The One Spa

does this kind of service provider exist?


New member
Feb 28, 2009
You forgot to mention our experienced tongues, and ability not to finish in 3 minutes :)

When it comes to sex, I have always wished I could go back in time to my teens and 20s with the knowledge and experience I have now.

the longer it takes, the better it feels!

You are right luv2fress the older you are the more experience and better you are going to get, most kids these days don't know what real sex is all about, they are either lazy to satisfied a woman or just plain selfish (of course I'm talking about with your real gfs not with SPs because in that case you have the right to be selfish since you are paying).

I used to be like that (selfish and lazy in bed) from my teens years up to my college years, and like the old saying goes "practice makes perfect" so by the time I was in my late 20s I change my whole attitude towards sex, which took my whole sex experience into another level.

Anyways, just to give my 2 cents about this thread, I agree that you are not going to find what you are looking for here, rates are rates and no one will lower the prices just because you are young and handsome, this is a business transaction. The thing you can do is befriend them first, pay the regular rate and try to become their friend, once they know you are a great catch, for example someone who treats her right, who makes her feel special, and who is great in bed, then you can start getting freebies. But is not going to work with all of them so you got to be patient, another thing you can do is offer her your service like someone mention before, for example I help to build a website to a sp before and she always gave me freebies when she wanted to make updates or changes to her website. Of course the maintenance work I did was very easy and I kind of feel guilty charging her too much, BUT our relationship was more like 2 buddies helping eachother out, if you know what I mean.

By the way guys, do any of you know a SP name "Abby" she is filipina in her 20s short pretty, I been going out with her for afew months now and my friend just told me she used to be a SP afew years ago. I search her here but can not find anything about her, just other Abbys from other countries but not filipina. If any of you guys know about her let me know I just need to know if she used to be a SP or not.


New member
Apr 16, 2013
There are quite a bit hon! A lot of ladies are actually genuine. Law of attraction states that if you put out that energy when you come into the room, an intuitive lady will respond in that same way. Don't be afraid to look for that, I am sure you'll find your ideal companion, in one or two places! good luck ;)
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