanamo Bay.


New member
Feb 28, 2006
If your're smart enough to read the guardian....

why are you trolling with the rest of us on an escort review board? I believe the Guardian is a left of centre paper from the UK.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
xdog said:
If your're smart enough to read the guardian....why are you trolling with the rest of us on an escort review board? I believe the Guardian is a left of centre paper from the UK.
It's quite elementary......
You read the Guardian for intelligent insight.
While you read TERB to find the action..........;)


New member
Mar 21, 2005
WoodPeckr said:
It's quite elementary......
You read the Guardian for intelligent insight.
While you read TERB to find the action..........;)
WoodPeckr: I was wondering what your opinion of the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms is (honest question; I thought it would shed light on your overall position).


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Truncador said:
WoodPeckr: I was wondering what your opinion of the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms is (honest question; I thought it would shed light on your overall position).
Fair question.
Lets look at what the US Constutition states:

Amendment II

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

I have no problem with what is written above and fully support it.
As it states, I take a 'conservative strict constructionist' view and agree completely with what is/was written by the founding fathers.
The devil is in the details and how over the years, certain interests have and want to very liberally interpret Amendment II.

At present we in the US live in a gun-crazed land. The founding fathers who wrote Amendment II had never meant this to be the case.


New member
Mar 21, 2005
Thanks for the reply.
May 3, 2004
*d* said:
As usual you have twisted reality to suit your flimsy position. These detainees are not POWs. The US government does not give them POW status or rights. The 'historical moral imperative practice' you speak of has not been implemented by the US in Gitmo. Instead they stripped them of their legal right to habeas corpus with the Detainee Treatment Act, against a Supreme court ruling I might add, and detain them as something sub-human -a combatant/non-POW. So, as required under the Geneva Conventions, unless they are charged with criminal offenses or could face serious human rights abuses, non-POWs are to be returned to their home countries.

Now wait a minute. They are not POWs, but you say they have the status review rights of POWs. Nonsense, they are classified by the US government as enemy combatants with no rights. But a status review tribunal was created as a farce. And it is under these ambiguous conditions that puts the military review tribunal and commission under question by the US courts as being legit. So I ask again, there must be war crime charges against these detainees to have held them this long? Where are they? If there are none, and they're not POWs, than they are INNOCENT and free to go.

By whom? Who determines when non-POWs/non-civilians/sub-humans are free to go? A US military tribunal that is under question by US courts as being legitimate for such proceedings?
That's for a judge and jury to decide. No one cares about your prejudice opinions.
"As usual you have created a maze of nonsense that leads to one big deluded RIFT-hugging and RIFT-supporting conclusion."

These detainees do not meet the requirements of being classified as POWs according to the Geneva Convention. Hence, they do not fall under the 'umbrella' of the Geneva Convention.

These detainees do not meet the requirements of being 'indicted' for actions that rise to the level of crimes. Hence, they are not afforded status as 'alleged criminal defendants' either under the Geneva Convention nor the American Judicial system.

These detainees do meet the requirements of being 'unlawful enemy combatants'(engaged in hostile actions in a theatre of war while being not in a uniform or other recognizable symbol of a designated combatant). Hence, once captured they are detained and if their actions do not rise to the level of 'crimes' they are detained with full and regular reviews regarding their 'detention status' till they are considered not to be a threat anymore or till the cessation of hostilities.

Think, think, think enemies captured during battle and detained. That's it *d*.

For example: Canadian soldiers engage in a battle against a group of combatants just outside Kandahar. Some Canadian soldiers are wounded and one dies of his wounds. The soldiers capture 16 men in the area where they were coming under fire from. Some were armed and some were not. They are certain all of these men in some way or another were part of the group the engaged in hostile actions against them.

What should they do with these prisoners? Charge them with crimes? Release them because they can't conclusively prove with 'evidence required by a civilian court' that they were responsible for hostilities that led to injury and death? Detain them in accordance with the moral historical imperative of detention of the enemy during conflict?

You would like and fervently do wish to believe that these detainees are just innocent, ordinary Afghani, Saudi, Pakistani, Yemeni, Chechnyan, etc civilians who were somehow 'just unfortunately caught up in a big hullabulla of misfortune'. When the reality and the facts completely grind away at your delusion.

Detainees have historically been and can be detained till they are determined by a competent tribuanal NOT to pose a threat anymore or till the cessation of hostilities. They are granted the priviledges in accordance to a POW status even though they do not LEGALLY meet the requirement. They are granted 'detention reviews' on a regular basis. They are granted access to American civilian courts to boot. Congress has legitimized IN LAW the legitimacy and neccesity of GITMO.

Sorry *d* your fervent desire and deeply held wish that these detainees are just INNOCENT CHILDREN OF LOVE AND PEACE is not only legal hogwash it also flies in the face of reality and more disturbingly pure morally deluded RIFT-pandering and RIFT-supporting.

You are one special case, *d*. "Oh yes, these RIFT killers are just ordinary, innocent children of love and peace."

These detainee killers just absolutely love people like you who foolishly and naively champion their cause.

They laugh in incredulousness at the complete idiocy of their deluded and naively 'enlightened, holier than thou' supporters.

I for one do not endorse, support nor legitimize these RIFT killers. Why support and cry for the release of those who do and attempt to kill your fellow countrymen? Why?

'Innocent they all are! Innocent I tell ya!!!" Unfrigginbelievable *d*.


Active member
Aug 17, 2001
rogerstaubach said:
"As usual you have created a maze of nonsense that leads to one big deluded RIFT-hugging and RIFT-supporting conclusion."

These detainees do not meet the requirements of being classified as POWs according to the Geneva Convention. Hence, they do not fall under the 'umbrella' of the Geneva Convention.

These detainees do not meet the requirements of being 'indicted' for actions that rise to the level of crimes. Hence, they are not afforded status as 'alleged criminal defendants' either under the Geneva Convention nor the American Judicial system.

These detainees do meet the requirements of being 'unlawful enemy combatants'(engaged in hostile actions in a theatre of war while being not in a uniform or other recognizable symbol of a designated combatant). Hence, once captured they are detained and if their actions do not rise to the level of 'crimes' they are detained with full and regular reviews regarding their 'detention status' till they are considered not to be a threat anymore or till the cessation of hostilities.

Think, think, think enemies captured during battle and detained. That's it *d*.

For example: Canadian soldiers engage in a battle against a group of combatants just outside Kandahar. Some Canadian soldiers are wounded and one dies of his wounds. The soldiers capture 16 men in the area where they were coming under fire from. Some were armed and some were not. They are certain all of these men in some way or another were part of the group the engaged in hostile actions against them.

What should they do with these prisoners? Charge them with crimes? Release them because they can't conclusively prove with 'evidence required by a civilian court' that they were responsible for hostilities that led to injury and death? Detain them in accordance with the moral historical imperative of detention of the enemy during conflict?

You would like and fervently do wish to believe that these detainees are just innocent, ordinary Afghani, Saudi, Pakistani, Yemeni, Chechnyan, etc civilians who were somehow 'just unfortunately caught up in a big hullabulla of misfortune'. When the reality and the facts completely grind away at your delusion.

Detainees have historically been and can be detained till they are determined by a competent tribuanal NOT to pose a threat anymore or till the cessation of hostilities. They are granted the priviledges in accordance to a POW status even though they do not LEGALLY meet the requirement. They are granted 'detention reviews' on a regular basis. They are granted access to American civilian courts to boot. Congress has legitimized IN LAW the legitimacy and neccesity of GITMO.

Sorry *d* your fervent desire and deeply held wish that these detainees are just INNOCENT CHILDREN OF LOVE AND PEACE is not only legal hogwash it also flies in the face of reality and more disturbingly pure morally deluded RIFT-pandering and RIFT-supporting.

You are one special case, *d*. "Oh yes, these RIFT killers are just ordinary, innocent children of love and peace."

These detainee killers just absolutely love people like you who foolishly and naively champion their cause.

They laugh in incredulousness at the complete idiocy of their deluded and naively 'enlightened, holier than thou' supporters.

I for one do not endorse, support nor legitimize these RIFT killers. Why support and cry for the release of those who do and attempt to kill your fellow countrymen? Why?

'Innocent they all are! Innocent I tell ya!!!" Unfrigginbelievable *d*.
I understand you have been denied the privilege to post on this forum. Because of that, I feel bad you can not respond to this reply. But I must reply anyway because your previous post is just too full of counterdictions. First off, I do not and I suspect no one on this board, endorses or supports terrorism. To push the idea that we support terrorism as a come back to somehow discredit or shame us, is just laughable. What I do support is human rights. But what I don't understand(and this is on a serious note) is why you don't support human rights and feel the US government has the right to abuse it and treat the Gitmo detainees as something less than POWs. As for your example of Canadian soldiers capturing the enemy in combat -I feel its fine, but treat them as POWs. If through the internationally recognized treatment agreements for POWs its discovered that they're just common hoodlums or deadly war criminals, than try them as such -again in civilian or military courts. If they're just POWs but from a country you currently are not at war with --than call them combatants or whatever you wish, but continue to respect their rights as if they're prisoners of war. Why take away their human rights? Of course we know why -classifying them as something less than human and you have limitless freedom to interrogate them.
We all know that many combatants at Gitmo have been released. Many went freely right back into their country's society. A good example is the 5 British detainees that were only released last year. For 3 years they were at Gitmo with no POW or civilian rights. But when they got back to Britain they went directly back into civilian life. They were never terrorists, but had no rights to prove it. YES, INNOCENT. Last week 22 more detainees have been lined up to be freed directly back into the society of their home countries. Again, they were never terrorists, but had no rights to prove it. Evidence in their favour is dismissed under Gitmo's 'Detainee Treatment Act 2005'. Which is why the military tribunals there are a farce. The treatment act was put in place in 2005 by the Bush administration and strips detainees of habeas corpus. Even though their legal rights to habeas corpus were granted to them before this by the US Supreme court, Bush believes that his executive decision as US commander and chief to take those rights away can supercede the Supreme court and his country's constitution. The fascist act still stands to treat the detainees as less than human, but its legitimacy now hangs in question in US courts.
So be lucky you didn't mistakenly send a donation to Afghanistan that somehow got in the hands of terrorists. Because if the US even remotely suspected you sponsored terror, you could easily have your rights taken away and end up in Guantanamo. That's how crazy it is. Suspected terrorists can be picked up from any type of battlefield. But than again we can now send Bush to our new terrorist prison facility at Millhaven, lol.
Again, sorry you can't respond. Maybe later.
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