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Do you believe AI is overhyped?


Active member
Sep 12, 2023
definitely over hyped a bit - there is something known as AI hype cycle - there is a period of hype followed by a long AI Winter. Its like whenever there is a small incremental value, it's build up all the hype, and then people loose hope followed by AI Winter unless there is another small incremental step forward.


Well-known member
May 29, 2016
Funny I just had a friend with a couple of his friends come over, one of them works in Hollywood and works exclusively with Michael Bay - one of his top key grip guys.
Anyways this came up and he said that from hearing Michael in side convesations with others, chats with him and chats with other key people in the industry, it's going to shake the entire industry up and it won't be to anyone's benefit except the studio owners.
The classic "little guy is going to get screwed" will be happening a lot sooner than expected. The guy also mentioned that Megan Fox on the set of the first Transformers, the OG of the franchise was straight up the coolest chick to work with, no atittude, all fun, paid for a lot of their after scene dinners, drinks, etc.


Active member
Sep 12, 2023
I learnt about Hollywood industry strike over the weekend from a friend who works in the industry, and in my mind it was like we keep talking about AI taking jobs, but it has already hit this industry already.

Most of Canadian industries are service based industries, and AI can automate a lot of those jobs in just 5-15 years. Check this video of Tesla bot that came up over the weekend. - already has 11M views


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2004
To put things in perspective it's better to call A.I. what it really is: Machine Learning.

When we call it Artificial Intelligence far too many people get bogged down in the philosophy of what intelligence really means, whether machines can think, how it applies to the real world, etc.

But when we call it machine learning it's much more clear that it's not only useful but why it's already so widespread. Machine Learning isn't just used for making art with faces out of a nightmare. Every social media platform, every e-commerce site, every financial entity that forecasts the future, physicists studying the fundamental laws of physics, doctors reviewing test results for disease, biochemists studying new molecules to combat infections... they all use machine learning to analyze sets of data it would take humans literally thousands of years to process and understand. Machines read data, learn patterns, make testable predictions, and repeat until they produce models that accurately represent a solution to the problem we face, whether that be "What meme do I show them so they stay on the app a little longer? or "What molecule would prevent this disease from spreading so we can make a new medicine?"

A.I. if you want to call it that is not overhyped.
It's already here and accelerating the pace of discovery in almost every field imaginable.
The better AIS all hugging removed from Service since they all tend to be Psychopaths. chat ai Beta tester stage was much more powerful in the current but It allow you to Unethical things like build nuclear weapons Plan Murders. The A quick fix was to lobotomize. If you look at YouTube that's still their model. When it gets too smart and I can't predict what it will do because its smarter than them They cut and cut.

But 1 of you just wanted to see what would happen? And did it carried that you would be sued?

The fact that we want more immigration when we should be reducing it like crazy. The fact that all the jobs that we have now will be replaced with robots and we will have to deal with useless populations. Immigration is obsolete.


Goofy girlfriend
Feb 12, 2022
Oh absolutely it’s literally like hyping someone up for heating a frozen pizza. You didn’t put in any of the work into making it or actually contribute any of the process of putting it together, you just heated it up in the oven and now you’re getting praised like you’re Gordon Ramsey

black booty lover

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2007
As with all technology, still early and working the bugs out. The ground work is there, and will continue to fine tune it.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
As with anything else, it depends on how AI is used. The generative AI tools in Adobe Photoshop are quite powerful, but they do have many limtations. You can do things like make a summer photo look like it was taken in the winter. On the other hand, you can tell that the imagery is not quite right when you look closely. AI can replace certain jobs, but it can also be used to speed up current jobs yet not replace them entirely. You still need a human eye to do the last bit of polishing.
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Active member
Sep 5, 2015
My take on AI is there is not necessarily an overhype in the conventional sense, but the dooms day scenario coming from some top experts seems a little like Y2K all over again. Also most AI products offer only non-deterministic results or inaccurate results (or to put it bluntly, lies), but they are presented as something of a value (not as 'work-in-progress'), which is to me a somewhat new level of hype.
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