Toronto Escorts

Do you think Regular Woman know all there is to offer in Ontario's Sex Industry


Senior Member
I think most civilian ( non-industry ) woman have know idea all the options available to us guys in this Very versatile Sex Industry in Ontario.
I think generally the whole population of Ontario has little idea what going on out here.
I mean us guys know, but how many others do you think are as aware of the huge options available
I think it would blow away many of those woman who think they can control a man with sex.

Gentle Ben

Senior Member
Jan 5, 2002
Unfortunately, I think most civilians think of the sex trade as drugs, aids, disease, dirty, street walkers, pimps, etc


New member
Sep 7, 2004
Gentle Ben said:
Unfortunately, I think most civilians think of the sex trade as drugs, aids, disease, dirty, street walkers, pimps, etc
And that is why you have to withhold information if you get into a relationship.


New member
Apr 21, 2007
Most people know that some guys can't get laid without paying for it or that some cheat on their partners. No news there, it's seen as pathetic.

They don't know how nice and normal some of the woman are, neither did I until I met a few. They'd be more understanding if they did.


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
trisket said:
Most people know that some guys can't get laid without paying for it or that some cheat on their partners. No news there, it's seen as pathetic.
This is the case for most Americans. Eventually the men are having to risk their lives from "the mouth" in male bathrooms from Republican US Senators and those that look like them. :p They can`t get a girl and many Amerrican women don`t know how to even give a handjob to those who try. Just a lot of loud-mouth talk in America and no sex.



PI: Privates Investigator
Feb 1, 2004
Living large on the harbour.
Toroz said:
OR, in a realtionship with someone who DOES get is sex, it's a fun, physical thing....the heart & mind are completely different.....
God bless my wife! :)


New member
Sep 7, 2004
Regular women would need someone to tell them about all thats available and who the hell is going to do that. I think most women expect that a man has paid for sex in his life and I've found they don't really give a hoot what you've done before. But if you tell them that you've seen 100 girls and spent thousands and thousands of dollars they'd be in shock.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
You seem to be suggesting...

Gentle Ben said:
Unfortunately, I think most civilians think of the sex trade as drugs, aids, disease, dirty, street walkers, pimps, etc

...that it isn't.

I think what you MEANT to say was "as ONLY drugs, aids, disease....".

That said...I'd guess that there is more "drugs and pimps" HERE than you feel comfortable admitting to yourself.

And in regards to aids and disease, well, if you think every sex worker follows the example Robyn gave for self maintenance and preservation, you are kidding yourself.

I think just like many hobbyist like to pretend "the hobby" is so much more cheaper than dating, I think they also like to pretend EVERY escort is a $400/hr, Master's Degree having, Condo living, BMW driving independent...even when they are paying $100 for 30min with some 19yo...


Apr 3, 2002
Never the safest place
STASH said:
...I think it would blow away many of those woman who think they can control a man with sex.
I have had a couple of guys tell me they believe men and women relate to each other in a more honest way in countries were the business is more legal and above ground, but I have no idea if that theory has any basis in reality.

I find it difficult to believe anyone could see the ad sections in EyeWeekly and Now and not understand how much of it there is. But I think most probably are ignorant of the fact there are thousands of escorts and MPAs on the GTA (compared to maybe a few dozen street walkers), and a lot of politicians and police who pretend not to know.

King Midas

Dude, WTF?!
May 19, 2006
Toronto, ON
HaywoodJabloemy said:
I find it difficult to believe anyone could see the ad sections in EyeWeekly and Now and not understand how much of it there is.
Women understand that it's there. But they think the guy they're with would never do that kind of shit. That's for dirty, desperate people. And if they do find out, they think you're a perv and the lady is competition.

Roger Melon

New member
May 3, 2007
Gyaos said:
This is the case for most Americans. Eventually the men are having to risk their lives from "the mouth" in male bathrooms from Republican US Senators and those that look like them. :p They can`t get a girl and many Amerrican women don`t know how to even give a handjob to those who try. Just a lot of loud-mouth talk in America and no sex.Gyaos
Speaking as an American I pretty much agree with you. This country was first settled by a bunch of fucked up Puritans, and those bizarre values still lie at the heart of much of what's going on here. Yes, we're the land of conservative Christian gay-bashing Senators who get sucked off in men's rooms and then proclaim "I'm not gay" repeatedly at a press conference. We're a big country, and there is (very expensive) legalized prostitution in parts of Nevada although not Las Vegas. Vegas has one of the world's most thriving sex industries, but I wouldn't go near it, it's the last bastion of the mobsters who used to run the whole town.

One great thing about the Northeastern US is that Toronto is only a quick flight away.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Well, I can pretty much guarantee that the majority of civilian women out there have NO clue about this hobby other than the stigma already mentioned.

If they DID know, that many of the guys they shot down, actually have the option of going out and getting what they want, they MIGHT see things a little differently....


Senior Member
tboy said:
Well, I can pretty much guarantee that the majority of civilian women out there have NO clue about this hobby other than the stigma already mentioned.

If they DID know, that many of the guys they shot down, actually have the option of going out and getting what they want, they MIGHT see things a little differently....

I think Tboy has hit the nail on the head with his above comments

This was what I was wondering


Jan 31, 2005
You guys are kidding yourself if you think increased knowledge of the sex industry would make women say "yes" to you more often.

You've probably noticed that women are sort of competitive in a weird way---if you've got another woman chasing you they'll become a bit more aggressive in trying to get you. But that's because the other woman chasing you makes you seem desirable, exclusive, hard to get.

Paying $150 to an SP does not make you the object of anyone's desire, does not make you exclusive, and does not make you hard to get. If anything it makes you seem easier to get and therefore less attractive--even to women who have no problem with the sex industry and know what it's about, to whit, even to former SP's.


Jan 31, 2005
You guys are kidding yourself if you think increased knowledge of the sex industry would make women say "yes" to you more often.

You've probably noticed that women are sort of competitive in a weird way---if you've got another woman chasing you they'll become a bit more aggressive in trying to get you. But that's because the other woman chasing you makes you seem desirable, exclusive, hard to get.

Paying $150 to an SP does not make you the object of anyone's desire, does not make you exclusive, and does not make you hard to get. If anything it makes you seem easier to get and therefore less attractive--even to women who have no problem with the sex industry and know what it's about, to wit, even to former SP's.

A woman may have no problem with you having used SP's, but it's whether someone eise is CHASING you that makes her more interested in you, not whether or not you can get a fuck for $150.

Hugh G. Rekshun

The 986,209,435th Beatle
Aug 21, 2001
MLAM said:
...many hobbyist like to pretend "the hobby" is so much more cheaper than dating...
Pretend? I would think even guys with relatively low paying jobs could afford to see an escort or visit an MP once every few weeks, and end up spending less cash (not to mention wasting less time) than they would dating and trying to pick up women two or three nights a week. I gave up on all that phony pointless bullshit years ago.


New member
Jul 6, 2007
I think many women in long term relationships are not satisfied with thier sex lives, because men dont realise what turns them on in bed, is not the same what turns women on. There is huge amount of sexual frustration between men and women.
Hence the existance of the flourishing sex industry for men.


Oct 3, 2006
I believe that regular women in Ontario have little knowledge of the extent of the industry in Ontario. Seeing a SP is one of the most honest relationships that you can have.

It is time and money efficient. I don't believe that women understand the choices that we have out here to that extent.

I've always said that in Toronto that you could get laid in less time than you could get a pizza delivered.

This industry will continue to expand as men will exercise choices to stay away from the types of relationships that will cause significant financial burdens.


New member
Feb 11, 2006
tboy said:
Well, I can pretty much guarantee that the majority of civilian women out there have NO clue about this hobby other than the stigma already mentioned.

If they DID know, that many of the guys they shot down, actually have the option of going out and getting what they want, they MIGHT see things a little differently....
I don't see why this would be. A woman rejects a guy because she has better options... she doesn't care what the guy's other options are.
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