Hush Companions

DNA links murder of Cassandra Do to unsolved 1997 assault of female sex trade worker


Feb 19, 2003
DNA evidence has linked the murder of Cassandra Do and the unsolved sexual assault of a female sex trade worker in 1997. The suspect is described as a muscular black man, aged 30 to 40, 6 foot, 3" tall and 230 lbs.

Who knows if maybe he attacked others who didn't report the assault? Now is the time to come forward to nail this bastard.

Ladies, be careful.



Feb 19, 2003
Here's a link

Oct. 3, 2003. 02:04 PM

New lead in August murder


Cassandra Do, 32, a transsexual prostitute, was found dead Aug. 26 in her Gloucester St. apartment. She was well-known in the gay community and kept logbooks of clients, a friend says.

The investigation into the strangulation death of a Toronto transsexual in August has turned up an important lead, police revealed today. The body of Cassandra Do, 32, a prostitute, was found naked in the bathtub of her Gloucester St. apartment on Aug. 26.

Do was Toronto's 34th slaying of the year.

DNA that had been discovered at the scene of the murder has been linked via the National DNA Databank to DNA found at a sexual assault in Toronto in 1997, police say. That sexual assault case involved a female sex-trade worker and she was able to describe her attacker. Based on that description, the investigators are looking for a man, 30 to 40, about 6-foot-3 and over 230 pounds.

He may wear glasses.

In 1997, the attacker was described as having a muscular build and close-shaved head and no facial hair.

Anyone with information is urged to contact homicide at 416-808-7414 or 416-808-7403. Information can also be provided anonymously by calling Crime Stoppers at (416) 222-TIPS (8477).

aka Danielle

Touching your member

I don't see anywhere in that article where it says a black man is suspect.

"the investigators are looking for a man, 30 to 40, about 6-foot-3 and over 230 pounds."

" In 1997, the attacker was described as having a muscular build and close-shaved head and no facial hair."


New member
Jun 6, 2003
planet earth
Re: Description?

******I was talking to another lady on this board a few days ago about starting a email/database about TIPS and INFORMATION we can share with one another about protecting ourselves. I have been in this biz for about 6 years and at first took stupid risks, but I was just lucky but I know I have some possibly valuable info to share and I know so do many of you. We have to start working and sticking together LADIES!!!!! I know we can do it, a lot more than we are now. If we dont do it no one else will! I believe it is our RESPONSIBLITY as sex workers to help protect one another. Especially since demimonde is now defunct. I will be collecting verifyable work email and/or work phone numbers because ......I would obviously need to know you are a working sex work female or shemale, and I would not want these tips getting into the hands of those who get pleasure out of hurting us.
Because... unfortunately most attacks against sex workers are not thoroughly investigated (i.e. 50+ murdered prostitutes in B.C.)

Ladies we ALL have to start VERIFYING ALL of our clients. Rapists, and murders dont tell you what they are going to do to you before they do it. How many times have we heard victims say he seemed so nice and didnt look like a bad guy. Of course at first they act nice because they are predators, 'wolves in sheeps clothing' who know it is 'easier to catch bees with honey than with vinegar' and pour out the honey to trap and manipulate us and gain our trust so they can catch us with our guard down!!!!! If we all do it it will become common place like it is in the USA, I work there to and the men give the info much more freely than T.O. guys, and I have seen very rich, successfull and prominent men, who have a lot to loose DO.

As Morgan said a few months ago about guys who are worried about, and refuse give us any personal info out of fear......until we start hearing about clients that are robbed, beaten, raped, stabbed, shot and strangled in thier own homes by ESCORTS I may make an exception but until than......

Their right to privacy SHOULD never SUPERSEED our NEED to protect ourselves and be safe, NEVER. And all reasonable, intelligent, grown men UNDERSTAND THIS!. As one man on this board said any woman who takes such risks is OUT OF HER GORD. As we see in this case it is not worth any amount of money in the world to take such unnecessary and additional risks with our life.

Unfortuantely too many 'upscale' independant ladies/escorts think that these types of crimes only happen on the street to $20 drug addicted prostitutes. That type of inncorrect thinking, is sooo untrue. And to those wo think that guys who see street ladies are all totally different than guys who only see internet upscale less ladies work the streets and work indoors where do you think all their clients go they move to indoor escorts TOO, obviously.!!!!!!!

I mentioned to a friend that if a 5'4, 115 pd girl has totally ANONYMOUS unverifyed clients/ much larger and stroner men at that, into her house and closes the door behind them, especially if she works alone........
*******IMO that is EVEN MORE RISKY......... than walking the streest and picking up clients and jumping into their cars. Because at least you see his licence plate, someone will probably see you jumping into his car and may be able to at least give a description, being outdoors gives a lady a better chance to run and escape and quite possibly the attcker csan be caught in the act by a passerby or LE.
Sure we will loose some clients but that could be the very client who had bad intentions and had planned to hurt us or kill us.
I have heard of so many stories of ladies getting hurt in incalls lately but most women are afraid to report the incident because of fear and past misconduct of some LE who didnt really help them.
But ladies report it, seeking out a sex worker friendly cop. I am sure Maggies and Swat, can help.
The more info the cops can collect about this guy/others will give them more amunition to catch them. And trust me they are not looking to arrest a few prostitutes, you dont think they already know how to find us if they REALLY wanted to arrest all of us ? Very easy.
On detective mentioned to me that like all viloent sex attackers men who rape and murder prostitutes ESCALATE in thier behavior/crimes, because the THRILL wears off over time. So they may start off with prostitutes because to these cowards we are easier targets, but as they become more confidant that they are too smart to be caught....... they often move to " our daughters and sisiters and mothers and wives!" Like Paul Bernardo who started off having very rough sex with his girlfriends to the Scarborough rapist to , physically abusing his wife, to drugging and rapping his sister in law and then to kidnapping and rapping and mutulating and murdering teenage girls and videotaping it.


New member
Jun 6, 2003
planet earth
Re: Description?

aka Danielle said:
I don't see anywhere in that article where it says a black man is suspect.

"the investigators are looking for a man, 30 to 40, about 6-foot-3 and over 230 pounds."

" In 1997, the attacker was described as having a muscular build and close-shaved head and no facial hair."

Check todays Toronto Sun page 6 it says it there too.

aka Danielle

Touching your member
Thank you Twinkle

Thank you for clearing that up. The Star didn't mention anything.


Feb 19, 2003
bbking said:
Isn't there a TIP line that does not involve LE or having to make an appearance in court that if any victims of this creep could come forward? I'll look and if I find it I will post it, but if anyone knows it maybe they could post it.
Twinkle's right, pervs like this just escalate. I rember being surprised at the 100,000 reward for info on the Scarborough rapist as it was very large reward for it's time - I rember asking someone in the know at the time why such a large reward and the response was that each rape was getting worse and it was only time before he killed someone on purpose or by accident and he then told me of the recent attacks - one girl had her arm placed on a curb and stomped on until it shattered and another girl had some flesh removed as a trophey. So if anyone out there knows something call the authorities, believe me I think they would more interested in getting this creep off the streets than anything you may have done. If this was this guys first sex killing, the second one will be that much easier.
As noted above, the information can also be provided anonymously by calling Crime Stoppers at (416) 222-TIPS (8477).



Feb 19, 2003
nearlynormal said:
Again it seems to have taken an helluva long time to match the DNA. Cassandra was found dead on Aug 26 so they would have processed the crime scene and had the DNA evidence soon after that. The article about the match is dated Oct 03 so it has taken them a month or so to make the connection. They may have known much sooner and just now released the information but I personally doubt it. They probably released that info as soon as they got it from the lab guys.

This reminds me of the Paul Bernardo investigation where they took samples from anyone who matched Bernardo's description, including Bernardo himself. Then they took so bloody long to process all the samples that it was a total waste of time and $$. Carla basically turned him in and they had him in custody before they realized they'd taken his sample. It was just sitting there will all the others.
One month is not a long time at all considering the backlog. FYI all murder DNA is dealt with before sexual assault DNA. That's why the DNA for the Bernardo sexual assaults sat on the shelf for so long.



fernie said:
One month is not a long time at all considering the backlog. FYI all murder DNA is dealt with before sexual assault DNA. That's why the DNA for the Bernardo sexual assaults sat on the shelf for so long.
The reason with Bernardo, that it sat for so long, was that the technology simply was not there to process DNA in an affordable or timely manner

GirlFriends Toronto

Established since 2002
Jan 24, 2003
North York
If this is the same person, my friend was attacked by what seems to be the same description of what is above.
It happened in '97, spring I believe.
She felt he was going to kill her after he raped and robbed her but she screamed and fought him off. I know she called the police.
This happened at 620 Jarvis @ Bloor.
If I remember the details correctly, the description is very accurate.



Feb 19, 2003
Amber said:
If this is the same person, my friend was attacked by what seems to be the same description of what is above.
It happened in '97, spring I believe.
She felt he was going to kill her after he raped and robbed her but she screamed and fought him off. I know she called the police.
This happened at 620 Jarvis @ Bloor.
If I remember the details correctly, the description is very accurate.


Please call the Tips line and give them that information. It can be provided anonymously by calling Crime Stoppers at (416) 222-TIPS (8477).



Feb 19, 2003
Perhaps the backlog is attributed to doing a job properly so that the DNA evidence can be used in court to nail the bastard. Who knows? The Centre of Foresics has had a great deal of problems in the last few years especially with respect to tunnel vision. Thank god they were able to make the connection between Tula's murder and the 1997 assault. In any event, the DNA testing has been privitized now so there is more than one qualified technician.

Unfortunately I think you would still do more time for stealing a car than raping a woman these days.

Last edited:


New member
Jun 6, 2003
planet earth
Re: Re: Thank you Twinkle

rubmeister100 said:
Of course they wouldn't. It would be racial profiling and offend the sensitivities of some. Why, somebody might even (wait for it) WRITE A LETTER!

Of course, catching a murderer is not quite as important.

HEY, but those man haters over at 1 Yonge did say that it was a MAN. WTF?

"Dear Toronto Star,

As a member of the male community I am deeply offended at your characterization leading to the perception of of all men being suspected as transsexual prostitute murderers. "

And no, I'm not being funny. Sad.
Yes I too, am surprised they left out such important information!
And they should have released his skin tone as well. There are so many shades of black skin , from Halle Berry to Denzel Washington the Micheal Jordan. They didnt even mention if he had dark or light or medium black skin colour. That is very important information.


New member
Jun 6, 2003
planet earth
Amber said:
If this is the same person, my friend was attacked by what seems to be the same description of what is above.
It happened in '97, spring I believe.
She felt he was going to kill her after he raped and robbed her but she screamed and fought him off. I know she called the police.
This happened at 620 Jarvis @ Bloor.
If I remember the details correctly, the description is very accurate.


Amber did your friend ever report it to the police?
If she did NOT, maybe you can ask her to report it now, at least anonymously, or you can call the detective investigating the case and pass on the information.

BTW Amber.....What was his skin tone, dark, medium or light?


Feb 19, 2003
Even if she reported it to the police years ago, if the description and MO is the same as these brutal assaults then she should report it to the TIPS line ASAP. She might have some clues to this bastard's identity that have been overlooked.



New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Folks if you have and information that could lead police to this preditor.

Stand up and bring this information forword.

Should one more person die, because you may have to testify?


Feb 19, 2003
At least make an anonymous report so the police get the info.

Description of suspect

The Toronto Police press release with the description (including "black") of the suspect is at UPDATE CASSANDRA DO HOMICIDE INVESTIGATION HOMICIDE #34/2003. Isn't the Internet wonderful? We can get information direct from the horse's mouth instead of being entirely dependent upon the prejudices and competence of media intermediaries nowadays.

Some may wish to write the Star and complain that their description of the suspect did not match the police description:
  • Letters to the Editor, 1 Yonge Street, Toronto, M5E 1E6
  • Fax: (416) 869-4322
  • eMail:
Letters must include full name, address and 'phone number of the sender; street names and 'phone numbers will not be published.

I don't suggest any huge changes will result from letters sent - but if an editor mentions to the reporter that 50 complaints regarding copying ability were received, a little more care might be exercised next time.
Toronto Escorts