Royal Spa

Did you ever wish....

Chivas Regal

A Fine Lickor !
Jul 5, 2002
As you are driving around some industrial section, for a Phone directory of TERB?

What I mean is, you are passing by a SC,MP or feeling like a date, and you wish you had a PC with you in order to look up a review. Imagine the feeling, being able to punch into your cell the address, or name of the provider and getting a complete verbal review. Or perhaps it would just be a rating system, from one to five stars. I know my life would be complete with that type of service...

So often, I have been in the car, out front of the MP and forgot the girls name from the glowing review earlier in the day! Maybe its my advanced age, but man o man would this ever be a godsend to have>

Fred, I would set up the funding for the R & D, as long as I get the patent!

Just a thought.



Woman...God's best work!
Jul 8, 2002
Hi Tech Wish

What you're looking for is already available. It's called the "Blackberry" from a company in KW (Kitchenere/Waterloo) called Research in Motion. Apparantly it's a wireless handheld device which allows you to have access to the web anytime and anywhere...even outside an SP or an MP location. ;)

Sir Lancelot

New member
Sep 2, 2001
Other Options & a Reply to Misty

You can also get a Pocket PC (or Palm or other PDA) and connect to the internet either via Wi-Fi (wireless Ethernet) (you would need a wi-fi card for the Pocket PC) - but would need a "hotspot" to do so (many airports have wi-fi hotspots, and many coffee houses are installing them, including Starbucks) - fairly decent transfer rates for wireless. Or in the absence of a wi-fi hotspot, you can connect the Pocket PC to your cell phone (with the proper cable) and would need an IPS that you could dial into (this is a bit slow, so I wouldn't want to do any serious web surfing that way, but it's ok to just look something up quick)

I do this all the time for work. I'm a network engineer with dozens of servers that one week a month I'm on call to support. There's nothing more annoying than being out with friends, getting a page, and having to spend an hour plus for a round trip to a computer terminal just to issue to or three commands that only take ½ minute to do. A Pocket PC (with the proper software & encryption tools) solved that issue for me; it can do the same for your “I need a review now” issue...

Mystique>Misty said:
Just a thought here all .....for those of us that are concerned about privacy Im wondering how private this would be ...?? Im
not a rocket scientist but it seems to me that it would not be as private as some of us might need . For instance what if your wife or girlfriend were to get a hold of your cell phone and somehow they accessed your account only to reveal your secret life >>?? Im from the States and my cell carrier keeps track off all outgoing and incoming calls to my cell phone even if its out of the country or State . I guess my concern in having access to blackberry would be that you gents make sure you always know where your phone is so that it does not get in the wrong hands . Sorry to be devils advocate here but someone needed to address this . Happy and safe hobbying to all ..>>> Misty
Not that I have to worry about such issues since I am 100% single at the moment – and I only participate in the hobby when not actively seeing someone. Nonetheless, with proper security measures, the things you describe can be avoided. For example, with a PDA (or BlackBerry device as applicable) you'd want to use proper password protection, encryption, and clean-up of the browser’s cache after surfing, etc (just as you would want to do with your home PC so no one can reveal your surfing habits). The thing you'd have to be careful with the most… is your cell phone bill since it usually details every call made; but many providers (at least in the US) offer a no-detail billing option; with this option, all your bill says is you had x minutes and owe us so much. Shy of a court order, your partner would not be able to access who you called. (Of course you'd want to delete out any numbers from the "last 10 numbers dialed" list on your phone itself so if they got a hold of the physical phone itself, you’d be covered…or… Many cell phones can be set up with password protection, so the only number that can be dialed without a password is 911 (since by law (in the US at least) all cell phones must be able to dial 911 - even if not currently linked to an account). Most of these phone don’t allow access to the phone log of phone directory with out the password. This is a good option to always have on so if your phone is stolen or lost, someone doesn’t call Brazil on your dime. Or your "friend" while at your house can't pick up your cell and call Timbucktoo at $10.00 a second.

The bottom line, if you take precautions and are constantly thinking security and privacy, you can remain "protected". The problem is most people don't think about such issues until its too late...
Last edited:


The "muff" in man
May 13, 2002
I guess I'll chime in...

Privacy as you are referring to has nothing to do with advanced technology. It's a matter of discipline and practicing common knowledge. Setup multiple profiles on your computer if you are sharing with others. Password protect your computer so no one can log in if you walk away from your system.

Also clean your temp files and browsing history. Just simple things every week can clean your trails. Mind you I said "clean" and not delete.


Chivas Regal

A Fine Lickor !
Jul 5, 2002
Some valid points.

I am well aware of the technology that exists.
What I was dreaming of was a Star trek kinda thing, not the low level capabilities we have now. ;)

Think about this scenario: sitting outside a busy plaza, oh lets say in the EBC area where on a busy night there may be anywhere up to a thousand patrons in the area. As I am sitting in the front seat of my car scrolling through my laptop people wandering around musing, what the F**( is this guy up to?

No, I envision a world where, I phone one number and I punch in the first 3 letters of a spa, club, etc, and I get a top 5 service providers for the place.
Much like TERB's new 5 star rating system. Quick, simple, and efficient!

Now that we have put the thought out there, I am sure it won't be long til someone comes up with this neat little tool.

Geez, I can't wait until the day when I don't need a cell. I just push that little thing on my shirt and talk to the person. Gene Roddenberry was a visionary and a genious!


Sir Lancelot

New member
Sep 2, 2001
Re: No offense dejavu but ....

dejavu said:
Privacy as you are referring to has nothing to do with advanced technology. It's a matter of discipline and practicing common knowledge.

Mystique>Misty said:
dejavu.......sorry but the KIND OF PRIVACY I am talking about has everything to do with advanced technology . I am not a stupid person but no kind of technology advanced or otherwise is without flaw .
I think what dejavu says makes sense.. but I would extend the thought a bit and say that technology has left more (and easier to follow) trails than there use to be (and this may tie into what Misty is saying). Therefore we need to take more precautions, and have more discipline to safeguard our privacy.

And Misty is also correct in that technology has introduced additional privacy concerns. How many of us would write a highly personal letter on a postcard, then hand it off to a few dozen people asking them to forward it (without reading it) to the recipient? Not may would; but that’s what you do each and every time you send an e-mail (unless you’re using encryption). Not to mention that someone with a simple scanner can listen to your cell phone calls (or calls made from a cordless phone) .And we could go on an on… suffice it to say though that we do need to be extra careful today. Awareness is the first step, and getting into good practices. Just like I wouldn’t dream of leaving my front door unlocked, I wouldn’t dream of not password protecting and encrypting everything I can.

Chivas Regal

A Fine Lickor !
Jul 5, 2002

How wonderful it would be if we could just say beam me up Scottie and be there in someones arms in an instant in an erotic embrace . Im looking forward to that time with the GREATEST anticipation ...

Misty, this is possible to do now. It takes some discipline, but if you are willing to learn, I am willing to pass on my knowledge. It is mostly Eastern
belief, but like reading aura's, once you have done it once it gets easier and easier. PM me and I will point you in the right direction. It will make for some interesting reading while you are naked by the pool!


Chivas Regal

A Fine Lickor !
Jul 5, 2002
Astro travelling around the world visitting SP's in all countries of the world...

oh yeah, my idea of paradise!

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