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driving on the QEW

Voodoo Child

New member
Oct 14, 2002
Right Behind You
Ok, how frigging fast do you have to drive on the QEW to get a ticket? Do speeding tickets even exist in Canada?

The reason I'm asking is that I've driven to Toronto from the Peace Bridge several times, and I usually cruise at around 130 or so (keeping up with traffic.) I pass quite a few cars, but I still get passed pretty regularly. I even passed a cop going that fast. I would have slowed down, but I didn't see him until it was *far* too late. Slowing down would have just made me stand out more.

Also, I've been using the 407 ETR, and I keep waiting to get a phone call. I have no transponder and my NYS plates aren't registered. I've been doing it for several months now, and haven't had any problems. What risks am I running by doing this?


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
At 120 kph you are safe 90% of the time . Anything over that you take a risk that you will get caught . They run speed traps on the 407 at least twice a month .

I don't know if Ont cops can hook into NY state DMV but I sure as hell wouldn't take the chance to save a $100 .


Oct 13, 2002
Downtown Toronto
Spwwsing on the QEW

I got nailed at 146 last january. Fortunatly, the cop nocked it down to 134, which is just under where the fines double. 150 bucks, and 4 pts! But then, I pulled over as soon as I saw him turn the lights on. He commented I was his fastest stop all day.

Saw a speed trap today, but fortunatly every one in front of me slowed down, so I was only going 100 as I passed it.


Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
If you are within a group going whatever speed, you should be ok. You just don’t want to be the first or the last car in the group. Being the only car on the road and speeding is risky at almost any amount over the limit, but going up to 120 in a 100 zone should be safe, as long as the cop is not trying to make up his quota. Just dont stick out as being a speeder.

Heard the cops are ticketing people that are out to make a point by sitting in the fast lane with a line of cars forming behind them. It is about time the cops fined these driving obstacles.

Big Bear

New member
Oct 29, 2002
407 Surprise

I think you may be in for a big surprise someday soon from the 407 people. If it is like speeding tickets where there is a definate hook-up between the two there is generally a lag of 4 to 6 months before they catch up to you. Given the people who run the 407 are bandits I wouldn't be surprised if they charged you interest on your old billings.


New member
Jan 1, 2003
The Dark Ages
Never Admit Anything

Never admit anything. The cop's an officer of the court. Anything you say can and will be used against you, even though they don't advise you of that fact. Just say you were paying attention to the road and traffic and wasn't looking down at the speedo.


New member
Aug 18, 2001
Hmmmm. An unregistered car usually means a tow-away. You probably have no insurance also. That's an $8/day fine in NY State, so you're probably in serious trouble already. If you switched plates, then it's even worse. The Canadian police will probably be impressed that you are speeding and doing without a Canada-Non Resident insurance card, which is an additional ticket. Let's not even talk about the strong possibility that you have pot or some other stupid drug with you when driving like this.

500Miles has some good advice for you in saying nothing. But if you would just register your damn car, then you'd be in so much better shape. Is it really that hard for you???Are your trips so important that you have to speed?? Ask yourself if the consequences are really worth it.


New member
Jan 30, 2002
Fighting tickets

Does anybody know of any websites and or publications that offer tips on fighting speeding tickets??

Voodoo Child

New member
Oct 14, 2002
Right Behind You
SDFeuerzauber said:
Hmmmm. An unregistered car usually means a tow-away. You probably have no insurance also. That's an $8/day fine in NY State, so you're probably in serious trouble already. If you switched plates, then it's even worse. The Canadian police will probably be impressed that you are speeding and doing without a Canada-Non Resident insurance card, which is an additional ticket. Let's not even talk about the strong possibility that you have pot or some other stupid drug with you when driving like this.

500Miles has some good advice for you in saying nothing. But if you would just register your damn car, then you'd be in so much better shape. Is it really that hard for you???Are your trips so important that you have to speed?? Ask yourself if the consequences are really worth it.
I guess I wasn't clear enough - my NYS plates aren't registered with ETR.

I have a current registration on my car, my license is valid, I carry insurance, and I don't smoke pot or do any other "stupid" drugs.

My recommendation to you is that you stretch before jumping to conclusions of such magnitude - you could really hurt yourself!


Sep 25, 2001
I refuse to have anything to do with the 407. Bunch of crooks, plain and simple.

If you're looking for some insight on how to fight speeding tickets, check out the following:


The web page doensn't always load up but when you get it there is a lot of useful information in there.

Any other pointers to information about the whole process is welcome.


Voodoo Child

New member
Oct 14, 2002
Right Behind You

I'll give you a hint... his license plate is B^%@&*$&#



Active member
Nov 29, 2002
Right here. But wish I was there!
What Speed Limit

I still haven't figured out what "speed limit" means.
If it's a posted limit, isn't that it?
Apparently here in Ontario it doesn't mean a thing.
Perhaps it's meant to be the lower limit????

The best example of the flagrant speeding attitude actually comes from an OPP spokesperson who supported the new regulations forcing slow drivers from the 'fast lane'. He said when someone is only doing 115-120 in the fast lane and blocking others behind, that driver could be the cause of an accident. He should be forced over to the inside or outside lane and given a ticket.

So the ones behind can go 120, 130, 140??

In a 100 zone?

Great advice from the OPP!



Retired TERB Ass Slapper
Aug 20, 2001
Trolling the Deleted Threads Repository
I personally feel there's nothing wrong with a speed limit of 130. In Europe, where they have limits, often it's posted at 130. I've cruised along at 150 in Europe with no difficulty whatsoever.

100 is just too slow. 120 in North America, given our bad driving habits here would be more reasonable. Out West the limit on the Trans Canada highway is posted at 110.

Of course, this is all assuming that driving conditions are good - dry roads, clear weather, good visibility, not too crowded on the road. If conditions are less than that, you should drive a bit slower.


May 22, 2002
anywhere I hang my hat
407 tolls

I just received bill from 407 for a trip I took in 11 Nov 02. I'm still trying to figure out how a toll of $11.42 can bcome an amount due of $21.56. Round trip on the NY Thruway from Buffalo to Albany is $22.00 US. Thats about 560 miles. Does anyone know the distance form the QEW in to 427.

I quess none of us should complain because we all take it by choice.

I also just noticed that they will charge interest on the 35 day from the date of mailing. The statement just received 12 FEb 03 was billed on 21 Jan 03. My 35 day grace period has just been reduced to 13 days. Does the Canadian Postal Service get a kickback from the 407. Just a thought.

Gentle Ben

Senior Member
Jan 5, 2002
Voodoo Child said:

I guess I wasn't clear enough - my NYS plates aren't registered with ETR.

From what I understand, there is no information exchanged between Ontario & the US for the purposes of tolls pertaining to Hwy 407 ETR, there is no way for the 407 Jerks to get the information they need to mail a bill, nor are you required to obtain a Transponder, the ride is free!

My Ex & I had an overdue notice for an unpaid balance on the ETR, 60 days after they had cashed the cheque, try to straighten that one out! good luck!


May 22, 2002
anywhere I hang my hat
exchange of information

Ben - there must be some sort of exchange, if not how do they get our mailing addresses. Both my daughter and I have traveled on the 407 and have received invoices.


Active member
Apr 1, 2002
...more info...

Hey Alexa,

I've driven to NY State and have twice received speeding tickets. The verbage on the ticket says something about sending in a payment. I never did. The two incidents were a year apart and nothing has appeared on my record. However, we should be careful because certain things have a way of catching up to us.

As for the 407 - their billing system is definitely messed up. They recently migrated the system to a newer improved system. The old system made it difficult to regularly query the Ministry of Transportation in order to get your most current address. When you read the bill, somewhere on it says that you're responsible for telling 407 whenever you move.

As for fines and interest, they are for sure. Late payments automatically result in a late fine plus interest. Anyone using the 407 but is not being billed should call ASAP.

Delinquent accounts are referred to a collection agency. It gets worse. Since the 407 does not have your correct address, the collection agency will be sending your "FINAL NOTICE" to the wrong address! Then they report you to EQUIFAX! I repeat, if you have not been billed for 407, call ASAP. Your credit could already be adversely affected.

If you MUST use the 407, I recommend getting a transponder. Otherwise, avoid it like the plague!

Furthermore, didn't they just double the rates?

Gentle Ben

Senior Member
Jan 5, 2002
Re: exchange of information

puckinbuff said:
Ben - there must be some sort of exchange, if not how do they get our mailing addresses. Both my daughter and I have traveled on the 407 and have received invoices.
I stand corrected ,as I said it was my understanding, now I know otherwise!
never to old to learn!
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts