Do SPs mind age?


New member
Dec 4, 2006
I'm 21 and only recently started visiting SPs.
What I want to know is that if SPs mind how old their clients are?


New member
Apr 2, 2007
In my experience, many SPs prefer men over 30. ladies like JoyfulC, Lady over the Bridge, and others will be able to explain the reason for this much better than I, but I suspect it's to do with discretion, maturity, manners, money.....


New member
I have seen men of all ages, some younger than I (I am 26), and some three times my age. I don't care about the age of my clients, per se, but I do know that men of certain ages have different needs/wants, and I need to be sensitive to those needs when they are with me. I have found that many men in their 40s and 50s are sensative about THEIR ages and will ask me if I will still see them because they assume that they are too old for me.


New member
Jul 27, 2003
To me age is just a number. I don't have a preference.
Glad to hear that alexxxis.

I would definitely like to see you when I am up in Ottawa area. :)


New member
Feb 23, 2007
Bi-town ;)
Jackyc said:
I'm 21 and only recently started visiting SPs.
What I want to know is that if SPs mind how old their clients are?
I was pretty young myself, when I saw my first SP. They never asked me my age at that time. They did begin asking me my age much later when I was in my 30's, because somehow I sounded young. :confused:


New member
Feb 23, 2007
Bi-town ;)
Alexa Taylor said:
Another factor is that some younger clients have the tendancy to "fall" for an escort whereas many older clients are married and just want to see someone from time to time without having to resort to an affair that could get complicated.
Young or old, married or single, if somebody feels a connection enough, then they're going to fall in love. There was a thread here recently about stories of falling for an SP and getting taken in. The only real difference with older, married guys is that they have probably seen enough SPs to not get taken in, assuming they learn from their own past mistakes.


New member
Mar 27, 2007
I agree that age is just a number for sure I have been with gentleman who were 21 who showed the maturity level of someone much older and I have been with some gentleman over the age of 75 who so rock my world. It is not the age that matters to me it is the personality of the guy that i think about. Are we going to click?


Feb 21, 2005
Alexa Taylor said:
Most of my clients are 40+ and I feel weird with being someone younger than myself. It might have had to do with a regular client of mine once surprising me with his virginal nephew. It was his birthday and he had just turned 18. I was maybe a year or two older but I was more experienced. It didn't feel right to me and I often revert back to that incident when someone who is younger wants to get together.

Another factor is that some younger clients have the tendancy to "fall" for an escort whereas many older clients are married and just want to see someone from time to time without having to resort to an affair that could get complicated.
Hey, in 2 more years I can see you again :)


New member
Dec 4, 2006
Alexa Taylor said:
Most of my clients are 40+ and I feel weird with being someone younger than myself. It might have had to do with a regular client of mine once surprising me with his virginal nephew. It was his birthday and he had just turned 18. I was maybe a year or two older but I was more experienced. It didn't feel right to me and I often revert back to that incident when someone who is younger wants to get together.

Another factor is that some younger clients have the tendancy to "fall" for an escort whereas many older clients are married and just want to see someone from time to time without having to resort to an affair that could get complicated.
well definitely I will not fall for an SP


New member
Apr 15, 2007
Jackyc and other posters -- my first post ever on this board so please be gentle (smile). Frankly, my experience is limited to a lot of Champagne Room visits at Barbarellas when I am visiting Ottawa on business, but I think its somewhat analogous. With the more mature ladies (late 20s, early 30s -- I am 48 and I tend to see the same ones over and over), even in this setting, the CR experiences can be very, very intense with lots of sensuality and kissing. I'm sure I'm a "lightweight," but there have been times where I have felt like the person I am with is completely in love with me. To Alexa Taylor's comment, a number of the ladies I have spoken to at Barbarellas have told me that they would prefer to spend time with the older gentlemen because they tend to be both treated better, or at least with more certainty as to what to expect, as well as paid/tipped better.

There may be circumstances in your life or not explained in your post to make your statement about "not falling for a SP" sound more understandable (that's not meant to be a criticism), but I can't imagine, when I was 21, sorting all of that out in my head and heart. On the other hand, thinking about what you are doing, when I was 21, would certainly be a fantasy, so I envy you a bit. Just be careful -- you've got a looong way to go in life.


New member
Dec 4, 2006
Alexa Taylor said:
That's easier said than done. LOL. I've heard it gets addictive. Sometimes people do connect but the question is how and where does it lead? I've noticed many guys fall for the SPs who are down-to-earth and real but the chemistry most of the time stays in the session.

This isn't an attack against younger guys but obviously older clients may have been around the SP scene for a bit longer so they know they etiquette and how to go about things, are more established financially, etc.

When I first started I had a few guys trying to negotiate rates, etc because they were students and couldn't afford it. It all seemed so cheap when they were asking and didn't feel right. That was a turn-off for me. I figure this business is a luxury service so if one can afford to pay the going rate that's great. If they're attempting to lower the rate then they should ask if they should really hiring escorts. That statement can be said for both younger and older clients alike.
well paying for the service is not a problem for me
if I am still new to this should I let the SP know about it before I go so they know what to expect?


New member
Aug 21, 2004
OK to the SP's out there....

What if the kid is about 18yrs old 3'-10" tall has an 11" dick and a pocket full of hunred dollar bills??? :rolleyes:


New member
Feb 23, 2007
Bi-town ;)
Alexa Taylor said:
When I first started I had a few guys trying to negotiate rates, etc because they were students and couldn't afford it. It all seemed so cheap when they were asking and didn't feel right. That was a turn-off for me. I figure this business is a luxury service so if one can afford to pay the going rate that's great. If they're attempting to lower the rate then they should ask if they should really hiring escorts. That statement can be said for both younger and older clients alike.
Maybe you should have a student rate, to bypass the negotiations? They'll think they're getting a real deal. :D


New member
Sep 23, 2004
One of the problems I have with seeing "younger" guys is that I don't want to become "the crutch that cripples."

I've been in the business more than 30 years, so I've had a lot of opportunity to see how different men use and react to our services. The men I prefer are mostly married, with kids (sometimes grandkids). They've experienced a robust range of life experiences: being curious about the opposite sex, dating, falling in love, knowing the tribuations of partnership throughout aging -- and after having experienced all this, they've come to the conclusion that they'd like a little more attention than is available to them in their current circumstances. That's legit. And it doesn't necessarily prevent them from experiencing anything else that life has to offer, as long as they keep it discreet.

The problem arises when someone young and inexperienced with the opposite sex seeks out our services. That's when we become "the crutch that cripples" because these guys are often shy and a bit socially retarded, and it's a lot easier for them to put out the bucks to "take the edge off" with someone who is guaranteed to respond positively to them than to make the effort to socialize with eligiable women that might make suitable life partners for them.

Most of the client I've known over the years have been guys who married -- more or less happily -- raised families, were pillars of their communities and had well-rounded lives. But sadly, I've also seen quite a few tragic cases of guys who perhaps were only guilty of being a bad combination of shy and horny in their younger years, and sought to "take the edge off" by calling for quick and easy "take-out" rather than learning the basics.

It seems like a good idea at the time, but come back 20 years down the road, and that poor guy is likely still calling for "take-out."

I know a lot of people here will reject what I've had to say -- perhaps they're afraid they'll see themselves in my words. But sorry to say, it is true. There are a lot of guys out there who started using SPs in their 20 and, 20 years later, they haven't enjoyed the benefits that human relationships have to offer and they're still just getting by on calling up SPs.

I'm an SP myself, and yet, I am married for 25 years. Partnership is part of the human condition for most of us (not all, but most, for sure). No young person should deny himself the opportunity to find out if there's something better out there for him by taking the easy way to take the edge off his sense of urgency.

SPs/MPs are a good solution for mature married men who are looking for the one piece of the puzzle that's missing -- but it's not a good solution at all for younger guys looking for just one piece of the puzzle, in the absence of all others.

Think about it! If you're a younger guy, do you really want to spend your whole life without a partner and relying only on what little companionship you can afford to buy? No? Then set your sights on learning the skills you need to partner with a suitable woman. Sex is the smallest part of the equation and the most easy to get on a take-out basis -- but there is so SO much more that you can't get any other way than finding a partner and living your life with her.



New member
Feb 23, 2007
Bi-town ;)
sweetkisses said:
Boy you make all the girls seem greedy by that comment.
Not a problem, 4funonly can continue to pay extra for every service he desires. Easy, no need to get the girl to actually want to get to know you, let alone do stuff with you on her own. ;)
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