If only motor vehicle drivers would just follow the rules.
If only people would not steal from others.
If only pedestrians would just follow the rules.
If only people would not commit assaults.
If only cyclists would just follow the rules.
If only people would not shoot others.
If only people would not crash into others.
If, if, if...
As for my comment about waiting for city council to use an incident like this as justification for more more speed cameras, that's exactly what they did when the elderly couple were killed on Parkside. It drives me nuts that they continually reference that crash when they talk about implementing safety measures. There's nothing (other than installing speed bumps every 50 feet) that would've prevented that crash. Anyone who thinks otherwise, is living in dreamworld.
In case you've forgotten about the perp, here's a little refresher. Now does he sound like someone who's going to follow the rules?
No rules are ever going to prevent these lunatics. Unfortunately...