Documentary on sex slavery tonight CBC 8PM


New member
Aug 20, 2003
danmand said:
Believe me, I get your point loud and clear. I just completely disagree with you. I guess we should leave it like that. You are entitled to your opinion, and I am entitled to mine.

Ok let's just disagree but just to be clear I am an immigrant over 40 yrs ago.
It would be great to give everything free to everyone but tax dollars are not a bottomless pit.
Do you know there are children whose parents were born here that can't afford school books yet you want to give new immigrants and asian students all these freebies. That is why we will never agree.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
booboobear said:
Ok let's just disagree but just to be clear I am an immigrant over 40 yrs ago.
It would be great to give everything free to everyone but tax dollars are not a bottomless pit.
Do you know there are children whose parents were born here that can't afford school books yet you want to give new immigrants and asian students all these freebies. That is why we will never agree.
You don't want to stop arguing, do you? I have stated that I believe education should be free for everybody according to their abilities. Canada can surely afford that, and will have a very high ROI. But I don't want to argue with you anymore.


Bad girl Luv'r
Mar 21, 2004
At the range!!!
booboobear said:
I for one would never accept employment overseas without doing a thorough research.
Of course would go on the net, make a few calls, ask some people who have traveled abroad...right?

Maybe you could explain how someone in Muldova would go about doing employment research. :rolleyes:


off topic observation:
calloway that girl in your sig pic looks like she's 12 or 13.


Active member
Feb 25, 2003
Luv Natural Redheads
feminista said:
off topic observation:
calloway that girl in your sig pic looks like she's 12 or 13.
off topic observation: no... she's not underage. If you saw the rest of her pics... especially her face... you would retract your comments. I wouldn't post pics that were inappropriate. How is this one... better?

Dr. Faust

New member
Jan 6, 2002
Comments & Appropriate Research for this Thread.

Unfortunately I missed the CBC Show on Monday night.

Was it a true Documentary, based on a book by a Toronto Crime Journalist (it think it was Victor Malaryk?) called "The Natashas"?
Was it a re-run of a "Made for TV" Movie, supposedly based on the same book, that aired a while back?

This is what may be confusing some of the Posters on this Thread?

1.This Trafficking exists. Like some other Posters here, I have lived in Europe and the Third World and I know.

2.Those EE Providers that we "Outcallers" see are those that "Made it to Canada" and feel they are better off than those in some other countries (they're right!). I have had this confirmed by quite a few EE Ladies - and their various travel routes getting to Canada were very interesting...

3. I can't speak regarding the EE Providers in the Massage Parlour Market Segment - I have no experience there. However, I would think that it would be a more "controlled" environment.

4. Through this "Hobby", I have met some EE Ladies with looks, guts AND brains - Eva/Sherry (who has just retired and I wish her all the best!) Bobbi, Laney and there are others. Any "Boycott the EE Agencies" activities - and they have been proposed before - would bounce back on the girls themselves. That's the problem.

Relative to Points #2 & 3 above, here's a Link to a relatively recent StatsCan Study on this situation in Toronto. It's worth going through.

Just some thoughts and some information.


New member
Sep 29, 2004
feminista said:
As for your clothing-warrants-rape endorsement - it was obvious that you blame victims based on such nonsense. Thanks for admitting it.

Can you quote me where i said that, cause obviously you have misunderstood me and were quick to judge as stated before. Give me a break gal and go smoke a cigarete. And pleaze it's an expression, dont tell me you don't smoke or some smart stuff like that to pick on something.


Nov 24, 2004
Wit Jo Mama
I'm not going to flame you for your opinion but...
To pin the blame on men, now that's just ridiculous.
If a person knows that someone is a slave then there needs to be action. That I agree with. However, lets look at it from the "blokes" point of view.
It really is none of his business but that's harsh, cruel and impassionate. Not a good reason. The slavers are most likely extremely well organized criminals which we all know have a violent sector. They employ enforcers to dole out pain and punishment to those who step in their way. Do you expect a normal hobbiest to risk life and limb to help out a girl who he only wanted to fuck?

I'm playing devils advocate here. I think it's deplorable that the man still paid and had sex and then left. I think he should've called the cops and not had sex. He should've just walked out, paid his due to curb suspicion, call the cops once out of the situation and chalk up the money spent as a good cause. This is an ideal situation. Sadly, most PEOPLE, not just men, tend to care about their life and safety before others. And in all honesty, I can't really blame them.


New member
Aug 20, 2003
baci2004 said:
Of course would go on the net, make a few calls, ask some people who have traveled abroad...right?

Maybe you could explain how someone in Muldova would go about doing employment research. :rolleyes:

Maybe ask the police , a goverment official , a schoolteacher , someone with a little more experience / intelligence than they have . I just wonder how many of these " sex slaves " were originally told by someone that they should not take these offers but did anyway .


New member
Feb 10, 2005
Don't blame the victims even if they may have had an inkling that the offer wasn't completely on the up and up.
Some may have been willing to become dancers or even work as prostitutes for a short term but not locked up and confined as slaves.
Nobody would agree to that.


New member
Aug 20, 2003
Svend said:
Don't blame the victims even if they may have had an inkling that the offer wasn't completely on the up and up.
Some may have been willing to become dancers or even work as prostitutes for a short term but not locked up and confined as slaves.
Nobody would agree to that.
I don't totally blame the victims of course but I find it hard to believe that some of these girls were not warned . You know you can warn people not to try drugs but some still will.


and that drug analogy is retarded.

Choosing to use drugs has nothing to do with deception or force.

If those trafficking in women didn't keep them thru violence and were truthful about what is expected there would be no problem.


New member
Aug 20, 2003
feminista said:
and that drug analogy is retarded.

Choosing to use drugs has nothing to do with deception or force.

If those trafficking in women didn't keep them thru violence and were truthful about what is expected there would be no problem.
You obviously aren't reading the post , let me repeat , I have no doubt some girls were warned about these offers, not all but some , but they chose to ignore the warnings thinking they knew better . Just the same way some pwople are warned about drugs yet try them or warned some people are dangerous but hang out with them in other words I don't believe 100 % of these women ha d NO idea.


New member
Sep 29, 2004
feminista said:
and that drug analogy is retarded.

Choosing to use drugs has nothing to do with deception or force.

If those trafficking in women didn't keep them thru violence and were truthful about what is expected there would be no problem.

I am still waiting for a quote of my previous post.... Where you said "As for your clothing-warrants-rape endorsement - it was obvious that you blame victims based on such nonsense. Thanks for admitting it."

Could there not be one and you eat something brown again?


booboo:I have no doubt some girls were warned about these offers, not all but some , but they chose to ignore the warnings thinking they knew better . Just the same way some pwople are warned about drugs yet try them

The analogy still fails -unless you mean someone pretends to offer a girl a vitamin but it turns out to be a tablet from a bad batch of E.

A scenario comparing knowingly using drugs and not being decieved about it lacks major elements (deception & violence) of the "sex slave" scenario.

Being warned about the obvious pitfalls of drug use has no relation to being warned about taking a job as a maid abroad.


U state as fact (like U know) that 90% of "sex slaves" know what they are getting into.

I wonder why so many try to escape? Fickle I guess. Imprisonment fatigue?

In your next post you compare these sex-slaves to girls who go out at night alone & get raped.
tard:When you go by yourself as a girl out in the world shit might happen. Just like girls get raped in TO walking in the nightime
Basically your theory appears to be that shit happens to women who go out in the world alone and they should know better. They kinda bring this shit on themselves especially with rape....

Cuz next someone asks you if it would be your fault if some guy rapes you - and I said in your persona It depends what i was wearing and U agreed!!!!

U think what one wears justifies their own rape. U sooo fuckkked up!

Do you know that old ladies get raped? are they blameless or does what they wear make them somewhat culpible?


New member
Aug 20, 2003
feminista said:
Being warned about the obvious pitfalls of drug use has no relation to being warned about taking a job as a maid abroad.
Yes it does you just refuse to see the similarity , in both cases you were warned and yet you chose to ignore the warning . The point AGAIN is that I believe some of these girls were warned that these job offers were bogus yet chose to ignore the warning .


New member
Aug 20, 2003
Cute In A Kilt said:
. If you read Victor Malarek's book "the Sad Natashas" you'd understand, but obviously you don't. I'm half asian and even as a child I learned how easy it was to use herion to get a 13 year old into the sex industry. In one case the bastards kidnapped the girl for a Father's gambling debt, tied her to a bed and shot her full of herion for three days, after that she was their slave, this is nor some sordid story I heard of on the news, she was my best friend in grade 7, grade 7!!!.

Bah this is a emotional thread and there are more then a few asshats in the world and in this thread.

And just for the record I entered this field out of my own will, I talked to a whole bunch of friends in the field about the pros and cons... and let me tell you no matter how honest my friends were about this biz, it never really prepared me for the actual reality of it. So would it be my fault if I was raped during a call "because I was warned about it"?!?! No, but it still doesn't take away the fact that I'm in the biz and now I have to deal with that. So when someone from Canada tells you, that you can make a bizillion dollars being a nanny, deep down inside you MAY know it's too good to be true, but really what the fuck else can you do??? suburban kids getting high cause their bored is very different from this subject.

Just curious how the 13 yr old heroin addict sex slave managed to still be going to school. Yes everyone else is an asshat that disagrees with you . You even admit sure they may have known but gee what else can they do .
How do expect this exploitation to stop if that's your attitude. If you can't understand the drug comparison here's another one , you've been told not to go too near the tiger but being stubborn you decide to go , so you get attacked.

The author of a book will always sensationalize every situation to sell a book but I am sure not every girl in the business was shot up with heroin for 3 days to get her in.
I still say you offer no solutions I think educating young girls is the answer , why not have a campaign to start programs in these countries warning girls about the sex slave business.
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