Do nice guys finish last?

Do nice guys finish last?

  • Yes

    Votes: 40 67.8%
  • No

    Votes: 19 32.2%

  • Total voters
Berlin said:
But what if she turns around and shows you her set of nice healthy feet, and demands,

" Dave, suck them, suck them good and hard !"

In which submissivedave replies : "Oh my god baby, your so smart, you saw right through me and spotted my weakness. What? Suck your feet? Right away girl ... I am sorry, I didn't mean you weren't intellectually gifted ...... I was .... ah ah ah .... talking about that blonde girl with big boobs ..... mmmm ..... what's her name? She's that blonde girl in VIP .... oh well, anyway baby, I wasn't talking about you ...... oh please let me be like a vacuum cleaner for your feet .... that's all I am worthy of being for such an intelligent and supreme and superior higher being like yourself .... oh please?"

Narrator: subdave then drops to his knees on the floor, cups her heels with both his palms and plants kisses on each of her ten toes. He then licks between her toes, underneath her toe nails and into her deep high arches ... works his tongue around her heels and all round her ankles. subdave then looks up to her and moves on to the main event .... toe sucking .... mmmm .... sucking her toes ... what a delight .... yum yum ....

Top Jimmy

Resident Musicologist
Feb 17, 2002
Too Far North
If there is such a thing as Karma, any minute now my phone will ring and it will be Erica (ex-Club Pro) telling me that she's changed her mind...

Just recently, I have had the "pleasure" of being kicked in the head by a less-than-scrupulous boss, and did my best to "turn the other cheek", despite being humiliated and fired.

One of the best things that ever happened to me was the flood of phone calls from my accounts, concerned over what happened and offering me sympathy, commiseration, best wishes and in a few cases, employement with their companies.

There is no worse feeling than being stomped like a bug by someone, but the "warm and fuzzy" feeling of others telling you that they stand behind you is better than you can imagine.

Karma still owes me one, though...


Oct 30, 2002
I find that there are alot of self-centered,controlling people out there only out to make it at any cost.I beleive in the long run it is better to be honest,loving caring and comppassionate.which will not degrade ones soul.I find it is to easy to judge others than to look more clearly first at yourself.Humility will also be a good quality for me and others to learn.Thats how i feel even though i am not myself that way even enough. Thanks,Rich


Ducati 916
Sep 17, 2002
I'd have to say yes 75% of the time.

Big Daddy

New member
Sep 1, 2001
Absolutely Not!

I totally disagree with the nice guys finishing last theory; unless nice guy means a shy guy. I think you can be compassionate, generous, and well mannered and be a winner.

I believe that there may be a gender jealousy that a successful guy appears as an a** h*** to other guys. Furthermore, I believe that there is a difference between "being successful" and "staying successful". To stay successful, you almost have to be a nice guy.


New member
Jul 7, 2002
Finish Last? Not Likely

This question invariably relates to our success with the opposite

In most aspects of life, unethical people generally lose out, because the only people that will associate with them are other losers.

With sex and "love" the picture is not so clear. I hate to say it, but many "hot" women choose losers over and over again. I don't understand why this is so, but I think many physcally beautiful women believe that the world owes them more than
they get. They build up resentment against the "straight" people
and like to hang with the hustlers who can take advantage of the '"system". Nice guys should choose their friends carefully.
If they do, they will find that they *NEVER* finish last!

Big Daddy

New member
Sep 1, 2001
Re: Finish Last? Not Likely

wollensak said:
I hate to say it, but many "hot" women choose losers over and over again. I don't understand why this is so, but I think many physcally beautiful women believe that the world owes them more than
they get.
In other words, Hot Women finish last. As far as "loosers" getting Hot women, it only lasts so long. After the a few years, they neither have hot women nor hot careers.


Jun 3, 2002
So much depends on the definition of nice.

There was a time when I believed that 'nice' would win out in the end. I'm not so certain anymore. Misty, Astra....I think women of your ilk are exceptions in so much as you put a high value on the 'nice' qualities.

I agree with those that said that qualities such as compassion and humility are worthwhile attributes..and I will always strive to foster them. However, my faith in humanity has waned, and I no longer believe the fairy tale that 'good' will always triumph.


New member
Jan 1, 2003
The Dark Ages
LateComer said:
In the real world nice guys do finish last, especially with women. It seems that it is always the as*holes that get the girls, however, the opposite applies when paying for your pleasure. As the saying goes, treat a lady like a whore and a whore like a lady and you can't go wrong. To be honest, I'm not 100% sold on the first part of that saying (I guess that makes me a nice guy) but the last part is definately true.
I have never ran into a woman who doesn't enjoy a bit of mystery. Look at the romance novels that women buy. If all romances novels were "Oh, I love you, and I can't live without you." right from the get go, then the novels would be two pages long, and no woman would buy that kind of stuff. Conclusion: leaving cash by the side of the bed is a bad idea unless she really is an SP, but if she weren't an SP, stringing her along a bit can't hurt.


Nov 26, 2002
Nice guys finish last, hummmm

Well yes and no, depends on what is your measure of last. Being able to live with myself is worth more to me than the prettiest girl, the fastest car and a fat bank account. it is a pitty that we tend to quantitatively benchmark most people instead of qualitatively measuring people. BTW i am not using the excuse that because I am a nice guy that is the reason why do not have a hot chick, a fast car or a fat bank account.

But I have a good story of nice guys not finishing last, my boss and my co-workers are very close we are all friends. But there is this one guy who is a real prick, but really smart,well downsizing came and guess who got the axe? yup the ashole got axed. Something to be said about being nice sometimes, my rule of thumb is that as long as the good i do out weighs the bad things I do then I am cool. I am not religous but if there is a hevean I would like to get in, but it is more than just about getting into the gates of heaven. Being a nice guy is well just plain nice, nuff said.

I guess the biggest problem is that most nice guys are nice even when they should not be nice. Sometimes people derserve to be fucked up big time, dont just smile and say thank you when you get fucked in the ass. Being an ******* to an ******* is perfectly fine. I am a nice guy by default and give everyone i do not know the benefit of the doubt, but if they cross me then no more Mr. Nice guy. I have been fucked over a few times pretty bad because I by defualt trust people unless they give me a reason not too. But overall if i would do it all over my only regret was that I was not nicer to those who were nice to me.
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