Does the feeling ever go away ?


Senior Retired User
Jan 16, 2004
retired from the game
As a long time hobbiest, short time board member, I have a question of both the ladies and guys on this board.

How do you feel right after a date?


Aug 26, 2003
Way Out West
Still not there yet...

Despite being a regular for a few ladies, I do feel it still. I guess, because I like the extended time and the getting to know the lady first and continueing to contact her afterward, that it helps a bit, but it still reminds me of what I am missing.


New member
Jun 26, 2002
johnnyhandsome said:
$ 300 poorer.
Yup, I hear ya bro. After dates I used to feel empty no matter how good it went. The money is gone (money I always told myself should have gone to something else -amazing how the brain works after the orgasm-), the door slams shut, the connection is severed, only an hour has's worse when I've seen the next client after me which has happened (at mp's all the time but a few times with an sp). A cold reminder that it's all business.

Then I'd tell myself, hey...I'm young, why the hell am I paying for an hour with a girl I should be romancing off the clock? It put me into a fitness craze. Cardio days, alternated by weightlifting, 5 or 6 days a week. Got into the best shape of my life, and still improving. After the first few normal dates I had since 2 years of hobbying, I still remember thinking, wow, I slept over all night, should be out $1500. When I left, nothing but smiles.

If you feel bad after a date, your mind is telling you something. Listen to the message. That's what hobbying basically is, raw and physical. It serves a great purpose but does it suit your purpose Ham?



Excitable Boy
Feb 15, 2004
I've been seeing a favourite SP for a few months. This technique has helped me to figure out where she fits into my life.

Think about your encounters, try to be objective about your feelings and observations. In your writing discuss the following:

1) The woman her personality and appearance.
2) How she makes you feel during the encounter.
3) Positive and negative observations of her words and actions.
3) How you feel afterwards.
4) Do you communicate between encounters. How do you feel about these interactions.
6) What's good for you in the relationship/s.
7) What bothers you about the relationship.
8) Is it all worth it?

I think that putting my thoughts into print forces me to think logically and objectively about the relationship. Reading it later really puts things into perspective.

When good sex is involved it's difficult for me to keep emotions from dominating. Lots of different and conflicting thoughts can whirl around in your head especially if she has pushed the right buttons. This approach may help you to sort out reality from fantasy.

Hope this helps. Works for me.


Feb 9, 2004
While I was married and indulged in the "hobby", I felt terrible afterwards. The guilt, as well as the unanswered question to myself as to "why" I felt I needed to see an SP in the first place...

But since I've been single again - 2 yrs now - and very busy with both work and spending a lot of time with my kids, and having zero inclination towards getting into a relationship, it actually feels GREAT when I treat myself to one of my regulars every couple of weeks.....I think of the lady as my "unofficial girlfriend".....and I no longer feel any need from the opposite sex until the next time.

But if you are wanting to find a woman to enter into a relatioship with...then I can definately see that indulging with an SP will not serve to lessen your resolve, in fact she may leave you feeling worse....

wrong hole

May 4, 2003
25 malbury lane
Trust me.....the burning sensation goes away after a while
ham2004 said:
As a long time hobbiest, short time board member, I have a question of both the ladies and guys on this board.

How do you feel right after a date?

A couple of hundreds poorer. Still better than spending the same dough on "civilian" GF with questionable results, or at the Woodbine Racing.

Exhausted and would like to sleep, especially after a date with hot SP.

Hungry and wanna eat chocolate or ice-cream. No apple pie :D

Savour the time we were together and feel at ease when thinking of her scent (VS is my favorite) and beautifully laced lingerie. Imagine how wonderful it is only if she's your real girlfriend....not a chance in your lifetime.


Take a shower. Waiting for next "Romeo". If there's no appointment, watch TV and see what's up on the channel.

Chat with another SP on anything and tell all those s*@##y details of the previous clients if there's one, like how dumb was that when he had that puppy look, how butt ugly his body looked like or how wimpy he is when it come to the "main course"

Or the "horror" story like I can't believe he's that big and it hurts, or the flip side of the coin, I haven't seen guy like him having that size, with giggles.

Take a nap or play with the kittens or dogs. Have a smoke if she is a smoker.

Unwrap the gift if she gets one, tries it out right the way if possible. Saying Awww and he's so cute comments, even though he's a pansy and sorry ass inside out.

Ding Dong, your next "Romeo" is here.

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