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Did somebody say Redhead?!


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
OMG! I found her!

Every morning I see this poster on the subway. I never get bored no matter how many times I see this gorgeous head of beautiful red hair. OMG! This morning I did actually take 30 seconds though to divert my eyes away from her and read who the advertiser was. I immediately thought “wonder if I can find her on their website?”. To my pleasant surprise... she's on their homepage! Only problem is there doesn’t seem any way to capture it. I wanted to put her on my desktop... maybe make a jpeg and e-mail to a fellow redhead lover friend of mine, but no luck. Oh well I'll just send him the link. Alas enjoy anyway...

For all my fellow redhead lovers... click here: :D

P.S. Does anybody know who this model is? Maybe she has a website. Do you think? Just maybe? lol.
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