Do all Sp's feel this way? : A great discussion at the lounge


Sep 4, 2002
abcsora said:
All is relative after all. As much as they are not normal, people buying their bodies are abnormal in certain way. If we understand ourselves then we can understand them. Are we really enjoying hobbying or being addicted without knowing it?
Speaking for myself only, I enjoy hobbying. I love the variety and if there were no SP's I would be trying to pick up ladies at bars, work ect. Instead I prefer to pay the money and not have any strings attached.

Many let emotions get into the game, but really it is just business, the girls want our money and we want the sex and variety, plain and simple.

I never leave a session, even the ones that rocked me thinking, wow, this girl might have liked me, NOPE, she liked my money and probably wouldn't mind me as a repeat because I was clean and treated her in a friendly manner. At the same time I would never ever entertain the thought of "hanging out" with the lady outside of this fantasy world. I pay for the variety and the NO STRINGS ATTACHED.


Jun 23, 2007
She was doing this ONLY to pay off her student bills, so anyone want to guess what the next bill will be that she will be doing this to pay off? That is day shes back in the ads with a price on her sexual service and body.... AND is also the day we all get the last laugh!

I got a cetain "Im better then all of you vibe" after reading that especially the "dirty hobby" comment. I hate to break it to you sweetheart but you were the hobby that was consumed by everyone here and im glad you took the route to spread your legs to pay off your student bills.

Once you have taken this route, once that other situation rises where you need money and fast. That bitch will be sucking + fucking harder then ever!

Will she enjoy it?
Who gives a fuck........We pay you to sit there and take it wether you enjoy it or not.


New member
May 16, 2003
rayden said:
Speaking for myself only, I enjoy hobbying. I love the variety and if there were no SP's I would be trying to pick up ladies at bars, work ect. Instead I prefer to pay the money and not have any strings attached.

Many let emotions get into the game, but really it is just business, the girls want our money and we want the sex and variety, plain and simple.

I never leave a session, even the ones that rocked me thinking, wow, this girl might have liked me, NOPE, she liked my money and probably wouldn't mind me as a repeat because I was clean and treated her in a friendly manner. At the same time I would never ever entertain the thought of "hanging out" with the lady outside of this fantasy world. I pay for the variety and the NO STRINGS ATTACHED.
exactly... you got your head screwed on straight man... anyone that thinks any different is a sappy putz...


New member
May 16, 2003
abcsora said:
All is relative after all. As much as they are not normal, people buying their bodies are abnormal in certain way. If we understand ourselves then we can understand them. Are we really enjoying hobbying or being addicted without knowing it?
oh how naive you are... man oh man... understand them?? I can't even fucking begin to understand them... and that is all women in general, much less SPs!!! LOL!!!


Jun 12, 2006
teach said:
oh how naive you are... man oh man... understand them?? I can't even fucking begin to understand them... and that is all women in general, much less SPs!!! LOL!!!
You don't understand's because you don't even try to understand them as you said. Please try to communicate with people in whatever circumstances. You can find another perspecive. In the end all we are imperfect people. You can enjoy but don't forget being taught!


New member
Oct 27, 2006
abcsora said:
You don't understand's because you don't even try to understand them as you said. Please try to communicate with people in whatever circumstances. You can find another perspecive. In the end all we are imperfect people. You can enjoy but don't forget being taught!

It may apply to the main stream girls, I have found the newbies to be open to genuine attraction. It may take 1/2 dozen visits to make a difference with same sp. I find it makes the sessions very hot. The millage indeed becomes greater! The mutual attraction does make a difference plus a tip. Thats me.


New member
May 16, 2003
victoriajolie said:
I rather give the blow job to the stranger than the husband i can't stand anymore ...that's just my point of view ..
Victoria, that is a very good point... I will also add, that you are most definitely not the norm... neither are other "enterprising" SPs such as for example...

cheers, teach


New member
May 16, 2003
abcsora said:
You don't understand's because you don't even try to understand them as you said. Please try to communicate with people in whatever circumstances. You can find another perspecive. In the end all we are imperfect people. You can enjoy but don't forget being taught!
oh please... what do you think I do? I'm an excellent communicator and also have been around the block several times... please stick to what you know, which clearly is not much... :cool: also, where did I say I don't even try to understand them? where?


New member
May 16, 2003
eldoguy said:
It may apply to the main stream girls, I have found the newbies to be open to genuine attraction. It may take 1/2 dozen visits to make a difference with same sp. I find it makes the sessions very hot. The millage indeed becomes greater! The mutual attraction does make a difference plus a tip. Thats me.
you are completely missing the point dude...


Nov 2, 2004
Washington DC
100% pure business or more than that

I agree with many of the sentiments expressed here and will say that my relationships with SP's have varied a great deal. Some quickly and carefully count the money, watch the clock, and run out as soon as the time is up. Others like to talk and spend time beyond the requirement. Over the years I have met a number of SP's whose company I enjoyed, and who I spent a good amount of "extra" time with. Some SP's truly seem to enjoy spending time with at least some of their clients and enjoy helping the clients to feel good. That's the kind of woman I want to spend my time with. Usually I can tell within about 5 minutes whether I'm in a pure 100% business relationship or otherwise. Clearly most SP's appreciate the funds and learn to rely on the income. So money is nearly always the primary ingredient. The question, and one that makes hobbying interesting, is what are the other ingredients?

victoriajolie said:
"how can anyone think that selling their body (the soul was sold long before the body) for money will not impact their lives? how can these ladies 'enjoy' bending over for strangers, giving bbbj, receiving facials, and pretending to enjoy multiple men in one day of work? these are not 'normal' girls... they had to shut down a part of themselves before they started doing this and shut down a little more the longer they are in this business... "


New member
May 16, 2003
charmz said:
She was doing this ONLY to pay off her student bills, so anyone want to guess what the next bill will be that she will be doing this to pay off? That is day shes back in the ads with a price on her sexual service and body.... AND is also the day we all get the last laugh!

I got a cetain "Im better then all of you vibe" after reading that especially the "dirty hobby" comment. I hate to break it to you sweetheart but you were the hobby that was consumed by everyone here and im glad you took the route to spread your legs to pay off your student bills.

Once you have taken this route, once that other situation rises where you need money and fast. That bitch will be sucking + fucking harder then ever!

Will she enjoy it?
Who gives a fuck........We pay you to sit there and take it wether you enjoy it or not.
you're clearly a classy guy... it is assholes like you that make ladies like the SP that posted the original rant feel as bitter as they do... go jump off a bridge, you won't be missed... :cool:


New member
Mar 23, 2007
Spadina and King-downtown
The woman who said this is a "dirty" business probably felt dirty when she was an escort. Our whole soceity is basically negative about sex-especially women's sexuality.

Not everyone feels that sex is a bad or sinful thing. For me, sex is great and I enjoy it. So doing sex work (escorting) is fun for me. The SPs are real and normal women just like the clients are real and normal men. This is the oldest profession in the world because it's normal. We happen to live in a society that doesn't accept it and wants to hide it. That doesn't mean we have to accept what our society says about us.

There have been places in the world and times in history where escorting and hobbying are accepted behaviours and even religious duties (ancient Mesopotamia had temple prostitutes who were like priestesses). Whatever the society says about us doesn't mean that we have to accept it as true. In our society, gays were once seen as evil sinners and now they aren't viewed that way. The same is true of hobbyists and escorts-now we are seen as bad people but in the past we weren't always and hopefully in the future we won't be viewed as bad people. We're all just people trying to make our way in the world. Peace.


New member
May 16, 2003
eldoguy said:
bottomline, keep things in perspective... we can't change the world... but treat the ladies with respect and have a good time... don't judge them, treat them like a lady (what lady doesn't like that?) and for god sake don't be a fucking pig.

Your very words Teach!!!! Trying to be a nice Guy!:)
And i mean it man...

I have met many amazing ladies in this hobby but make no mistake, I do this for a reason and so do the ladies... anybody that gets confused as to what those reasons are needs to get their heads out of their ass and see the light...


Aug 3, 2006
On the Edge
The Houdini said:
From my experience I wouldn't paint all sp's with the same brush. Of course they all do it for the money, but some really enjoy what they do. While others enjoy sex and intimacy with certain clients....

Never truer words were spoken. I agree and have largely been very lucky to find ladies offering support to the hobby who genuinely love the game, and because they do, they typically provide the best GFE or PSE available. For that, they shall always have my complete respect. There have indeed been exceptions over the long haul, but for those, you take it with a grain of salt and move forward, as do they.


New member
May 16, 2003
demien2k5 said:
Never truer words were spoken. I agree and have largely been very lucky to find ladies offering support to the hobby who genuinely love the game, and because they do, they typically provide the best GFE or PSE available. For that, they shall always have my complete respect. There have indeed been exceptions over the long haul, but for those, you take it with a grain of salt and move forward, as do they.
you too demien? are you serious? I would say I generally get very good milage even from YMMV girls and yes, I've had girls give me their number, their real names, tell me about their life story and on and on and on... they are either stupid to do so because how the fuck are they going to know who I REALLY am?? for crying out loud, I'm paying to fuck them... the alternative is they are looking for that sap who they can take advantage of or they are looking for that sugar daddy...

I am not judging these girls... some are great, but these girls are NOT 'normal' girls... it takes different kind of wiring to do what they do... and if you think otherwise, you are naive...


New member
May 16, 2003
victoriajolie said:
LOL so i'm abnormal and raquel too..

Which lead me to a very good question see my new tread----->
no my dear, you are definitely not the norm... and there is nothing wrong with that... ;)


International User
Jan 14, 2003
Planet Earth
Wow, I guess my 1000th post is going to be memorable.

Thanks to all who posted - a lot of good insight.

With some, I agree - others, I disagree.

Some have posted that they are paid to be there and should perform. That may be true but I think a lot of SP's get jaded and despise the biz because of the way guys treat them. Most people remember the bad things and not the good so if an SP sees 10 guys and 9 are nice but the 10th is an ass hole, that is the one she is going to remember.

I ask you this. Those that have had the opportunity to meet and pick up a girl at a bar or restaurant or wherever, how does it make you feel in comparison to simply calling a SP? For me, the real thrill is knowing the girl wants to be with you for you and not for money. That is the ultimate turn on.

My buddy saw a couple of SP's recently and he tried to tell me how much he turned them on. I let it go and didn't want to burst his bubble but how does he really know? It's an illusion, plain and simple. I have become friends with many SP's and each one has told me they do it for money and not only do they hate the guys they see with a passion, they have contempt for men. :eek: I am sure many SP's think otherwise but that has been my experience.

Again, just a discussion point.


DrRogers has left the Bld
Over thirty years and over 1000 women I have met only 4 SP's that I would truly describe as friends - and have remained friends and only one has been instrumental in changing my life. We spend time together having lunch, dinner, going to the theatre, watching videos, walking the dog, shopping and doing all the things you do with your friends - these are intelligent, wonderful worldy women that were and still, well several of them, working at a job that provided a living for them that allowed them to reach goals in their lives - be it financial, family or other. We have shared our private lives, they have been guests in my home. They have shared the high points in my life and helped me through the low points - yes, they are true friends, not lovers but friends. They have friends, families and in some cases S.O.'s that are tolerant of what they do (those that know). The others - well they all made me feel that they enjoyed their work for the most part - I know that the girls that were at the top of the pay scale were either more convincing or truly more responsive than the bargain girls. I treated every one of them as I would want to be treated and with respect - they where people and not whores. I have disdain for the guys that treat these woman that are prepared to give them pleasure in any way other than they would a friend. Did they hate what they wI'm ere doing - many did, did they do it well, most of them, did I develop relationships with them - no - 4 out of over 1000 is basically equal to none.
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