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Do fake tits help or hurt business?

Sep 8, 2003
Away from here.
Based on the thread where Noir got new fakies and many of us voted our displeasure (in my case) and others their excitement (losers, wink) it got me thinking.

Do fake tits "pay back" a girl who gets them ten times over, either in money or sugar daddies? I`m not talking about whether the girl feels better about herself (don`t get me started on that self-deception), but whether it`s a sound "business decision"?

I mean, when delicious looking Raven Riley (aka Minnie Apple) decides she needs hers done:

the world is horribly and ultimately fucked as far as I`m concerned lol. I`m afraid that I`m totally in the minority in that I will not fuck a woman who has fake tits and get much enjoyment. I HATE them. She`s totally off my TDL. I think every escort ad should have a sticker on it that says whether the tits are fake or not.

Good business decision for a girl?? Is it worth losing men of quality in your personal life? ;)

Ashley Dupree

New member
May 15, 2008
every client i spoke to hate them. they say they look good in clothe but not to touch or feel. they are rock hard.


New member
Apr 9, 2006
Wilds of the GTA
Hey easy for you...

Ashley Dupree said:
every client i spoke to hate them. they say they look good in clothes but not to touch or feel. they are rock hard. have GREAT tits! lol

Absolutely a good business decision. Personally, I think too many women are totally nuts about it (they already have nice-great tits and STILL want to get cut). Very rarely is it warranted, in or out of the biz (age, large weight loss, sometimes a reduction actually makes sense).

I like em (if the surgery quality is GOOD), but I would NEVER ask or encourage a women to do it.


I am ebony addicted
Jan 21, 2003
"Good business decision for a girl?? Is it worth losing men of quality in your personal life"?

Hhhmmm. I wonder if ladies who know you judge them by whether they have real or bought tits would consider you "A man of quality"

Not a personal attack Mao, just an observation.


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
You don't hear about the negatives, I remember Janda saying it was the worst decision for her.

Ashley Dupree

New member
May 15, 2008
i think women do them for more their own self image rather than for a man. it no different than any other cosmetic procedure. i have a few procedure done myself but not boob job. sometime i wish they smaller. i dont really know of any woman who have them (and i know a lot) who got them to increase business. it was something they want to do for themself. whether men in general or client like them shouldnt really be an issue. if woman is meeting men they should like her for her... not for her tits. for client it another story since they are picking certain atribute they want in sp.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
The only reason a woman should get implants is to correct a bad case of pancake tits. Nothing worse than brutal saggers.

If they are just small, but firm, that's fine. My ex was a beautiful B cup with perky little pink nippples and she looked fucking awesome, but she was seriously looking to get implants. I told her she was crazy.


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
Getting surgery to feel good about yourself is crazy, fight back and don't accept society's view which made you feel inadequate. You're contributing to the problem, making other women feel they need to measure up to some cartoon standard.
I have had MANY conversations with Mrs. Cycleguy regarding this topic. She wants them... I say it your body, but don't get them for me... She says she wants to "perk" them up again so they look better in clothing etc... This much is true. It is only when the clothing comes off that they appear to look silly to some (myself included).

I have long maintained that women get them for themselves and NOT for the men in their lives. Who the hell are we as men to tell women what they should or should not do with their own bodies. Me, I'm not a fan, but that doesn't make me like or dislike the woman any more or any less. :)

Just my nickles worth.
Sep 8, 2003
Away from here.
Riley.Royal said:
Well since this seems like an attack of who decided to get implants for thier choices. and not what men think i feel the need to jump in and say something.
It's priceless to me that you see it as an attack. I already said in another thread that your breasts are almost perfect--naturally.

You are selling your body for money. It is perfectly "natural" that people are going to comment on your choices of how you "craft" or present your body, as you get paid for your body not your mind. You're a public figure whether you like it or not.

Be happy I gave you a wonderful compliment. :rolleyes: This thread ain't about you in particular.


Epitome of Sensuality...
Oct 16, 2007

Wow. I am speechless and partially hurt that I am seeing this thread produced itself in the lounge.

I don't really care for the opinions anymore. (Although I got a lot of support, I know that there are a lot of guys that did not like that I got it done. C'est la vie. You can't please everyone. :)) To be quite honest, there were a set of circumstances besides aesthetic ones that convinced me to get this breast augmentation - ones that I am not about to share here because I shouldn't have to. Hate them or not, I got them done.

As I stated in the thread, it was something that I wanted for me as a real person. How it impacts my business - I don't know. We'll see in the long run. For those of you that decided to see me because of my other qualities - thank you. For those of you who cannot see beyond my fake breasts I don't fault you. Now, I am waiting to see the band of men come along and say "I hate fake tits...."

4Times said:
IMO. Enhanced breasts make a woman look nice in clothes and sexy lingerie. When nude they are being looked at for imperfections and signs of surgery. I would sacrifice breast size for service every single time. If a woman has enhanced her breasts it means little over the course of an hour incall. SP's should focus on enhancing their service.

Case and point. ^_^ You're the kind of client who would enjoy their time with me. I don't only see myself as an SP, I see myself as a almost well rounded courtesan. Provided that I don't have much in terms of 'worldly' experience, I would like to think that I have more to offer than my breasts nor am I using them as leverage to provide an awful service.

With regards to Riley - this is a choice that she's made for herself and fought agianst herself whether she wanted them or not. A thread like this shouldn't be one that sways her decision since she is a person outside of this business - an entrepreneur with another 2 businesses and a student. Should she decide to move forward with surgery - that should be done thinking about her LIFE in the future and possible complications, rather than her roster of regulars and potential clients.

Mao Tse Tongue said:
Is it worth losing men of quality in your personal life?
How does that work? If I'm with a man and he decides to be with me, I know that he's with me because of my personality and maybe how I am i the A man of quality should want to be with a woman, 'fake tits' or not since there are other qualities that make a woman special. Many people who I haven't told have no idea that I've had this done! lol...It's not as drastic of a change that you would like to think/or have experienced in your life. A confident, accomplished, educated woman should be much more of an importance to my social circle than - 'Does she have bolt on's or real ones.' lol...

Ahh...why am I still posting...*hmmm* Perhaps it's because of the hilarity of it all. ^_^

Edit - Maybe I won't leave. Mao is making me laugh with his assumptions and off base commentary. ^_^


Punster Extraordinaire
Feb 8, 2005
in my pants, where there's a party
Mao Tse Tongue said:
...or sugar daddies? I'm not talking about whether the girl feels better about herself (don't get me started on that self-deception),
Self-deception? Sorry to say, but unless you have breasts, you're not one to say. You can have an opinion about the subject, but having discussed this with Noiry and other "augmented" girls, I'd say you're way off base.

the world is horribly and ultimately fucked as far as I'm concerned lol. I'm afraid that I'm totally in the minority in that I will not fuck a woman who has fake tits and get much enjoyment. I HATE them. She's totally off my TDL. I think every escort ad should have a sticker on it that says whether the tits are fake or not.

Good business decision for a girl?? Is it worth losing men of quality in your personal life?
Men of quality? I dunno. You stated your views in the Noir thread, as well as your reasons supporting them. Now you start another thread about the same topic. What's the point? To publicise your views even more? What's the point?

Your opinion is your own. It's as valid as anyone else's. Some hate tattoos, some hate small breasts. You don't like fake breasts. Fine. Say so and move on. All you've done here is upset an intelligent (and sexy) contributor to our community by essentially saying:

"I hate fake boobs and you're a doo doo head for getting them" <---original thread

*tap tap*"Did you hear me? I SAID I HATE FAKE BOOBS AND YOU'RE A DOO DOO HEAD FOR GETTING THEM"<---- this thread

That's not a man of quality, that just another whiny internet poster.


Registered User
Oct 23, 2002
here and there
I'm not sure if fake boobs help or hurt business, but if that's the reason for getting them it's the wrong reason. Seems to me this is a personal decision and if it makes the lady feel better about herself for whatever reason, good on her.


New member
Jun 3, 2009
Tried to talk many out of it.

Mao Tse Tongue said:
Based on the thread where Noir got new fakies and many of us voted our displeasure (in my case) and others their excitement (losers, wink) it got me thinking.

Do fake tits "pay back" a girl who gets them ten times over, either in money or sugar daddies? I`m not talking about whether the girl feels better about herself (don`t get me started on that self-deception), but whether it`s a sound "business decision"?

I mean, when delicious looking Raven Riley (aka Minnie Apple) decides she needs hers done:

the world is horribly and ultimately fucked as far as I`m concerned lol. I`m afraid that I`m totally in the minority in that I will not fuck a woman who has fake tits and get much enjoyment. I HATE them. She`s totally off my TDL. I think every escort ad should have a sticker on it that says whether the tits are fake or not.

Good business decision for a girl?? Is it worth losing men of quality in your personal life? ;)

I can`t begin to tell you the number of women with beautiful natural boobies who feel totally insecure because they think the bolt on girls are getting all the business. I try to talk them out of it. Maybe just me again. I tell them that men actually laugh at Pam Anderson as some sort of cartoon. Even some with them want to go back for bigger ones. I have told them from my perspective only you are making a joke of yourself. Is as hard to look at you as anything but a bimbo with huge implants.


New member
Aug 30, 2004
To me, the term 'fake' is a misnomer and rather insulting. They are altered, yes. Fake would be slicing off the tits completely and sewing synthetic ones in their place. When you kiss, and caress them, you're touching the persons real skin, nothing artificial. If you get a colagen shot in the lips, do you call them fake lips? I have absolutely no problem being with a woman who has decided to have implants. Have had many. I'm much more interested in the entire woman than whether she's had implants or not. So to Noir, I say 'congratulations on doing something you felt needed doing, and hope they meet your expectations'.

Hurricane Hank

Active member
May 21, 2008
I'm sure most of us PREFER natural. But are boobs good for business? It seems sometimes yes, sometimes no.

Would I refuse to see a lady with fake boobs? Of course not. Do your research, read some reviews. "Never judge a book by it's cover" comes to mind.

I've never seen Noir. But I plan to, based on her reviews, not on her new twins.

Reminds me of Olivia at SRM. Great looking, lousy service. I then became a regular of Heather's at SRM. Not as attractive, but great service. I have a feeling that Noir combines both looks and service. A nice find I believe.


Feb 25, 2008
Downtown TO
This thread would be hilarious if it wasn't so offensive and hurtful toward Noir and Riley, and any other women who choose to modify their body.

But why do I find it hilarious? Because it sounds so much like so many discussions I have read in the feminist blogosphere and in feminist circles about the same topic. Yes guys, some of you sound like radical feminists who think of women as mindless victims of The Patriarchy who are brainwashed into modifying their body to attract and please men. Like the radical feminists, some of you feel entitled to judge and comment on those women's choice regarding their own body, and you seem to believe to know the motivations and reasoning behind those choices. But while the radical feminist shame and blame those women for selling out to The Patriarchy, you shame them for making choice that make those women less attractive to you.

Why is it that so many people feel entitled to comment on another person's choice regarding their own body? And so what if one woman's choice to get fake tits is to increase her business? Why would that be "the wrong reason"? Do you feel the same about bald pussy? I can assure you that many women in this industry wouldn't shave their pussy on a daily basis if it wasn't to please their clients. So, I am shaving "for the wrong reasons"? What makes some reasons "good" ones, and others "wrong"? According to what and whose criterias?

I think there is place for a discussion on the social pressure on women to fit certain standards of beauty (especially within the sex industry), and on the influence that this has on women's choices regarding their body. But I find it particularly distasteful and offensive to make it about the personal choice of one or two specific women who regularly post here, and a complete lack of respect for them to start a thread discussing and judging the validity of their choices.


New member
Jan 18, 2009
I prefer natural but if real life corresponds with what men like to see in porn, it seems more men prefer fake.


New member
Sep 6, 2007
under the sheets
Not worth it, they look great in clothes, but what happens when a woman reaches the age that gravity really takes over??.................nasty, sorry but they end up looking like two bowling balls in a stocking
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