Disgraceful Rant. Fredzed, I Think It's Time To Send Selina Packing

Aug 18, 2001
Dr. Gonzo said:
I find it funny but only because it is refreshing. As heated as our debates can get, I appreciate them to a very large degree.

Wired is challenging. And he can back it up. I for one, completely respect that. I may disagree but at least he can put up an argument.

I wouldn't want this board any other way.
Dr Gonzo, you need to understand the art of charity in your debates. Both in theory and in practice.

What I mean is, when you attempt to discredit the free market position, present it as it's actually advocated by it's proponents. Unfortunately, because of intellectual laziness or intellectually dishonesty, you create a strawman and then feel a form of pseudo moral outrage at the creation of your own mind.

You might also consider examining the many contradictions in your various positions. You advocate fundamental freedoms that are necessarily individualist (and best defended by natural rights theorists such as John Locke) and then advocate it's destruction in your next breath. You steal concepts that you have no right too. You're position in this thread is like someone who is sawing the branch of the tree he is siting on and then wonders outloud why he fell to the ground.

You could also profit by reading Julian Simon or Lomborg's, The Skeptical Environmentalist. We aren't running out of natural resources.

Dr. Gonzo

New member
Jul 19, 2002
When have I ever advocated the destruction of freedom? I simply think some things are more important than turning a buck. The right to profit, such as it is, should no supercede ones right to exist and pursue life. I simply want people to treat each other well and not fuck others around. I think both business and politics need to be pursued with ethics and a eye for social responsibility. I think the playing field should be level, or at least as level as we can make it. I think if there are people in need and we can help, we probably should. I think if we contribute to suffering, we should take steps to reverse that. I think we need to take better care of each other, even just within our families. I think we need to take better care of our world and the finite resources it offers.

Can you tell me again why I'm wrong?!
Can anybody tell me what is wrong with the things I want for this world, or why this makes me some kind of fascist? Did you read my post earlier where I summed up how I felt?


Active member
Aug 17, 2001
I'm sorry Niplust if you feel threatened by a few minorities taking advantage of the system. But for every 1 that's taking advantage, there's at least 10 working twice as hard as everyone else in an effort to fit in with the majority.

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