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Digital Cable Filter


Mar 15, 2004
Not sure what area this goes, but general question. Is the cable filters seen around being advertised actually work to filter out the signal when you order pay per view movies with digital cable on Rogers?

Anyone have info on this? They sell them as noise reducers etc, but real reason seems to be to order free pay per view. Claims state it filters out 0-50 mhz which is the range a signal is sent back to rogers telling them you ordered this movie etc... With todays technology, it is hard to believe a $5. or $10. filter can do this?

Cardinal Fang

Bazinga Bitches
Feb 14, 2002
I'm right here
A friend of mine tried this and he says it doesn't work. He received the digital box for free as a promotion and wanted to view the ROD and Pay Per View events without paying. As I said, it didn't work. He was charged for the movies he viewed.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Cardinal Fang said:
A friend of mine tried this and he says it doesn't work. He received the digital box for free as a promotion and wanted to view the ROD and Pay Per View events without paying. As I said, it didn't work. He was charged for the movies he viewed.

Sounds like it worked well. The filter got him to press buy and then made sure he understood how it worked.


a muddy reclining Buddha
It doesn’t work!!!!!! This is what I found out...

The filter does block the 50MHz return data channel employed in some digital cable systems but not all. Some systems use a higher frequency. When you purchase a movie the box will relay this purchase information to the cable companies billing computer. If you have the filter in place on a 50MHz system the box will not be able to communicate and will keep trying and trying to send the purchase data to the billing computer... when it finally realizes it can't establish a data channel the box will go into an error mode and shut down. A screen will appear asking you to call the cable co for service. So you remove the filter the wham it comes alive again and sends that movie purchase through to them and you get billed. The filter thing is a scam and it may have worked at one time but the cable companies have caught on now and have done something about it. all there boxes now have updated software to foil such a device... now when a purchase is made it must receive an acknowledgment back from the billing computer to clear it from the boxes memory... so once you buy a movie there is really no way to stop it from billing you.


a muddy reclining Buddha
The rom101 nag-2 cards have been hacked in Germany. Dick and Bev have now slowed the card swap until they know for sure what there going to do. Nagrastar most likely will come out with a new card..... rom201 nag-3?
Ashley Madison
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