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Does It Matter??


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
Just sitting here thinking about the odd Terb posts I've read over the years, and I wanted to touch on the issue of "service". I realize that SPs are running a business, and that as long as clients are clean and respectful, person "A" should receive relatively the same level of service as person "B". Furthermore, I am well aware that the ladies do not, or are at least not supposed to discriminate on the basis of a client's physical appearance (looks, weight etc.) or race et. al

The reason I bring this up is that I seem to recall an old thread dealing with a popular SP's refusal to see a client because he was too overweight. Apparently she had set up a casual meeting for coffee before the actual encounter to ensure compatability. She then told the client bluntly her reasons for not wishing to see him, and then directed him elsewhere. Naturally there was a resulting firestorm here on terb.

The fact that the SP in question was unbelievably rude not to mention completely tactless goes without saying. However, it is true that by the very nature of this line of work, SPs will be exposed to every variation when it comes to their individual clients. Since we are all human, would it not be fair to say that ladies may be somewhat less enthused seeing men who they find undesirable?? Cleanliness and politeness not withstanding, this could be a reason for an SP receiving Hot/Cold reviews due to chemistry.


New member
Nov 18, 2001
I think your assumption is correct. The "less enthused" phrase may also be a gross understatement, but many (most?) are good actresses and the client many never know. For those with less acting ability it could result in a negative review.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
I think most SP's are very good at looking past a client's physical imperfections to deliver fairly consistent service. I'm far from being a model but for the most part I've received very liberal service from many different ladies. Since I know it's not my physical attributes, I put it down to the fact that most ladies appreciate my (hopefully) gentlemanly approach and cleanliness.

Having said that, SP's are only human and as such there are going to be certain (and different for each lady) things that turn them off enough to create a less than enthusiastic session. Can't be helped.


And very good at it
Oct 3, 2001
And this is precisely why every SP and every encounter should come with a YMMV disclaimer.....

An independent SP can choose her clientele, as she only has her own reputation to worry about and protect. An agency SP also has to satisfy her boss, and is in less of a position to decline service based on her own particular feelings toward a client.

Chemistry comes in many forms: some is strictly monetary (she will break the rules for you if you pay $$$ extra), some is physical attraction (she breaks her rules simply because you make her knees weak), some is emotional (she breaks her rules because she likes you and wants to keep you as a regular).

At the base, an SP has a bare minimum of expected services to perform for any client ("the wife experience" = lets get this over with). Her connection with you above and beyond that partly determines how much of an actress she cares to be. And yes, once in a rare while, she actually enjoys it as much as you do. Those are the ones you keep seeing.
May 4, 2005
It is a business but the services provided are extremely personal.

This comes up more often in the US, because there are some US SPs who do not see clients of color. It's a bit of a shock when you see on their web site that they only see caucasian men. Also, I have read about how the Nevada brothels also have secret codes to indicate to the ladies (before they come out) the race of the client.

As was discussed many times on the US boards, there really is nothing you can do except don't take it personally, and find another SP who will see you and give a better time. Sometimes the SP didn't say so on the website, or it was an agency SP and the agency's website didn't say anything, so this can be the cause of some disappointment.


Jan 31, 2005
I've had YMMV with the same SP. I think sometimes it depends how many others she's seen before you that same day too.
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