Dual Citizenship

rama putri

Sep 6, 2004
This is typical of today. Nobody wants to make a choice. If you don't want to be only Canadian, then good riddance and go back. Leave your Canadian passport behind.

The Game 06

New member
Mar 19, 2006
Yea im holding Canadian and US passports. I'm half puerto rican (US).
But basically Canadian and US passports are the same.

The best dual citizen combi would be Canadian/ UK, cause a Canadian passport allows u to travel freely in North America, plus the world doesnt dislike Canadians as much ad Americans. And the UK passports allow you to travel freely in the EU, like the borders are open in Western Europe and the EU is expanding, so u can travel to Eastern Europe too. You don't even need to carry your passport, an ID will be enuf.. U can work in every EU country etc. And Canada/ UK are part of the commentwealth so you can travel to Australia, NZ and all the ex-members such as HK, INDIA, Singapore etc.


New member
Nov 26, 2003
The Kremlin
rama putri said:
This is typical of today. Nobody wants to make a choice. If you don't want to be only Canadian, then good riddance and go back. Leave your Canadian passport behind.
I don't understand why in some people's minds there is a choice to be made. There is no choice to be made. Those of us who are citizens of other countries by BIRTH will always be so.

Plus, what you say is illogical, for, if I choose Canada, then I can still go back to my old country whenever I want to and be a citizen. As a matter of fact, it doesn't matter how many times I go back there with a Canadian passport, I always get treated like a local by the authorities. In my old country, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO LOSE ONE'S CITIZENSHIP THAT ONE OBTAINED BY BIRTHRIGHT.

Therefore, if forced to make a "choice," then I choose Canada.
(Which, of course, means that I haven't made a choice at all, have I?)

Brought to you by the Canadian Citizenship Freedom Society.


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Nov 26, 2003
The Kremlin
Esco! said:
Thats a mute point since Canada doesnt have a military to begin with. :D
Thanks, I laughed hard at that one..........

I would also like to add the following: I don't understand why some people are interested in what passports OTHER people carry and the rights these passports entitle them to. Individuals are NOT defined merely by citizenship. Next thing you know they'll be telling us we have to choose between our religion and Canada. Or our hockey team and Canada. I can hear them whining already. Can you be a NY Islander fan and still be Canadian?


New member
Feb 10, 2005
Sergei said:
I don't understand why in some people's minds there is a choice to be made. There is no choice to be made. Those of us who are citizens of other countries by BIRTH will always be so.
If they change the law, then you'll have to choose. Is that difficult to understand?
Many countries allow only one citizenship - I think one of Canada's problems is that many don't define themselves as Canadians and only Canadians.


New member
Nov 26, 2003
The Kremlin
Svend said:
If they change the law, then you'll have to choose. Is that difficult to understand?
Many countries allow only one citizenship - I think one of Canada's problems is that many don't define themselves as Canadians and only Canadians.
Obviously you didn't understand anything.


People who agree with you are trying to control other people's lives in ways that are NOT within their capabilities. Laws like that are unenforceable.

To make it clearer: I go to my embassy and tell them, screw you guys, I want to be only Canadian (whatever the hell that means). Then when I go on holidays there I just get a new passport. It's that easy. As a matter of fact, I know of one case of an Austrian (Austria forbids second citizenships) and she's been holding both passports for around 20 years now.

Next thing you know you'll be telling me that if I'm muslim, I have to choose between supporting the Palestinians or Harper (ie: Canada).

The law is dead before it ever existed. The only real issue is the following:

Why are certain people interested in other people's private business? I don't tell YOU what to do.


New member
Feb 10, 2005
I disagree with you but I respect your view.

Austria won't respect your friend's Austrian passport.


New member
Jan 26, 2004
The Game 06 said:
And Canada/ UK are part of the commentwealth so you can travel to Australia, NZ and all the ex-members such as HK, INDIA, Singapore etc.
This is no longer true for Australia.. you need a visa whatever country you come from with the exception of NZ citizens..


New member
Jan 26, 2004
Sergei said:
Plus, what you say is illogical, for, if I choose Canada, then I can still go back to my old country whenever I want to and be a citizen. As a matter of fact, it doesn't matter how many times I go back there with a Canadian passport, I always get treated like a local by the authorities. In my old country, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO LOSE ONE'S CITIZENSHIP THAT ONE OBTAINED BY BIRTHRIGHT.
I cannot comment on your country of origin, but a British citizen can renounce their citizenship. You are allowed to re-apply to get it back one time only, but if you renounce it (or indeed give it up because your new country requires it) for a second time, you've pretty much given it up forever.. I would imagine many, if not most countries have similar setups.

On a side note for British citizens. Update your passports sooner rather than later, even if you've got time on it left. The new biometric ID cards/passports with fingerprints and iris scans are soon to come into effect and apparently even ex-pats will have to do it. So if you update your passport now you've got 10 years before you have to do it, or at least buying time before the next government potentially scraps the program...
MLAM said:
...I haven't heard of it being an issue. Dual citizenship is EXPRESSLY allowed by the U.S. Government (assuming the other nation permits it as well)
You're correct. It's is allowed but they discourage it, sometime with strong wording.

My travel buddy has to be careful which passport he enter & exit U.S. with. If passport is close to expiration date, U.S. custom has the right to detain you, do background check & withheld your passport. According to one such chip-on-shoulder custom sob, to weed out 'fake' passports.


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
Svend said:
I disagree with you but I respect your view.
Austria won't respect your friend's Austrian passport.

Exactly where do we, as UK citizens, need Austrian passports, Svend????? :confused:


Jan 31, 2005
I still don't see any problem with dual citizenship. Any problem you could describe, I think, boils down to offering services to people who aren't RESIDENT in Canada.

I still think we can fix all that just by tailoring social policies so that the handouts and freebies require some number of months or years of residency to qualify.
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