Do all Sp's feel this way? : A great discussion at the lounge


Active member
Sep 16, 2004
Hello Terbites,

The following post has generated a great discussion at the lounge, and carries some very pertinent sentiments and question. It is a must visit discussion:
Do all Sp`s feel this way? by "petitelover" at the TERB Lounge.

I know 1000 posts are a mere pittance compared to many on this board but being a 5 year member [Fred and Sheik - where are my free passes to see some SP`s on Terb ] I thought I would post something out of the norm.

I saw the following on another affiliate Board to Terb. Her name will remain anonymous (and for that matter, it doesn`t matter). This is her post in response to many that wanted to know when she will be back. I saw her when I was in her home town and she was wonderful - funny, sexy, spicy not to mention she was a real hottie.

"Hi guys,
Yes, I`m out of this job forever, and for good. I`m now living in Mexico and I work for a huge hotel as a human ressources manager and I love it!
Thanks to all the kind men I`ve met, fu** you to the others.
And to be honnest, I did this job to refund my studies debt, not to meet people. So yes, it was all about the money. Is it bad? Maybe. Or not.
I can say that it`s one of the worst job of my life and the biggest secret I`ll keep for myself. Yes, I had good moments, but at the end, if you were nice to me, it was ONLY for my ass and to have sex. Is it bad? Maybe, maybe not.

I just wanted to shut down your hope of seeing me back, it`s never gonna happen.
Bye and have fun with your dirty hobby."

There are always exceptions, but I presume most if not all SP`s hate this job as she does. I read posts here and on other boards stating that the SP had a great time with me and she came like a race horse and blah blah blah .........

Again, not saying it never happens, but on the average it is a job to most SP`s and they hate it. One could argue most people hate their jobs so what is the difference. I don`t deny that would be a good argument but many think when they meet with a SP that what they say and do are real. It is illusionary. I have had my own experiences with SP`s and dancers that confirm they hate the guys they are with and just do it for the money.

Here is a question for the group. Knowing the SP hates the job and doesn`t want to be with you for sex, how does it make you feel being with them?

Just a discussion question - not directed at anyone so don`t beat up PL too much!


New member
May 23, 2008
who really do not want to be with them either...except for the fun


New member
Jan 28, 2004
Dude. Get over it. There's no love in this game. There are exceptions but the truth is it's just business.

If you thought is was something else you're dreaming. What person would want to bang fat, hairy spelly guys for a living? Yeesh.

The one with the problem is this chick. Whoever she is. She's bitter about something. She's obviously venting. If she had truly moved on and she's never coming back why post anything? Just go away and love your life. She had to come back and paya little fuck you to the crowd because she's insecure.

So the answer is YES> they're in it for themoney. But that's no different than 95% of people who work for a living.


Aug 25, 2001
This really shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. Part of me is when I'm with them, I don't want to think too much about how much they really hate this job or whatever...even though I probably would have guess so. I mean you're already paying an "x" amount of money for a service and all you should really care for is that service alone. At the end of the's just a business transaction. It's kind of like going to a restaurant and ordering food. I don't really care how much the waiter/waitress love their job or not as long as I get decent service. If you start thinking too much about their mental just become more of a unnecessary distraction.


Aug 25, 2001
I do agreed with the fella above who said she's bittered about something. It's almost like she's rubbing it in and she's so proud of her current state. Oh's not like she was the only girl in town.


I have an asian problem..
Mar 31, 2005
A 100% of the time these ladies are in it for the money otherwise why choose this business?
If you're lucky you might run into a special lady that will treat you like more than a client but that is very rare and obviously you'd treat her more than an SP. BUT at the end of it all SP's are SP's and clients are just clients. Getting emotionally involved with your SP or client is a serious issue and I wouldn't recommend it to anybody.
As for that girl, she's absolutely right to say that "we" only want her for her ass which is true but she's the one that's willing to put it out there - She could have got a normal job getting normal pay but obviously she wanted the fast track.


Massage my . . .
Jul 16, 2008
With all the different types of relationships that have come out of this hobby, it comes down to one thing: You are either a client or a friend(or more). There is no such thing as a client friend. If they were truly your friend you would not charge them. Borrowing money, helping out with cab fare, picking up the bill occasionally at dinner, etc. can be debated as friendly gestures reciprocated from time to time, but at the end of the day if you are paying for her time, you are a client. You are not a friend, but a friendly client.

I have known many clients, even myself, that have gone and had great meaningful long "relationships" with great women, but at the end of the day there is no sense in being naive and labelling it any other way. You are a client, she is an escort. I mean if she treats me like a jon, I treat her the same.

Basically it is like this, if you expect sex whenever you see her then that makes you a jon. If she expects money everytime she sees you, then she is an escort. Friendly clients are everywhere, but when a SP starts hanging around with you for free, then you are truly a friend. Does this exist? To be fair let's say 99% ofthe women are only in it for the money. I have been lucky with that 1%.

- P

The Houdini

Mar 18, 2008
From my experience I wouldn't paint all sp's with the same brush. Ofcourse they all do it for the money, but some really enjoy what they do. While others enjoy sex and intimacy with certain clients.

We all have to remember that there are a lot of pigs out there that treat sp's like dirt. I've heard many horror stories, and I really feel for these girls.

So yeah, this girl is venting. If it makes her feel better, then so be it...


May 30, 2008
What a great discussion Salik. It brings back an experience I had about a year ago with an sp that I had been seeing regularly for about 3-4 mths. Well we did get friendly. I paid for each visit but after awhile I got the sense that she could care less whether I paid her or not. I still did because I knew she needed the money. She worked for an agency but we exchanged personal cell numbers so we could chat and sometimes I booked her services directly rather than calling the agency. Well after a few mths I think she wanted more and started texting me at all hours of the day just to talk or asking if I would come meet her. This was bad considering I have a SO. I had to turn my phone off when I got home just so I wouldn't receive these text messages at all hours. When I didn't reply sometimes she would get pissed and the following day when my phone was on would call and call. I won't go into all the details that happened when my SO found some of the text msgs but it wasn't a pretty scene.

So warning to all, enjoy your time with the sp as just that. Time with an escort and remember always you are paying for sex and thats all. Trust me I have been there and wouldn't wish that upon anyone.


New member
May 22, 2008
I too agree that most hate their job as sps. Clearly they do it for the money and nothing else. That's understandable.

What I wonder about is, how do these girls feel about themselves for what they do? Do they feel guilty about it, or maybe ashamed? When they are in a serious relationship, do they ever reveal the fact that they are or once worked as an escort?


New member
Sep 5, 2006
Hank250 said:
When they are in a serious relationship, do they ever reveal the fact that they are or once worked as an escort?
Good point. I get the impression that most escorts SO's know about it and even help them out in the biz.
Sep 8, 2003
Away from here.
Her comments are her own. End of story.

Anyone with half a brain knows the sex trade is a difficult and lonely one for many women, but a quick way to make a lot of money. Of course the side effects can be profound.

But guess what? Working at the factory can be awful as well. The number of sex trade workers is expanding not contracting, so obviously it's worth it for lots of women.

Personally I could never do it. Most men are creepy and smell bad. :D


New member
May 16, 2003
many get into this business without full understanding of all the implications... a few are smart enough, focused enough and stick to doing this to achieve their short terms goals and move on... but even these do not understand the full implications... how this will impact their lives can only be discovered over time... but one thing for sure, this experience will have fundamentally changed them as a person because no one is strong enough to not allow that to happen...

for the majority, this business will be the beginning of a long road downhill to a life of depression, of unfulfilled opportunities and relationships...

how can anyone think that selling their body (the soul was sold long before the body) for money will not impact their lives? how can these ladies 'enjoy' bending over for strangers, giving bbbj, receiving facials, and pretending to enjoy multiple men in one day of work? these are not 'normal' girls... they had to shut down a part of themselves before they started doing this and shut down a little more the longer they are in this business...

I'm guilty myself of writing reviews where "I clicked" with the lady... but in reality what that means is that the girl is just thankful that I'm not like that fucking pig that was sweating all over her just last week...

bottomline, keep things in perspective... we can't change the world... but treat the ladies with respect and have a good time... don't judge them, treat them like a lady (what lady doesn't like that?) and for god sake don't be a fucking pig...


New member
May 16, 2003
tlaselva said:
Good point. I get the impression that most escorts SO's know about it and even help them out in the biz.
and why do you get that impression? what is your source? I personally could not be with anyone that did this for a living... call me a hypocrite but that is how I feel...

in fact, knowing what I know now, I will make damn sure that I know everything about the future Mrs. Teach prior to taking the plunge... :D


New member
May 16, 2003
If she expects money everytime she sees you, then she is an escort. Friendly clients are everywhere, but when a SP starts hanging around with you for free, then you are truly a friend. Does this exist?
dude, that is a dangerous fucking road and you are playing with fire... not only for your sake but also her sake, pull your head out of your ass and see the light... these are not regular girls... and as a john, you are not a regular guy...


New member
May 16, 2003
sexaholictoo said:
...but what will you tell the future Mrs. Teach about your hobbying past? :)
what hobbying past? are you talking about my stamp collection?

see how easy that is? lol..


Tongue please
Aug 5, 2006
sexaholictoo said:
...but what will you tell the future Mrs. Teach about your hobbying past? :)
Another reason why life is unfair . As long as there is no current reminders (children , STD's etc) of your previous sex partners women generally don't care who or how many you've slept with as long as it stays in the past . We on the other hand drive ourselves crazy thinking about who and how many got into her pants before us .


New member
May 16, 2003
smylee52 said:
Another reason why life is unfair . As long as there is no current reminders (children , STD's etc) of your previous sex partners women generally don't care who or how many you've slept with as long as it stays in the past . We on the other hand drive ourselves crazy thinking about who and how many got into her pants before us .
Who said life is fair? Also, let's get something straight here... being a john and being an SP are two totally different things... related in the sense that you can't have one without the other but very different... and if you don't know the difference answer these questions:

1) would you accept money to get fucked up the ass?
2) would you pay someone money to fuck them up the ass?


Jun 12, 2006
teach said:
how can anyone think that selling their body (the soul was sold long before the body) for money will not impact their lives? how can these ladies 'enjoy' bending over for strangers, giving bbbj, receiving facials, and pretending to enjoy multiple men in one day of work? these are not 'normal' girls... they had to shut down a part of themselves before they started doing this and shut down a little more the longer they are in this business...
All is relative after all. As much as they are not normal, people buying their bodies are abnormal in certain way. If we understand ourselves then we can understand them. Are we really enjoying hobbying or being addicted without knowing it?
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