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Don't Pay for Sex - Globe and Mail


New member
Sep 5, 2005
This person has no qualifications to be dispensing relationship advice, quite frankly. She is quite naive.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
This person has no qualifications to be dispensing relationship advice, quite frankly. She is quite naive.
She should have a talk with Brynn Winters. Her old blog site is still up BTW. Very interesting insights from someone inside the industry and not in dream land like the Globe reporter.


Active member
Jun 12, 2012
Didn't read any responses, but I stopped reading this person's piece after this:

At issue is what values embody worthwhile sex, and my philosophy is this: Whether it happens during a one-night stand, a summer fling, a friends-with-benefit arrangement or a life-long marriage, there must be a base human connection – two willing, interested humans agreeing to a good time – and a special, intimate experience.

This person doesn't think sex workers and their clients can have this type of relationship, and that is their biggest issue with it? Then I don't care what else he/(most likely)she has to say.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
The writer is a bimbo. If one finds a good sp who one clicks with, the encounter has fun, warmth , sensuality and erotic passion. Even if she is only a good actor, if she can convince the patron that there is a connection and passion, the mission has been accomplished, and without all the guessing, expectations and head games of dating a civilian. Some people prefer this at certain times and that does not mean that they are incapable of relating to people. It means there are many possibilities and options and we are free to engage in any and/or all of them if we so wish.
Does paying a teacher devalue the fine art of imparting knowledge ? Does the writer here get paid for her narrow, biased, relationship moralizing?
I repeat...never take advice from a hypocrite.


New member
Jul 12, 2003
Let's face it, for centuries, women have been using sex as a weapon against men.

If the wife is pissed off for some god knows why reason, they withhold sex and reduce the man to a squeaking gerbil begging for ass until he more than caves in.

Ah, but how well does that ages old tactic work if a simple monetary exchange takes away all the poison. $250.00 and it all goes away. No need for the man to beg on his knees. Call girls take all the power away from women and these days, call girls are more and more readily available, better looking than ever, and providing better service than ever. (The much vaunted "Girlfriend Experience".)

So, why do you think that women despise prostitutes so much? Women hate prostitutes because they take away their power over men, not because of any other esoteric reason that this journalist may want you to believe. It's all about control and power.
And before porn and plastic surgical body enhancement, women with Lena Dunham bodies, National Geographic tits, and protruding bellies, AKA 'Real Women', also had that power over men. It's the old 'people should be ashamed of what their naked body looks like, the way The Good Lord intended. Why do you think people have sex in the dark?' argument.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Civilian woman simply has no business advising men on paying for sex. What the fuck does she know about males' access to sex? She has a vagina therefore she can have sex whenever she wants with more than 50% of male population. Only male celebrities enjoy that sort of access to sex. This is like Ashton Kutcher advising on sex for money (oh wait he did, this piece of shit hypocrite).

I do not advise starving African kids on nutrition and appetite issues. And civvy women and male celebs should shut the fuck up as well when it comes to paying for sex.

Charley LaRoux

Your Fiery Feline!
Sep 3, 2011
Downtown Toronto
'At issue is what values embody worthwhile sex, and my philosophy is this: Whether it happens during a one-night stand, a summer fling, a friends-with-benefit arrangement or a life-long marriage, there must be a base human connection – two willing, interested humans agreeing to a good time – and a special, intimate experience.

“There’s an element of trust, safety, respect with any sexual partner,” agrees Dr. Stephen de Wit, a sexologist I talked to last week about what makes good sex (and with a PhD in human sexuality, he knows a thing or two about good sex). Even a casual, Internet-brokered one-night stand would be good for my reader in need, de Wit says.

“You’ve entered into some sort of arrangement or relationship with that person; you’re still caring about each other for that one night, or that one orgasm, whatever that is.”'


Like Jessica said, this is exactly the type of relationship I have with the majority of my clients. I hate this kind of moralizing about sex. Sounds like she has a saviour complex: she wants to talk to us/strippers about night school. Lady, I bet you $1000, I am better educated than you are. And you want me to walk your dog?!? How about you walk mine because I can probably pay you better than you can pay me.


And like Riley said, absolutely whore-phobia. Aren't you scared of diseases?? Please. That woman you picked up in the bar probably does not get regular STI testing, and is A LOT more likely to have had unprotected sex with random people. Not that I am moralizing about so-called "slutty behaviour" - I have no problem with it whatsoever. But to suggest that professional sex workers are less concerned about safer sex than the average sexually active woman is, simply, BS. If anything, we are the experts in safer sex.

[Okay, RANT OVER. Ha!]



Well-known member
Apr 18, 2009
'I hate this kind of moralizing about sex. Sounds like she has a saviour complex: she wants to talk to us/strippers about night school. Lady, I bet you $1000, I am better educated than you are. And you want me to walk your dog?!? How about you walk mine because I can probably pay you better than you can pay me.


[Okay, RANT OVER. Ha!]

Amen CL!

Amberly M is a condescending, moralizing little bitch. She want to offer girls to walk her dog or go to night school?!?! What a self-entitled, clueless, self-righteous, snob...
I could go on, but I don't want to get all worked up. It's a nice weekend to get laid :)


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
The writer is a bimbo. If one finds a good sp who one clicks with, the encounter has fun, warmth , sensuality and erotic passion. Even if she is only a good actor, if she can convince the patron that there is a connection and passion, the mission has been accomplished, and without all the guessing, expectations and head games of dating a civilian. Some people prefer this at certain times and that does not mean that they are incapable of relating to people. It means there are many possibilities and options and we are free to engage in any and/or all of them if we so wish.
Does paying a teacher devalue the fine art of imparting knowledge ? Does the writer here get paid for her narrow, biased, relationship moralizing?
I repeat...never take advice from a hypocrite.
If the writer in the OP's article is a 'bimbo', then this so called 'journalist' has gone a serious bug up her ass: Based on her attitude, maybe she'd benefit from having something up her ass. "Despite those stories about high-class call girls, its practitioners are overwhelmingly the most wretched girls and women in society." No surprise from someone that was disciplined for plagiarism.

You can almost hear her Harvard law professor accent and see up her nose it's so high. The second comment from the link above is pretty much dead on. "Granted, but how is this different from any other comodification of labour and the opening of markets to take advantage of large numbers of the desperate?"


Mar 21, 2011
Its kind of like saying actors or musicians can't enjoy their jobs because they are jobs they are paid to do.
Just because you're being paid doesn't preclude the possibility of connection, pleasure or joy.
Doesn't happen often, but if it didn't occasionally lots of us wouldn't be here.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
Its kind of like saying actors or musicians can't enjoy their jobs because they are jobs they are paid to do.
Just because you're being paid doesn't preclude the possibility of connection, pleasure or joy.
Doesn't happen often, but if it didn't occasionally lots of us wouldn't be here.
Agree with you there groggy. Just because the you're only spending half hour, hour, 2 hour long, etc. with the other person, doesn't mean there's no connection at all. The connection is just compressed.
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