Do not jail all paedophiles, says police chief (UK Story)


New member
Mar 15, 2012
As much as I admire what CC is trying to do, its probably better to leave these types of stings to law enforcement
I agree. It's much better to submit a tip to to Crime Stoppers or report to a local Police Service. They need all the tips they can get, and it can help them save valuable man hours if you provide accurate information.

Unless you catch someone in the act of abusing a child/underage teen, in which case I'd definitely intervene.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
The U.K. has a huge pedophilia problem. Not surprised this is a U.K. story.
We could have a similar number - maybe it's just buried a little deeper.

My pet theory based on no factual study but my own impression is that the paedophiles could be a fixed number of any population. I base this on gays. I have no sexual desire towards either men, children or farm animals. I am actually revolted by the thought of it but I recognise in the case of gay adults - it's their choice and and although I am not attracted to the notion, I do recognise it is a consensual arrangement between adults and I have no problem with their choice. I also accept that there are men hardwired to like men and just by the numbers, there is bound to be gay men in any random selection of the population. I think the same is true for paedophiles - I think they will exist with any population group and in the same way - these are pre-wired individuals that can't be cured. I don't think UK is any more unique than Canada. We can drive them underground making both real and photo assisted release subject to draconian penalties but will it help the kids ? I think the priority is to separate the kids from coming near the peado's and giving the paedophiles who keep way from real children whatever the professionals recommend will keep them away from our kids.


New member
Mar 15, 2012
I did a bit of quick research on pedophiles per capita and found some stats.

"The serial killer has the same personality characteristics as the sex offender against children"
-Dr. Mace Knapp, Nevada State Prison Psychologist

Lots of stats here:

Top Five Countries with Highest Rates of Child Prostitution
: Sri Lanka, Thailand, Brazil, United States and Canada.

11 Countries With The Highest Rates of Child Abuse in The World:

Let us tell you what exactly a child abuse is. It is when a caregiver (including parents) through action or by any other means causes harm, injury, emotional and mental distress, death or a serious threat to a child. Child abuse or maltreatment can come in many forms like sexual abuse, physical and mental abuse, bullying, neglect…and most importantly exploitation.

Our list from last year “Top 20 Countries with The Best Quality of Life” is somehow related to this post. Wondering why? Well a couple of countries with best quality of life are also facing the child abuse issue. The reason? Unknown!

11. Pakistan
10. South Africa
9. Bangladesh
8. India
7. Botswana
6. Zimbabwe
5. Russia
4. United Kingdom
3. Afghanistan
2. United States
1. Australia

Microsoft staff 'suffering from PTSD'

Two former Microsoft employees are suing the company for not protecting them from the psychological effects of viewing disturbing material. The two men were left with Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) after working at the firm, the lawsuit alleged.

Their jobs involved viewing and reporting material, communicated via Microsoft services, that had been flagged by automated software as being potentially illegal.

Microsoft told the BBC it disputed the claims, and that it offered industry-leading support.

"Microsoft takes seriously its responsibility to remove and report imagery of child sexual exploitation and abuse being shared on its services, as well as the health and resiliency of the employees who do this important work."

It said the balance of protecting internet users while minimising the impact on its employees was a continued learning process.

Saving children’s lives

Henry Soto and Greg Blauert worked for Microsoft’s Online Safety Team, a division responsible for upholding the firm’s legal obligation to pass on any illegal images to the US National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

When an image is reported, or automated software has “spotted” an issue, a human being is required to view the material and forward it on to the authorities, a Microsoft spokeswoman said.

The company said people with this role are only required to do this particular task for a short period of time - and that they are kept in a “different office” from other staff.

But in papers filed on 30 December 2016, the two men said the company did little to warn or prepare them for the disturbing images they were required to view.

The lawsuit says both men’s efforts were “instrumental” in saving children’s lives and securing prosecutions, but that both were paying a serious psychological toll.

But the documents described Mr Blauert as suffering greatly from this work, contributing to a mental breakdown in 2013. When he expressed his discomfort, it is alleged that he was told to "smoke", "go for walk" or "play video games" as a distraction.

'Horrible and inhumane'

Mr Soto viewed "many thousands of photographs and videos of the most horrible, inhumane and disgusting content one can imagine," the papers said. "Many people simply cannot imagine what Mr Soto had to view on a daily basis as most people do not understand how horrible and inhumane the worst people in the world can be."

In an internal employee review, Mr Soto was praised by his bosses for having "courage". However, he said the work resulted in him suffering "panic attacks, disassociation, depression, visual hallucinations" as well as the inability to be around young children, including his own son.

Doing so would remind him of "horribly violent acts against children that he had witnessed," the court papers said.

Mr Soto alleged that when he requested a transfer out of the team in 2014, he was told he would have to apply for a new job within Microsoft "just like any other employee". When he was eventually moved to a different section of the safety team, he said he was still being asked questions related to his prior role.

Microsoft disputed this particular detail, saying: "If an employee no longer wishes to do this work, he or she will be assigned other responsibilities."


Employees on the Online Safety Team are automatically put on a “Wellness program”, Microsoft said, which included mandatory monthly one-on-one sessions with a counsellor to combat what is referred to as "compassion fatigue".

The company said many measures are taken to minimise the psychological impact on people viewing the material.

The measures include efforts to reduce the "realism" of the content. Microsoft’s software automatically blurs imagery, lowers the resolution, makes it black and white and separates the audio from video. Images are only seen as thumbnails, not full size.

Furthermore: "Employees are limited in how long they may do this work per day and must go to a separate, dedicated office to do it; they can’t do this work at home or on personal equipment.”

However, a spokeswoman could not speak to whether employees undergo any psychological assessment prior to taking on the work.


Technology companies, particularly those offering web storage or social networking, are under continued pressure to do more to remove images depicting a variety of problems - from terrorist propaganda to child abuse.

The companies are working on better ways to share data so that an image flagged by one company would automatically be removed by another, minimising the number of people exposed to the material.

The lawsuit in this case is suing for an unspecified amount in damages, but also for its suggestions on how to improve the Online Safety Team to be taken on board.

Microsoft confirmed to the BBC it will oppose the lawsuit, but has not yet made its response to the court.


New member
Mar 15, 2012
Young Sex for Sale in Japan

28 February 2017

Japan has a serious problem with the sexualisation of children. From bars where men pay to meet schoolgirls to suggestive pictures of very young children and comic books featuring child rape, the country has faced global criticism for its attitudes. It was only three years ago that possessing genuine child pornography was finally made illegal.

Stacey Dooley, one of BBC Three’s most popular documentary-makers fronts another powerful, hard-hitting investigation when she travels to Tokyo, Japan to look into what effect the law banning child porn has had and to see if the attitude towards the sexualisation of children has changed.

Stacey discovers a culture where sexual images of young girls are widespread and used for commercial gain. Her first stop is a legal Tokyo ‘JK’ café in which high-school aged girls are paid to provide company to older men – who tell her that it is perfectly normal to talk about sex and hold hands with girls as young as 15 dressed in school uniform.

Stacey uncovers an even more disturbing legal grey area exists in Japan called ‘Chako Ero’ where children as young as six are filmed or photographed in erotic clothing. She speaks to a producer of these films as well as a self-confessed paedophile to try and discover just why some Japanese culture seems to encourage inappropriate exploitation and sexualisation of children.

Following the law change, the documentary examines what else Japan is doing to stop normalising the sexualisation of children. Stacey meets volunteers from a charity trying to help vulnerable girls, as well as the Head of the Juvenile Section at the National Police to find what they are doing to protect young girls.

Video here:

Christopher Hodder jailed for Facebook grooming of boys

A "perverted monster" who hunted out and sexually groomed 13 boys on Facebook has been jailed for four years.

Christopher Hodder set up a fake online profile and pretended to be a girl as he tricked his victims into providing intimate images of themselves.

Hodder, 31, from Kirkby Stephen in Cumbria, admitted 19 offences at Carlisle Crown Court.

The father of one of his victims said the family's lives had been ruined. The man said: "This perverted monster should never be allowed to walk the streets again."

'Volatile and predatory'
The court heard Hodder had been sentenced for a previous grooming crime in 2013. Part of his punishment was not to contact any children aged under 16 via the internet.

But last year police unearthed a catalogue of new offences after learning Hodder had communicated with a teenage boy using social media.

Officers found he had targeted 13 separate young victims including two brothers.

Hodder, of Union Square, admitted five counts of causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity, eight attempts to do the same, two breaches of a court order he was given in 2013 and several charges relating to indecent images of children.

Judge Tony Lancaster said Hodder should be subject to an extended three-year licence period. Judge Lancaster told him: "Your offending was mean, volatile and predatory."


New member
Mar 15, 2012
Laws in Canada

Illegal Pictures and Videos

Child Pornography: includes naked or semi-naked sexual picture or video of a person under 18, or of a person under 18 engaging in a sex act. It is illegal to view, keep, send, post or take such pictures or videos.

Acts that Violate Privacy
Non-Consensual Distribution of an Intimate Image: if someone has a sexual/intimate picture/video of you that was created in private circumstances, and that person knowingly posts it online or shares it with someone else knowing that you would not consent to that (or being reckless about whether you would consent to it), the person could be charged.

Voyeurism: secretly observing or recording a person who reasonably believes his/her actions are private and:
  • who is in a place where the person might be expected to change or remove clothing (e.g. bedroom, bathroom, change room, cabin, tent);
  • who is all or partially naked or engaged in sexual activity at the time; or
  • where the recording is done for sexual reasons.

Unwanted or Illegal Sexual Contact

Online Luring: a situation where one person (typically an adult but not always) communicates with a young person through technology (like texting, instant messaging, emailing) to make it easier to commit a specific sexual offence against that young person. An example of a communication that could qualify as online luring is if the person asks, hints at or tries to convince the young person to create or send naked or semi-naked sexual pictures or videos.

Making Sexually Explicit Material Available to a Person under 18
: showing or sending material like pornography to a child to make it easier to commit a sexual offence against the child.

Sexual Exploitation: When a 16- or 17-year-old is touched by or encouraged to touch themselves or any other person for a sexual purpose by a person who is:
  • in a position of trust or authority (e.g. parent, guardian, teacher, coach) over the young person
  • a person upon whom the 16 or 17 year old is dependent in some way
  • exploiting the young person in some way
Invitation to Sexual Touching: encouraging a person under 16 to touch themselves or someone else for a sexual purpose (whether in person or online). It includes indirect touching (with an object, for example). When both people are close enough in age AND have lawfully consented, charges may not be laid.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
Sexual Exploitation: When a 16- or 17-year-old is touched by or encouraged to touch themselves or any other person for a sexual purpose by a person who is:
  • in a position of trust or authority (e.g. parent, guardian, teacher, coach) over the young person
  • a person upon whom the 16 or 17 year old is dependent in some way
  • exploiting the young person in some way
Invitation to Sexual Touching: encouraging a person under 16 to touch themselves or someone else for a sexual purpose (whether in person or online). It includes indirect touching (with an object, for example). When both people are close enough in age AND have lawfully consented, charges may not be laid.
If this law as it is written was on the books when I was 15-17; I'd has been convicted of sexual exploitation even though I was the same age as my victims (I guess I was their victim too). Is there something on the books to recognise the realities of sexual awareness in high schools ? I would hate to think it completes depends on the local discretion of law enforcement.


New member
Mar 15, 2012
If this law as it is written was on the books when I was 15-17; I'd has been convicted of sexual exploitation even though I was the same age as my victims (I guess I was their victim too). Is there something on the books to recognise the realities of sexual awareness in high schools ? I would hate to think it completes depends on the local discretion of law enforcement.
It does say that charges may not be laid when both people are close enough in age AND have lawfully consented.


New member
Mar 15, 2012
B.C. teenager charged after 11-year-old Texas boy alleges cyberbullying, extortion

The Canadian Press
Published Wednesday, March 15, 2017 2:20PM EDT

ABBOTSFORD, B.C. -- A teenager in British Columbia has been charged with offences including luring a child, making child pornography, sexual interference and extortion involving an 11-year-old boy in the United States.

Abbotsford police says officers were contacted last October by investigators from Texas after the boy reported alleged cyberbullying and extortion, including threats of repercussions if he didn't supply naked or sexual images.

Const. Ian MacDonald says in a news release that officers in Abbotsford seized computers and a cellphone from a home in February.

Charges were laid against the teenaged boy this month.

Because of the ages of the accused and the alleged victim, MacDonald says no further details can be released.

Police say the case serves as a reminder to parents to monitor the online activity of their children.


New member
Mar 15, 2012
U.S. state senator charged after police find him at hotel with teen boy

Sean Murphy, The Associated Press
Published Thursday, March 16, 2017 2:41PM EDT
Last Updated Thursday, March 16, 2017 7:08PM EDT

OKLAHOMA CITY -- An Oklahoma state senator was booked Thursday on child prostitution charges for allegedly hiring a 17-year-old boy for sex, leading to calls for his resignation and a separate internal investigation into his years of work with a youth program.

Ralph Shortey, a 35-year-old conservative Republican who has a wife and three young daughters, surrendered to authorities on charges of engaging in child prostitution, transporting a minor for prostitution and engaging in prostitution within 1,000 feet of a church. He was released after about two hours on a $100,000 bond.

"I have no comment at this time, but I will soon," he told reporters outside of the jail.

Court records didn't show if he had retained an attorney, and Shortey didn't reply to texts and voicemails seeking comment.

The allegations led to Shortey's removal from his volunteer position with the Oklahoma City YMCA's Youth and Government program, in which he has been active for 17 years and served as a chaperone on several out-of-state trips, YMCA spokeswoman Brenda Bennett said. She said she was unaware of any allegations of wrongdoing involving Shortey's work for the program, but that the agency is conducting an internal investigation due to the nature of the criminal case.

Acting on a tip from the teen's father, police went to the Super 8 Hotel in the Oklahoma City suburb of Moore last week to check on the boy, who was seen going into a room with a man, according to a police report. The officers were told the boy had solicited sex through Craigslist on other occasions and had a history of drug abuse.

The officers smelled marijuana smoke coming from the room and found Shortey and the teen alone inside.

A search of the teen's tablet uncovered a series of sexually explicit exchanges in which Shortey referred to the teen as "baby boy" and offered him cash in exchange for "sexual stuff," according to a police report. The conversation had started with the teen messaging Shortey that he needed "money for spring break," police wrote. Officers also found lotion and an open box of condoms inside backpacks in the room.

Shortey and the teen both told the officers that they had known each other for about a year, having met through Craigslist and later communicating via the messenger application Kik, which has been criticized as being unsafe for minors.

The age of consent in Oklahoma is 16, but Oklahoma's child prostitution statute applies to any person under 18 years old. It's unclear from the police report or charging documents if Shortey and the teen actually had sex. But prosecutor Susan Caswell said her office wouldn't have to prove they did.

"Soliciting refers to offering money in exchange for sex," Caswell said. "You don't have to perform the act."

The state Senate imposed sanctions Wednesday on Shortey, voting 43-0 for a resolution that accused him of "disorderly behaviour" and stripped him of much of his power and many perks. After his arrest Thursday, Republican Gov. Mary Fallin and the chamber's top Republican and Democrat called for Shortey's immediate resignation, saying he couldn't adequately serve his Oklahoma City district given the circumstances.

If he doesn't resign, Shortey, who was a county co-ordinator and early supporter of Donald Trump's presidential campaign, could be expelled with a two-thirds vote, or 32 members in the 48-member body.

During his seven years in the state Senate, Shortey built a name for himself by pushing bills targeting those living in the country illegally and expanding gun rights. He routinely voted with his Republican colleagues on bills targeting gay and transgendered people, including a measure passed earlier this year that would allow business owners to discriminate against gay people.

"He was never vitriolic about it, but he would make the bad votes," said Troy Stevenson, director of Freedom Oklahoma, a gay rights advocacy group.

Shortey faced fierce public criticism earlier this year when he sponsored a bill to stiffen the penalties for drug possession within 1,000 feet of a school or church, even after Oklahoma voters in November voted to make such crimes misdemeanours.

Before his arrest, Shortey was perhaps best known for introducing a bill in 2012 that would have banned the use of aborted human fetuses in food -- a measure that drew widespread ridicule and was never granted a hearing in a Senate committee.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Okay, as much as I despise kiddie porn....etc, that's not really a child anymore. And the law needs to start differentiating between adults and semi-adults.

In Holland where I'm from they have what's called a "common sense" clause law in the books.

Basically what that says is there has to be a grey area of some sort, and you can't start locking up people because they slept with someone who's 1 or 2 weeks shy of their 18th birthday


New member
Mar 15, 2012
It's a little concerning that he spent time volunteering with teens. People who work with children/teens aren't supposed to be sexually attracted to them.

He's also a hypocrite for advocating against gay rights.

The allegations led to Shortey's removal from his volunteer position with the Oklahoma City YMCA's Youth and Government program, in which he has been active for 17 years and served as a chaperone on several out-of-state trips, YMCA spokeswoman Brenda Bennett said. She said she was unaware of any allegations of wrongdoing involving Shortey's work for the program, but that the agency is conducting an internal investigation due to the nature of the criminal case.
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