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Double standards


Well-known member
Nov 25, 2005
No, Canada has laws against hate speech.
That's more valued then total freedom of speech here.

So the hate speech is a crime here.
So what the guy was doing in that video was hate speech?

Can you assault someone in front of at least 3 cops and get away with it?


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
So what the guy was doing in that video was hate speech?

Can you assault someone in front of at least 3 cops and get away with it?
So what you are posting about is police failing to protect hate-speech?

Or if the guy's sign wasn't hateful, just stupidly and deliberately provocative and disrespectful of the victim and those mourning them, then you're posting about the police failing to predict and stop the altercation?

As has been pointed out in another thread about bigots and assault, the courts are full of this petty stuff. Thanks to anti-tax conservatives they're backlogged with hundreds of serious crimes, another deliberate troublemaker whining about the lesson he got is the last thing they need.

Free speech has never meant there will be no reaction. Anyway he got his speech publicized and his fifteen minutes.

Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
Let the man be arrested if he is spreading hate speech but let the man who assaulted him be arrested for assault too.

Why the fuck is this so hard to understand???


Feb 16, 2013
Let the man be arrested if he is spreading hate speech but let the man who assaulted him be arrested for assault too.

Why the fuck is this so hard to understand???
I have no problem with Alt Right bigots getting arrested AND pushed into a fountain.

All good.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Anti-Islam protester thrown into fountain at Danforth shooting memorial

A crowd of angry Torontonians confronted a man who held up an anti-Islam sign at the site of the Danforth Avenue shooting, with one of them eventually throwing the man into a fountain.

Video of the Friday afternoon incident shows the man standing in front of the fountain at Alexander the Great Parkette, which has turned into a memorial for victims of Sunday’s shooting, and engaging in a shouting match with people over his sign.

The sign read “C.B.C. presents” on top, followed by two lines below, “Little Mosque on the praire [sic]” and below that, “Two dead girls in Greek Town.”

“Little Mosque on the Prairie” was a CBC sitcom about the lives of small-town Muslim Canadians, while Greektown is the neighbourhood in which police say 29-year-old Faisal Hussain opened fire, killing two and injuring 13.

At one point early in the video, a man stepped up to the protester and yelled, “Not all Muslims are bad,” to which the protester retorted, “I don’t know about Muslims, I talked about Islam!”

A woman wearing a head covering is then seen trying in vain to seize the protester’s sign, which he held high above his head, while the gathered crowd chanted “Shame! Shame!”

However, another man then appeared and grabbed the protester, hurling him into the fountain to cheers from many in the crowd.

The protester continued to hold up his sign while lying on his back in the water, before standing back up with sign still in hand. Police officers eventually ushered the man away from the area.

Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
I have no problem with Alt Right bigots getting arrested AND pushed into a fountain.

All good.
That is fine. I am not saying that seeing the man wet was not fun but as far as law is concerned, why can both not be arrested and held accountable for their actions?


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
That is fine. I am not saying that seeing the man wet was not fun but as far as law is concerned, why can both not be arrested and held accountable for their actions?
Or everyone allowed to go on their way after a stern talking-to that was too dull to video. Because this was all way below the standard of anything the criminal law is needed for.

Simple good sense and common courtesy should have been enough to keep it from ever happening. And certainly from being a political post in the Lounge on a pooner's board.

Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
Or everyone allowed to go on their way after a stern talking-to that was too dull to video. Because this was all way below the standard of anything the criminal law is needed for.

Simple good sense and common courtesy should have been enough to keep it from ever happening. Or being part of a political post on a pooner's board.
Except if you read the article, this man had already caused enough drama on a few different occasions. His purpose there is cause drama and upset. That is clear. To preserve what the majority are trying to do, arrest the man. His message, his way, is not needed. You want to talk about true concerns regarding extremist, do it the right way.

On the other side of the coin, the man who got physical first should also be arrested. It is again, not how you properly handle the situation. The women who was grabbing at the sign, if she did not touch him, then she should be warned. As well as the guy in the green.

We have a system for a reason. Use it and use it right.


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
I have no problem with Alt Right bigots getting arrested AND pushed into a fountain.

All good.
It does feel good I will admit...however, so much of the alt-right is about provoking this exact sort of incident in order tp play into their persecution narrative. If you ask any ex-Aryan supremacist or ex-klansman they reported people assaulting or harassing them just further reinforced and hardened their beliefs. It was everyday people from the class of people they hate who show them kindness and dignity that cause them to re-think their racist beliefs.


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2017
Except if you read the article, this man had already caused enough drama on a few different occasions. His purpose there is cause drama and upset. That is clear. To preserve what the majority are trying to do, arrest the man. His message, his way, is not needed. You want to talk about true concerns regarding extremist, do it the right way.

On the other side of the coin, the man who got physical first should also be arrested. It is again, not how you properly handle the situation. The women who was grabbing at the sign, if she did not touch him, then she should be warned. As well as the guy in the green.

We have a system for a reason. Use it and use it right.
Why should the woman just get a warning?
She was attempting to steal his personal property, no?
If I only ATTEMPT to rob a bank, I should only get a warning?

Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
Why should the woman just get a warning?
She was attempting to steal his personal property, no?
If I only ATTEMPT to rob a bank, I should only get a warning?
She didn't attempt to steal it. Come on now. Don't be silly.

I couldn't tell if she touched him at all and was just thinking along the lines of assaults only. If she didn't touch him while grabbing at it, then warning what could have happened legally if she had touched him.

I am sure there is some other type of charge that could be laid. I was only thinking in terms assault or no assault.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
oagre is always late to the punch :(


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Of course it's a double standard. If you threw a Muslim in the fountain you'd be famous.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Except if you read the article, this man had already caused enough drama on a few different occasions. His purpose there is cause drama and upset. That is clear. To preserve what the majority are trying to do, arrest the man. His message, his way, is not needed. You want to talk about true concerns regarding extremist, do it the right way.

On the other side of the coin, the man who got physical first should also be arrested. It is again, not how you properly handle the situation. The women who was grabbing at the sign, if she did not touch him, then she should be warned. As well as the guy in the green.

We have a system for a reason. Use it and use it right.
I agree the Sign-Bozo was a deliberate trouble-maker, and that good, ordinary street-police work should have identified him as such and lead to a stern warning when he showed up, that provoking a disturbance would get him charged and removed. But given the low taxes we pay, getting good police work isn't easy, particularly at low-threat gatherings like the Danforth memorial. I'd bet none of the duty cops had been assigned there before and could recognize the man. And even if that shift been briefed about him, it would have been without a photo.

Both sides got what they wanted: Sign-Bozo got attention and can claim he's a victim of Muslim terror, and Pusher doused the hothead who sparked him and can claim, 'I took him out!'. Then it was stopped. I don't see how we, or they would come out better served or better behaved, if we'd gone on to waste tens of thousands in tax-money arresting, charging, holding and trying them. That would just tie up Crowns and Judges we haven't the money to hire, in courtrooms that we don't have enough of, for prosecuting the real serious crimes we hve too many of. And what for? To give Bozo and Pusher lifetime criminal records?

Better for the community and everyone to put those tens of thousands of dollars into having enough police wher they're needed, so we can once again see neighbourhood cops who know their people by name and are truly keepers of the peace. However you and I and the rest of us will have to grow the backbone to pay for them (no matter what DoFo promises for nothoing). But before we get to that small stuff, we need to pay for what it already really costs to deal with the dangerous and destructive folks who do the serious crimes. Check the out the tale of the shooter's brother: Typical story of taxpayer stinginess forcing the under-resourced back-end of the system to release and lose track of as fast as the under-resourced front-end can manage to get them arrested. We're hundreds of millions behind where we should be already, never mind what having something better would cost.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2009
Going to a memorial with that kind of messaging when emotions are running high makes it no surprise the guy was pushed into the fountain. He was there to get a reaction and, IMO, he got the reaction he deserved. Of course the pusher could be charged with assault and the protestor might be charged with hate speech. Let the courts decide but I hope they don't have to because it is a giant waste of time and money. This is all penny ante stuff.

IMO, protesting at the memorial is an asshole move but, of course, being an asshole isn't a crime in Canada. Whether his actions amount to hate speech can only be decided by judicial process. That said, I am sure this guy has a long track record to be drawn upon if the law wants to build a case.
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