Douchebag of the year: Dr. fires loyal employee after she gets cancer


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
“You will not be able to function in my office at the level required while battling for your life. “Because of this, I am laying you off without pay as of August 11, 2014 … Our thoughts and prayers are with you as you fight this horrible disease. I hope your battle is swift, smooth and successful!”
His action might have been more excusabe had he at least
offered some kind of relief package like a paid leave for a period
of a few months. If his business is run privately he could do
that without breaking any rule. This guy is Scrooge-worthy.


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2006
It's all about the Benjamins for some people steeped in the material world.

The bigger the Ego, the lesser the heart.


Dec 31, 2013
Unique, Canada


Armed to the tits
Mar 6, 2009
In the 6
Just goes to prove you guys need to hear the full story before jumping to conclusions. If anything he helped her by laying her off because she can now collect unemployment benefits:

Doctor caught in social media storm defends laying off employee with cancer

A Pennsylvania oral surgeon who laid off a cancer-stricken employee had good intentions -- aiming to help the woman get unemployment benefits and focus on her treatment -- but now he is getting threats and verbal attacks on social media, according to the doctor's lawyer.

"Dr. (George) Visnich put (employee Carol Jumper) on layoff status so this poor woman didn't have to worry about showing up at work after going through chemo, and would still have a source of income," Larry Kelly, Visnich's family attorney, told CNN. "He never fired her. Ever."

In a handwritten letter to Jumper dated the day of the layoff, Visnich wrote: "You will not be able to function in my office at the level required while battling for your life. Because of this, I am laying you off without pay as of August 11, 2014."

Visnich also assured Jumper her job awaits her whenever she is ready to return to work, Kelly said.

But the letter became public and quickly went viral.

A Facebook identified as Rose Lerini reportedly posted a photo of the letter on Facebook, triggering a social media uproar. It's unclear what relationship she has to Jumper or Visnich, and attempts to reach Lerini were unsuccessful.

Multiple attempts to reach Jumper on Friday also were unsuccessful.

Kelly said Visnich and his family are distraught.

The doctor -- who has oral surgery offices in the western Pennsylvania towns of Aliquippa, Chippewa, and New Castle -- is receiving hateful phone calls, emails, and threats, and being called "heartless," "brutal," "soulless," and other names on social media, he said.

"This poor man is being tortured unnecessarily," Kelly said. "The guy tried to do something to help this woman in the best way he knew how, and this is his payback."

According to the Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation Law, a person who is or becomes unemployed qualifies for compensation if he or she "is able to work and available for work."

According to Kelly, Visnich and Jumper have been in contact as recently as Friday. It was not clear what sort or how extensive that contact was.

People describing themselves as friends of Jumper created a private Facebook group called "Bumper's Buddies" on August 26 to "support Carol in her fight against the disease and to keep everyone posted on progress."

The group's administrators post about upcoming charity events and is selling $12 T-shirts to raise money for Jumper's medical expenses. As of Friday night, the group claimed almost 2,000 members.

Meanwhile, a community Facebook group called "George Visnich Oral Surgery" stated its purpose as a "support page for Dr. George Visnich. It is an American right to let employees go at will."

The group also posted a link to the "Bumper's Buddies" Facebook page, writing: "This is for all of you bleeding hearts. Go on and send her some of your own money."


Armed to the tits
Mar 6, 2009
In the 6
That is just a lame excuse for damage control
How do you know that?? Do you know the relationship he has with his employee? Were you there when she got layed off?? How do you know laying her off doesnt create the best source of income for her??


serial onanist
Feb 1, 2012
He's an amateur. If he really wanted to be douchebag of the year, or speaker of the house, he would have married her and served her divorce papers while she was on her hospital bed.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
I read a different article on this earlier, and the amount of lies and ass-covering was hilarious. First the doc backtracked by saying the whole purpose of his letter was to allow her to collect unemployment. Like hell it was! It was so he could afford to hire someone that he considered more up to the job. Then the person who posted the letter online said she only did that to inform Jumper's friends that she was unemployed. Yeah, sure that was why! It couldn't possibly be to rouse up anger at the doc, right? A simple message wouldn't do?

It's really an all-around bad situation, but I think people are being way too hard on the doc. I imagine Jumper would be taking a lot of time off with her condition, and that would create problems for the clinic. Why would the doc be expected to pay for a second employee to pick up the slack Jumper was supposed to be covering? He obviously felt she wouldn't be able to perform to the required standards (this is a doctor's office after all). We don't know what kind of financial position that clinic is in. Maybe he could have offered her some financial assistance and he definitely should have offered her some moral support. But "douchebag of the year" is overstating it.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
I don't think you can terminate one's employment just because they get sick, at least here in Canada. You can lay them off but I don't see that as being the Docs intention. Its unfortunate that she didn't have any disability benefits from her employment.

That being said the way in which he communicated this was deplorable. 12 years she had there and he doesn't even offer any sort of severance pay? That qualifies as "douchy"

Mr. Piggy

Jul 4, 2007
I hope this heartless fuck looses all his customers.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
Surely this doctor could have got an HR person or lawyer to type a proper letter and release informing her of the lay off?! Or maybe he should have written the letter in doctor's writing so that she couldn't read it and post it to social media. Only in 'merica.


Aug 27, 2013
have you not seen that copycraig website? sp..something. you habe an owner posting as 3 different mods and he likes all the posters insulting the women...and he even get a in on it
look at his ip Addy log. mostly all him... that's just plain creepy. and he takes money from those women too

there is your doucebag.
I don't think you can terminate one's employment just because they get sick, at least here in Canada. You can lay them off but I don't see that as being the Docs intention. Its unfortunate that she didn't have any disability benefits from her employment.
I had a similar situation years ago, where I acquired another business, and the two partners became employees. Sadly, within six months, one was diagnosed with a rare blood cancer. We had a decent benefit plan, but over time, those drug costs make their way into the premiums and for a small business, those several thousand dollars a month can be difficult... In our case, it was worse because we had bought this guys company, saving it, and him, from bankruptcy and loosing his home, and because of his illness, he couldn't work, so his clients really never moved over to us.

We didn't fire him, but asked him to resign, because the reality is that his illness and inability to work would have put us out of business eventually. In Ontario, there is something called the Trillium Fund that will cover the cost of drugs for those in need. It was actually WAY cheaper for him to collect this benefit than it was to collect from our insurance company, since there was no co-pay. He understood, but his wife wanted to suit us and continued to threaten to do so long after he had passed away. Remember that this guy was an employee for about six months before he got sick, so as much as I liked the guy, it was difficult to justify risking the business and the livelihoods of 40-odd people for him.

In the case of this Doctor, if he didn't have a benefit plan for his staff, then the best thing for her may have been to terminate her so she could collect a government benefit. As employers, as much as might care about the well-being of an employee, sometimes the fiscal reality of the situation dictates an apparently "harsh" approach

Anyway, my point is that sometimes not everything is the way it appears to be...


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
I had a similar situation years ago, where I acquired another business, and the two partners became employees. Sadly, within six months, one was diagnosed with a rare blood cancer. We had a decent benefit plan, but over time, those drug costs make their way into the premiums and for a small business, those several thousand dollars a month can be difficult... In our case, it was worse because we had bought this guys company, saving it, and him, from bankruptcy and loosing his home, and because of his illness, he couldn't work, so his clients really never moved over to us.

We didn't fire him, but asked him to resign, because the reality is that his illness and inability to work would have put us out of business eventually. In Ontario, there is something called the Trillium Fund that will cover the cost of drugs for those in need. It was actually WAY cheaper for him to collect this benefit than it was to collect from our insurance company, since there was no co-pay. He understood, but his wife wanted to suit us and continued to threaten to do so long after he had passed away. Remember that this guy was an employee for about six months before he got sick, so as much as I liked the guy, it was difficult to justify risking the business and the livelihoods of 40-odd people for him.

In the case of this Doctor, if he didn't have a benefit plan for his staff, then the best thing for her may have been to terminate her so she could collect a government benefit. As employers, as much as might care about the well-being of an employee, sometimes the fiscal reality of the situation dictates an apparently "harsh" approach

Anyway, my point is that sometimes not everything is the way it appears to be...
Great points. Generally, employers try to look after their employees. There are always bastards out there though. Employers do need to learn how to protect themselves better than this doctor did. A handwritten letter doesn't cut it.
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