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Dubya Fumbles Again on Katrina promises


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
More proof Dubya is more skilled at Killing rather than Helping people.
Team 'w' can't even deliver on Katrina promises made just one year ago.
Many areas in New Orleans today, look like Baghdad and Lebanon today!

Bush Gov't fulfills few Katrina promises

By MATT CRENSON, AP National Writer
Sat Aug 19, 5:16 PM ET

Nearly half of New Orleans was still under water when
President Bush stood in the Crescent City's historic Jackson Square and swore he would "do what it takes" to rebuild the communities and lives that had been laid to waste two weeks before by Hurricane Katrina.

"Our goal is to get the work done quickly," the president said.

He promised to spend federal money wisely and accountably. And he vowed to address the poverty exposed by the government's inadequate Katrina response "with bold action."

A year after the storm, the federal government has proven slow and unreliable in keeping the president's promises.

"This is not something that is going to be able to be accomplished in 365 days," White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said. "The president has set the federal government on the course to fulfill its obligations."

The job of clearing debris left by the storm remains unfinished, and has been plagued by accusations of fraud and price gouging. Tens of thousands of families still live in trailers or mobile homes, with no indication of when or how they will be able to obtain permanent housing. Important decisions about rebuilding and improving flood defenses have been delayed. And little if anything has been done to ensure the welfare of the poor in a rebuilt New Orleans.

How has the government performed in the most critical areas of the recovery and reconstruction effort?

link, to rest of report.

Team 'w' or more aptly named,
Incompetents 'R' Us !!!


New member
Aug 1, 2003
Why should the federal government be responsible for rebuilding a city located in a high risk area. City/states in high risk areas should be required to carry insurance to cover the cost of rebuilding to remove the externality of people living there. Those of us who live in safer areas get screwed every huricane/flood season....


Active member
Oct 12, 2005
Right on!

root11 said:
Why should the federal government be responsible for rebuilding a city located in a high risk area. City/states in high risk areas should be required to carry insurance to cover the cost of rebuilding to remove the externality of people living there. Those of us who live in safer areas get screwed every huricane/flood season....
Well said! "Yahoo!," in fact! And why should the rest of us have to pay for 9/11? Hey, it was their choice to work there and live in hymi.. NYC!

Got a good solution for ya, one I bethca Bushoe-boy'll love too: just declare these areas part of Canada. Or Mexico. Let them be somebody else's headache, for a change!



Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
root11 said:
Why should the federal government be responsible for rebuilding a city located in a high risk area. City/states in high risk areas should be required to carry insurance to cover the cost of rebuilding to remove the externality of people living there. Those of us who live in safer areas get screwed every huricane/flood season....
Same would hold for hurricane alley, most of California, Mississippi delta, Florida, etc etc.
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