Except if you read the article, this man had already caused enough drama on a few different occasions. His purpose there is cause drama and upset. That is clear. To preserve what the majority are trying to do, arrest the man. His message, his way, is not needed. You want to talk about true concerns regarding extremist, do it the right way.
On the other side of the coin, the man who got physical first should also be arrested. It is again, not how you properly handle the situation. The women who was grabbing at the sign, if she did not touch him, then she should be warned. As well as the guy in the green.
We have a system for a reason. Use it and use it right.
I agree the Sign-Bozo was a deliberate trouble-maker, and that good, ordinary street-police work should have identified him as such and lead to a stern warning when he showed up, that provoking a disturbance would get him charged and removed. But given the low taxes we pay, getting good police work isn't easy, particularly at low-threat gatherings like the Danforth memorial. I'd bet none of the duty cops had been assigned there before and could recognize the man. And even if that shift been briefed about him, it would have been without a photo.
Both sides got what they wanted: Sign-Bozo got attention and can claim he's a victim of Muslim terror, and Pusher doused the hothead who sparked him and can claim, 'I took him out!'. Then it was stopped. I don't see how we, or they would come out better served or better behaved, if we'd gone on to waste tens of thousands in tax-money arresting, charging, holding and trying them. That would just tie up Crowns and Judges we haven't the money to hire, in courtrooms that we don't have enough of, for prosecuting the real serious crimes we hve too many of. And what for? To give Bozo and Pusher lifetime criminal records?
Better for the community and everyone to put those tens of thousands of dollars into having enough police wher they're needed, so we can once again see neighbourhood cops who know their people by name and are truly keepers of the peace. However you and I and the rest of us will have to grow the backbone to pay for them (no matter what DoFo promises for nothoing). But before we get to that small stuff, we need to pay for what it already really costs to deal with the dangerous and destructive folks who do the serious crimes. Check the out the tale of the shooter's brother: Typical story of taxpayer stinginess forcing the under-resourced back-end of the system to release and lose track of as fast as the under-resourced front-end can manage to get them arrested. We're hundreds of millions behind where we should be already, never mind what having something better would cost.