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"Don't complain Mohammed, we've all been caricatured here."

May 3, 2004
PARIS - A French newspaper reprinted on Wednesday a series of 12 Danish newspaper cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed that have sparked protests in the Muslim world and prompted Saudi Arabia to recall its ambassador from Denmark.

With a mounting diplomatic storm, calls for a boycott of Danish goods and flag-burning protests, Danish security police met Muslim religious leaders in a bid to contain any domestic reaction to cartoons first run by the Jyllands-Posten paper.

Police said they had won a pledge from Denmark’s imams to work to prevent an escalation of the row while the France Soir daily said it had published the cartoons in the name of freedom of expression and to fight religious intolerance.

“Because no religious dogma can impose its view on a democratic and secular society, France Soir publishes the incriminated cartoons,” the paper said.

Under a headline “Yes, we have the right to caricature God,” the paper ran a front page cartoon with Buddha, the Christian and Jewish Gods and the Prophet Mohammed sitting on a cloud above Earth, with the Christian God saying: “Don’t complain Mohammed, we’ve all been caricatured here.”

France Soir, which is in financial difficulties and looking for a buyer, devoted two inside pages to the Danish cartoons, with editor Serge Faubert unapologetic.

“Enough lessons from these reactionary bigots! There is nothing in these incriminated cartoons that intends to be racist or denigrate any community as such,” he wrote in a commentary.
May 3, 2004
BBC news:

Newspapers across Europe have reprinted caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad to show support for a Danish paper whose cartoons have sparked Muslim outrage.

Seven publications in France, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy and Spain all carried some of the drawings.

Their release in Denmark has led to protests in Arab nations, diplomatic sanctions and death threats.

Islamic tradition bans depictions of the Prophet, but media watchdogs defend press freedom to publish the images.

Reporters Without Borders said the reaction in the Arab world "betrays a lack of understanding" of press freedom as "an essential accomplishment of democracy."

'Spiting Muslims'

France Soir and Germany's Die Welt are among the leading papers to reprint the cartoons, which first appeared in Denmark last September.
1 Feb: Papers in France, Germany, Italy and Spain reprint cartoons

The caricatures include drawings of Muhammad wearing a headdress shaped like a bomb, while another shows him saying that paradise was running short of virgins for suicide bombers.

In Berlin, Die Welt argued there was a right to blaspheme in the West, and asked whether Islam was capable of coping with satire.

"The protests from Muslims would be taken more seriously if they were less hypocritical," it wrote in an editorial.

La Stampa in Italy, El Periodico in Spain and Dutch paper Volkskrank also carried some of the drawings, while France Soir reprinted the full set.

It did so to show "religious dogma" had no place in a secular society, the paper said.

European Muslims spoke out against the pictures.

The president of the French Council of the Muslim Faith (CFCM), Dalil Boubakeur, described France Soir's move as an act of "real provocation towards the millions of Muslims living in France".

In Germany, the vice-chairman of the central council of Muslims said Muslims would be deeply offended.

"It was done not to defend freedom of the press, but to spite the Muslims," Mohammad Aman Hobohm said.

The clash of societies and cultures are on in full display here. Certain segments(and large segments) of Muslim society are so sensitive, delicate and pristine as a thorny rose bush that they become so offended, rigfhteously indignant, and threateningly violent to any perceived slight.

The truly sad thing is that they have been using this "VICTIMIZATION" card for far too long, far too hypocritcally, and far too self-justifyingly to excuse their violent actions.

Pictures of the so called images can be found at this link halfway down
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Cinema Face

New member
Mar 1, 2003
The Middle Kingdom
I wonder who's going to die for it.

We need more proof that Islam is a "peaceful" religion.

remember Theo van gogh.

Remember the Miss universe pagent in Nigeria.
May 3, 2004
UN to Investigate Racism of Danish Cartoonists
From the desk of Paul Belien on Wed, 2005-12-07 20:46
Fjordman, the Norwegian blogger (how sorely his invaluable reports from Scandinavia will be missed when he quits blogging next week) reports that Louise Arbour, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, has expressed her concern over the 12 cartoons [see them here] depicting the prophet Muhammad which were published in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten last September. Ms Arbour says that the UN experts on racism will deal with the matter.

The 56 member countries of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) are currently meeting in Mecca to discuss joint action against Denmark because the Danish government has refused to call Jyllands-Posten to account and restrict the freedom of the Danish press. According to Muslims it is blasphemy to depict the prophet and the paper should apologize for having done so. Eleven Muslim ambassadors to Copenhagen had asked the Danish Prime Minister to ensure that such an apology would be forthcoming.

In a message to the OIC, the UN’s High Commissioner for Human Rights states: “I understand your concerns and would like to emphasize that I regret any statement or act that could express a lack of respect for the religion of others.” In a complaint to the High Commissioner, the 56 Islamic governments asked Louise Arbour to raise the matter with the Danish government “to help contain this encroachment on Islam, so the situation will not get out of control.” Muslim radicals have threathened to murder the Danish cartoonists and take revenge with bloodshed in Denmark.

According to the director of the Danish Center for Human Rights, Morten Kjærum, “the concern of the High Commissioner reflects that the ban on discrimination is one of the most important and general within human rights law, because we know how disastrous it is when different groups are pitted against one another.”

Over the past three months this case has become a major international incident. Curiously enough, to our knowledge it has hardly been reported in the non-Danish mainstream media.

I note that the usual suspects are taking their usual proscribed routes: The UN intends to investigate the HORRENDOUS HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSE of the blasphemous cartoons, and the Muslim radicals are threatening to MURDER THE DANISH CARTOONISTS AND TO TAKE REVENGE WITH BLOODSHED IN DENMARK.

How fuckin fitting that the radical Muslim response, 'MURDER AND BLOODSHED', so aptly displays the reality portrayed in the cartoons.
May 3, 2004
Bounty Offered for Murdering Cartoonists
From the desk of Hjörtur Gudmundsson on Sun, 2005-12-04 00:26
The Danish Foreign ministry has warned Danish citizens not to travel to Pakistan. The Pakistani religious party Jamaat-e-Islami and its youth branch have offered a bounty for anyone who murders the Danish illustators who drew cartoons of Muhammad for the Danish daily newspaper Jyllands-Posten. Last September the newspaper asked twelve cartoonists to draw the pictures to test whether there was freedom of expression in Denmark after a Danish author had complained that no-one was willing to illustrate his Muhammad book. Muslims regard it as blasphemy to depict the Prophet.

Art imititating life?


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
If the Danish cartoonist values his life he should shack up with Rushdie in a remote mountain getaway in Utah.

The biggest problem I see with these cartoons is that they are somewhat funny making them even more popular.


Active member
Oct 12, 2005
sancta simplicitas

Cinema Face said:
We need more proof that Islam is a "peaceful" religion.
I'd say we need the same for Christianity. From the Crusades--I know they're forgotten here, but--hey, go figure!--for some reason they ain't in the ME--to Pat Robertson, Christianity has rarely encountered a problem it can't solve with a gun.



New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
maxweber said:
I'd say we need the same for Christianity. From the Crusades--I know they're forgotten here, but--hey, go figure!--for some reason they ain't in the ME--to Pat Robertson, Christianity has rarely encountered a problem it can't solve with a gun.


BTW Robertson is not Christianity he is but one fool

Come on you have to be a bit more current


New member
Jul 14, 2003
papasmerf said:

BTW Robertson is not Christianity he is but one fool

Come on you have to be a bit more current
Tell that to the millions of his supporters, and to the President whom he advises.

Remember papa, Robertson may be a fool, but he's YOUR fool.
May 3, 2004
TOVisitor said:
Tell that to the millions of his supporters, and to the President whom he advises.

Remember papa, Robertson may be a fool, but he's YOUR fool.
Boo! There's a Christo-fascist under your bed. Better pray to Allah.


Nov 3, 2002
I'm not a fan of organized religion of any kind, being a happy heathen myself. However, sitting as an offside observer here, it does seem to me that you'd never see anything this repugnant in a Christian reaction to something that might be considered offensive to that group.

For instance, take for example the regular ribbing Christianity gets on "South Park". Though Jesus is normally depicted as a hippy-dippy, peacenik resident of the town who happens to have his own community TV call-in show, he was seen in one episode to take up arms and head into Iraq one fine Christmas in order to free a captured Santa Claus from Muslim extremists. Apparently, when up against the wall, Jesus can go on a major killing spree with automatic weapons.

Also, Jesus's dad has been revealed on "South Park" to be a rather hideous, though benevolent, reptilian monstrosity (showing himself most reluctantly, by the way, after first warning mankind that they might not be able to handle such an unpleasant truth). Again, I'm sure this might be considered offensive by some Christians, however, the difference here is the reaction to it, or more precisely, the lack thereof.

You see, the vast majority of Christians, even if they considered these cartoon portrayals somewhat offensive, would more than likely just shrug it off. Many would undoubtedly get the joke and laugh along with the rest of us. Some might feel compelled to write a letter of protest to Nickelodeon, perhaps threatening to boycott the products of the advertisers. They might even silently pray for the souls of those who produced the show. But here's the big difference between modern-day Christians and Muslims: Not even one offended Christian would call for the imprisonment or the death of anyone connected with the making of the show. Sadly, more than just a few Muslims seem to be without humour and are too quick to condemn to death anybody who dares to show their beloved Mohammed or Allah in a less than favorable light. I guess only we Western infidels enjoy a little joke at our own expense. I'm just glad I live in a country where freedom of expression includes humour.


New member
Mar 21, 2005
Police said they had won a pledge from Denmark’s imams to work to prevent an escalation of the row while the France Soir daily said it had published the cartoons in the name of freedom of expression and to fight religious intolerance.

“Because no religious dogma can impose its view on a democratic and secular society, France Soir publishes the incriminated cartoons,” the paper said.
Yeah, yeah, they're the greatest freethinkers in French history since Voltaire :rolleyes:

Blaspheming a major world religion just to prove you can strikes me as pretty puerile.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
TOVisitor said:
Tell that to the millions of his supporters, and to the President whom he advises.

Remember papa, Robertson may be a fool, but he's YOUR fool.
Only fool I got is one by the handle of TOV since Alien disappeared


New member
Mar 17, 2003
What a surprise!
An intolerant religion!


New member
Mar 17, 2003
I don't know where to begin with that last statement.
So, I'll just .......
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