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Disturbing video - About the Ruling Class !!!


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
I suggest you watch this. Its long, but well worth it. I'd like to hear your thoughts.

Titalian, we must be on the same email thread lol.

I finished watching this tonight.

I don't agree with all aspects (no body switching although it's possible that they used x-rays of the Tippit's skull, there may have been surgery to JFK before the autopsy, the shot from the sewer doesn't seem right - more like from midway down the picket fence, and I've been there, etc. etc.)

I thought the comment that the ruling class have allowed emigration of unstable Muslims into the West to sow the seeds of terrorist activity, silly.

JFK did in fact decline the false flag plan Operation Northwoods.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Flying a commercial airliner into a skyscraper while it's being taped live is not what anyone would call a 'controlled demolition'. If you believe the BS in this video, you are definitely a massive 'gull-a-bull'!
I've heard it from several engineers. While I discount controlled demolition and believe in AQ conspiracy only, the descent rate of the towers was very close to free fall, when the buildup of structural material from pancaking down would have hindered that descent.

Also, Building 7 was not hit. How the fuck could it collapse?


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Before I watch something for 5 hours, break included, in order to fill my head with nonsense, I WANT TO KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT THE AUTHOR. Who is this Francis Richard Conoly ? and how does he know so much? Why do you believe what he says? I cannot find his bio on the net

Why do you think he is not biased and is telling you the truth?

No, we do not know there were 8 assassins in Dallas just because CONOLY SAYS SO


He draws dramatic conclusions from very iffy facts as well as flat out making stuff up
I've studied the Kennedy assassination for years, even corresponded, debated and met famous authors, lecturers and researchers.

I've never heard 8 shooters except that there might have been a back up team beyond the underpass if plan A failed.

I've heard about 5 shooters, maybe 6, but he mentions some new names.

I too would have liked to have known who or what are his sources.

At the end, he posts his Revolution NOW website. A commenter aptly said that this is 'paid piper bullshit'.

At the end of the day, there are some real smoking guns, like the ear pieces seen on one railway tramp and the arresting cop escorting them.

Or the account of Arnold Rowland about seeing a shooter at the opposite end of the sixth floor window where Oswald was alleged to have been. The HSCA confirmed a movement of boxes in the windows when Oswald allegedly was downstairs (before cops arrive), and there's a blow up pic of a window with a silhouette of another man that is opposite to the famous sniper's lair.

Kennedy was definitely killed by more than one shooter.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
I watched the video. It certainly does challenge one's perception. I found the whole video fascinating but especially the connection to George Bush and his cronies and the JFK assassination. I find it interesting that the Kennedy files were supposed to be opened back in the Fall. But Obama denied access. I guess it's because some of the perp's are still alive.... GWB ?

Before this video came out, there's JFK II (a documentary which shows more evidence for its claims).

Technically, there was a request to have Obama release the remaining 1,100 files (about 50,000 pages) but he refused to do it, so those files remain locked up until 2017 under The JFK Act (enacted following controversy from Oliver Stone's movie).

The CIA says it might deny access for a longer period. There are very many important files on sketchy persons around that time, many of which were with the CIA.

Visit on a description of such files.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
engineers and others in the field are credible than scientific illiterate internet fascist crackpots
Not if they are afraid to question authority.

The Forensic Pathology Panel of the HSCA (House Select Committee on Assassinations during the 70s) concluded that the original autopsy doctors were wrong in that they placed the location of the back of head entry wound 4 inches lower, lol!!!!!!!!

The reason why they did this was because when you tilt a drawing used by the Warren Commission along a horizontal plane of JFK's head, the path of the bullet from behind is actually going up LOL.

So they raised the entry wound (based on a blood stain at the cowlick) to provide a proper alignment, simply based on photographs. (They overrode the original pathologists).

Bull fucking shit! Wake up and smell the coffee people. The Chief Executive was replaced via a coup d'etat.


SB destroyed
May 12, 2014
watched the first two hrs... will watch the rest tomorrow...

Very interesting perspective.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
Lies + half lies + half truths + some truths = Pushing square pegs into round holes


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
Thanks GP for your constructive comments, and for some of the rest of you, please continue putting your heads in the sand.
To deny everything that's been described in this doc. Is not wise and very foolish.


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
Bull fucking shit! Wake up and smell the coffee people. The Chief Executive was replaced via a coup d'etat.
What ever the evidence, this is the undeniable truth. A man that was voted in by the people, was taken out. This doesn't say very much, for our freedom of choice.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
And you keep falling for any wack job crackpot just because he doesn't agree with the man.
I wouldn't call the author of that video a crackpot, even though I take some if not many things he says with a grain of salt. He credits many respectable researchers and authors, including Russ Baker who I've met and who has written a book about the Bush dynasty (Family of Secrets).

Check out this link to a memo by Hoover about a George Bush of the CIA who was briefed about a matter concerning exiled Cubans in Miami. I doubt very much that it's an entry-level person, lol. In fact, in the doc JFK II, they claim that Hoover was covering his ass by referring to Poppy Bush in his memo to the Director of the State Department in case anything happened to him as a result of what he might find in the course of his investigation (shoddy) of the murder of JFK.

Here's the memo which has a one line description below the jpeg image (click to enlarge):,_JFK_-_J_Edgar_Hoover_memo_2.jpg

Perry Mason

Well-known member
Aug 20, 2001
There are a lot of conclusions on this video that are mere speculation without credible or sufficient evidence to support them... but there are also many questions raised on evidence that is difficult to ignore or contradict and other independent evidence elsewhere [not referred to in the video] to support them.

The video does not even touch the American monetary system which is a scam that is difficult to unravel and understand but is, nevertheless, a license to print money invented and controlled by a very small group of very wealthy people. And it totally ignored the contributions that The Church has made to this morass.

The real problem is that the government of the USA [and others, too] and its agencies are no longer credible or reliable; there are so many proven abuses by the CIA, FBI and police forces [to name a few] that it is no longer reasonable or intelligent to trust them. The answer to the proverbial question "Have I ever lied to you before?" has become a resounding YES!!!

I don't know what "the truth" is on questions such as JFK, 9/11, Wall Street, the military/industrial complex, etc... but I do know what "the truth" is not, and that is what passes for "the truth" in "official reports" and conventional thinking.

At the very least, many of the conclusions reached on this video are as probable or as likely as the official versions we have heard and read.



No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
The video does not even touch the American monetary system which is a scam that is difficult to unravel and understand but is, nevertheless, a license to print money invented and controlled by a very small group of very wealthy people. And it totally ignored the contributions that The Church has made to this morass.
You are are right, about these two points. But there is much information out there to answer the question of the American Monetary system. Pres. Andrew Jackson had his own opinion on Central Banking.

As far as the Church, lets not forget their role in the Nazi war machine.

The real problem is that the government of the USA [and others, too] and its agencies are no longer credible or reliable; there are so many proven abuses by the CIA, FBI and police forces [to name a few] that it is no longer reasonable or intelligent to trust them. The answer to the proverbial question "Have I ever lied to you before?" has become a resounding YES
JFK promised to dismantle these two organisations. In retrospect, he should have kept silent, and just gone through with it. He was and still is, one of the last true leaders of the free world.
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