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Do you believe in any 9/11 conspiracy theories ?

Do you believe in any 9/11 conspiracy theories involving US government ?

  • Yes, I believe there's evidence

    Votes: 28 41.8%
  • No, that's ridiculous

    Votes: 36 53.7%
  • I'm not sure

    Votes: 3 4.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
And as everone knows Bush and Kerry are cousins. Good lord, the conspiracy just keeps getting worse.


Sep 17, 2002
Stop The Insanity!

All thinking people know that these theorys are dubious at best. The truth is the Kennedy assassination (all of them), 911, the death of Ms. Munroe, Mama Cass, Jimi Hendrix and Dudly Moore, the downfall of Michael Jackson (and Tito) and many other catostrophic events can all be attributed to none other than Elvis Aaron Presley. He told me this himself. Have I ever lied to you before?


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
I find it interesting that the president who supposedly is a moron with an IQ half of Dan Quayle's and incapable of dealing with Katrina was responsible for setting up a sophisticated destruction of WTC with timed explosives, cruise missiled Pentagon and a shot down UA93 ??????

This type of conspiracy would have taken hundreds of people to cooperate.

If that was the case why aren't there any leaks?

Here is another critical view of conspiracy and its myths:


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
Meister said:
I find it interesting that the president who supposedly is a moron with an IQ half of Dan Quayle's and incapable of dealing with Katrina was responsible for setting up a sophisticated destruction of WTC with timed explosives, cruise missiled Pentagon and a shot down UA93 ??????

This type of conspiracy would have taken hundreds of people to cooperate.
You're underestimating. I'd say it would take thousands.


East end Hobbiest
Not saying that there is any conspiracy happening in this case (whether Al Qaeda or Bush is responsible for 9/11, the falling of the towers is pretty consistent with the official theory IMO ... 1 & 2 dropped in on themselves and building 7 was brought down on purpose because it was in danger of tumbling over on its own ... I saw an interview with the owner who admitted that's what happened to #7,) but l have no problem accepting that if the US government wanted to pull off something like this that there would be a pretty good chance that the people involved could be kept quiet, and enough regular people would be willing to ignore all the available evidence and accept the "official" story ... remember the Gulf of Tonkin? That was the US government lie and conspiracy that resulted in the Vietnam war and was left unexposed for decades. So while the evidence may not point to 9/11 being a US government conspiracy, simply invoking the old "too many people would have to keep silent" nonsense as a blanket refutation for any possibility of a conspiracy is not acceptable either.
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