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Do SPs have a ethnic preference for their clientele?

As an SP, I tend to enjoy the company of this group of men the most:


    Votes: 44 58.7%

    Votes: 2 2.7%

    Votes: 11 14.7%

    Votes: 7 9.3%
  • OLIVE (middle eastern)

    Votes: 4 5.3%
  • RED

    Votes: 2 2.7%

    Votes: 5 6.7%

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rama putri

Sep 6, 2004
TERB ostrich language 101 -

1. All SPs have no racial preferences as long as clients are 'clean and respectable'

2. There are no drugs ever but there is 'chemistry'

3. The SP you just saw has never done BBFS - ever

4. YMMV - see point 1.


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2005
I was told by an SP that she prefers orientals because they are clean and respectful. She does not like blacks or arabs because they have body odors and do not treat her rspectfully and she has been cheated, robbed and some were violent with her. That is one SPs opinion and experience.


May 27, 2005
I am black. I am a clean well dressed professional man who arrives to visit sps in a suit. When I visit Asian SPs I ask in advance if they see black clients. The answer is less than half. If they see me once they are very good about seeing me again. I have never been refused a second visit. The Asian girls will tell me that this sex is a forbidden sex and if her parents or especially her grandparents knew she even dated a black guy "she would have no face." She would be booted out of the family. I have no accent so I need to clarify the situation on the phone. I could list all the Asian SPs I have seen but they would not be pleased.

Tokyo Heights

Tokyo Heights
Aug 29, 2009
Ethnic Preferences Should Be Discouraged

If a client offers good hygeine, & is respectable to Ladies, that's the most important factors they would enjoy working, but if girls who have ethnic preferences then they should join some other business or work were they wont have to face such a choice
Racial Attitude should not be encouraged on public forums, rather some advise should be given to those ladies who have strong racial minds, same goes for clients who has ethnic preferences., all Human Beings Male or Female is created by one and only Lord with different ethnic backgrounds. This issue has come up on this forum off and on.
Sep 13, 2009
When a SP, stripper or masseuse has had bad experiences with blacks or arabs it is the people who were not cCanadian born that they have a problem with. One masseuse told me that she has had a lot of trouble with Lebanese and Indians ( from India ) because they try to bargain her down or ask for extras at no additional charge. When I asked her, she told me they always have an accent.


Apr 24, 2005
When a SP, stripper or masseuse has had bad experiences with xxxxx or yyyy it is the people who were not Canadian born that they have a problem with.
Heard similar stories from my dancer friends. It is their "caveman" :(attitude towards women that turns women off. Probably a product of their old country culture. This happens in the civilian world as well. Getting into sensitive waters here.


Feb 25, 2008
Downtown TO
If a client offers good hygeine, & is respectable to Ladies, that's the most important factors they would enjoy working, but if girls who have ethnic preferences then they should join some other business or work were they wont have to face such a choice
Racial Attitude should not be encouraged on public forums, rather some advise should be given to those ladies who have strong racial minds, same goes for clients who has ethnic preferences., all Human Beings Male or Female is created by one and only Lord with different ethnic backgrounds. This issue has come up on this forum off and on.
Jeezuz. How many times do we have to repeat that offering sex for pay doesn't mean that we relinquish our right to choose who we are willing to fuck?

Whether it's racist attitudes or not that explain why some SPs prefer not to see clients of a certain race is beside the point: the point is that it's still her frickin choice who she wants to fuck or not.
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