Did ISIS Shoot Down Russian Jet?


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Al Jazeera - not a tick in the credibility box here...

Al-Jazeera's correspondent in Pakistan, Ahmad Muaffaq, wrote on Twitter that he is happy Russian civilians were killed after all 224 passengers on board a Russian airplane crashed in #Egypt's North #Sinai.

"After the crimes of the Russians [against Syrians]...I will be happy if any Russian soldier or civilian are killed," read the Tweet which was posted after preliminary news of the crash.

The tweet has since been deleted but the correspondent has not faced any discipline from his employers.


Mar 17, 2003
The son of a bitch Islamist loves Isis.

Turkish president Erdoğan: I can't condemn the Islamic State for shooting down the Russian airplane as it is the natural outcome of Putin's support for Assad.

According to the Emirates News Agency (WAM), Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has raised eyebrows around the world capitals by justifying ISIS terrorists who brought down a Russian passenger plane in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula early saturday, killing all 224 people aboard.

"The Russian airplanes are targeting Mujahidin in Syria and partisans fighting to topple Syrian dictator Assad. In Syria, Moscow seeks to tip the balance on the ground against our brethren. Consequently, there should be no surprise if Islamic State take revenge," Dubai TV cited the Turkish official as saying.

Having been isolated internationally for his obstinate support for hard-line Islamist rebels in Syria, the 61-year-old President Erdoğan expressed his refusal to condemn Ansar Bait al-Maqdis—infamous Sinai-based jihadist group whose members swore allegiance to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) — for targeting Kogalymavia Flight 9268, killing 217 passengers including 17 children.

"How can I condemn the Islamic State for shooting down a Russian plane as its passengers were returning from a happy vacation in a time when our co-religionists in Syria are bombed by Putin's fighter jets? …it is the natural outcome of Moscow's actions in Syria and the support for Assad," said Erdoğan, adding, Turkey will continue to advocate the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood and ousted ex-President Morsi in Egypt.



Mar 17, 2003
There is big time friction between Putin and Erdogan, its no secret Erdogan wants Assad out. Now Putin has aligned with Assad. For the longest time Jihadists were going into Syria through Turkey and Turkey didn't join the coalition against Isis until lately. I wouldn't be surprised if the above is true, Last few months Erdogan went nuts because Putin made him wait during a meeting.

Erdogan urges Putin to change mind over Syria bombing


New member
Jan 19, 2006
There has been no love lost between Turkey (the Ottoman Empire) and Russia going back for several centuries.


Active member
Jan 19, 2004
There has been no love lost between Turkey (the Ottoman Empire) and Russia going back for several centuries.
During the Cold War, the fight against communism was the pretext for competing with Russia for geopolitical space; there was the spectre of the domino effect. Before that, the British and Russia fought a Cold War (and a hot one during the Crimean campaign) for 150 years (The Great Game). Now that Russia has shed Communism and is now officially a Christian state, looks like there's still a Cold War. Ideology is not the issue: it's the fact that one power is asserting its own geopolitical goals against a more powerful one (the US). Ideology is something the mass media uses in order to rile up the masses, who wind up with the consequences of conflict. The demonisation of Putin is just a tool to get the masses to back an escalation of tension so that the puppeteers have some sort of popular legitimacy to achieve their goals.

The Fruity Hare

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2002


Active member
Jan 25, 2005
There has been no love lost between Turkey (the Ottoman Empire) and Russia going back for several centuries.
The Black Sea was once a Turkish lake and Ukraine south ruled by the Turks. However, the reports we hear are snippets of what the power players want us to hear. Independent verification is impossible so in the end, do what what the Roamns do and ask the question "who benefits"?


Active member
Jan 19, 2004
There is big time friction between Putin and Erdogan, its no secret Erdogan wants Assad out. Now Putin has aligned with Assad. For the longest time Jihadists were going into Syria through Turkey and Turkey didn't join the coalition against Isis until lately. I wouldn't be surprised if the above is true, Last few months Erdogan went nuts because Putin made him wait during a meeting.

Erdogan urges Putin to change mind over Syria bombing
A long time ago, Turkey was promised membership in the EU, but they first had to join NATO. That suited the Americans, because it gave the US airbases close to the Soviet border. Time went by and there was always something in the way of EU membership. Finally, public sentiment in Europe is that they don't want a horde of Turkish Muslim migrants streaming across the continent; the Romanians and Bulgarians was enough. NATO membership did give Turkey a formidable armed forces though, that is reputed to be able to take on militarily any EU state army.

In the meantime, Turkey has turned religious, reversing the secular precepts of Kamal Attaturk, the founder of modern Turkey. They realize now that they will never be accepted being part of Europe, and Erdogan has turned his attention to the Near and Middle East, to begin reestablishing a new Ottoman Empire, starting with Syria. But first, Assad has to go for that to succeed. They facilitated the movement of Jihadists across their border with Syria, letting them do the dirty work. Once Assad has fallen, or his army is on the verge of collapse, the Turkish plan was to invade Syria with its huge and powerful army, and wipe out ISIS and the rest of the assortment of moderate and not so moderate heart-eating terrorists, and wipe out the remnants of the Syrian Army. This was proceeding to plan when the Russians showed up. They Russians have also set up a de-facto no-fly zone by virtue of their overwhelming present there. If there are S400 batteries there, they are formidable. Israel was really upset at Russia when it planned to equip Iran with the now older and less capable S300 batteries, as the risk would have been to great for Bibi to launch his much repeated threat of bombing Iranian nuclear facilities.

Turkey's plan is now collapsing because the Syrian Kurds are about to join up with their forces isolated in the Western Eastern border with Turkey, cutting off Turkey from Syria. That's why the Turkish Air Force has been bombing the Kurds in the East of Syria. This, while US troops are being sent in to train Kurdish forces, and where the US Air Force has been very active supporting Kurdish forces against ISIS in hard fought border Syrian-Kurdish towns.


Mar 17, 2003
A long time ago, Turkey was promised membership in the EU, but they first had to join NATO. That suited the Americans, because it gave the US airbases close to the Soviet border. Time went by and there was always something in the way of EU membership. Finally, public sentiment in Europe is that they don't want a horde of Turkish Muslim migrants streaming across the continent; the Romanians and Bulgarians was enough. NATO membership did give Turkey a formidable armed forces though, that is reputed to be able to take on militarily any EU state army.
I agree with almost everything you said, I don't know about the Russian no fly zone because a few days ago the Israelis flied into Lebanon and took out some Hezbollah convoys and we all know they back Assad as does Russia.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
I agree with almost everything you said, I don't know about the Russian no fly zone because a few days ago the Israelis flied into Lebanon and took out some Hezbollah convoys and we all know they back Assad as does Russia.
There's an understanding between Putin and Israel. It's a lot like the old spheres of influence. Putin does not have enough assets in the region to control Iran or even Hezbollah, so he has to use what he has very carefully. The objective is to save Assad, not to defend Hezbollah. Russians have a very long history of supporting terrorists and a sure knowledge that, in a geopolitical game, they're troublesome allies with no upside.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Whether they did or not it doesn't matter. Now Putin has a reason to bring more troops.
What I find interesting is that some of the posters in this thread always leap to the false flag accusation when the US is involved but somehow forget to mention the possibility with Russia.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005

"How can I condemn the Islamic State for shooting down a Russian plane as its passengers were returning from a happy vacation ...t...
It's easy. All he has to say is blowing up a civilian plane is a disgusting act.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
There has been no love lost between Turkey (the Ottoman Empire) and Russia going back for several centuries.
Considering a big part of Putin's annexation of the Crimea was for Black Sea ports...

(though Wilbur's insinuation that the war in Syria is really just Erdogan's machinations is a tad silly)


Active member
Jan 19, 2004
Considering a big part of Putin's annexation of the Crimea was for Black Sea ports...

(though Wilbur's insinuation that the war in Syria is really just Erdogan's machinations is a tad silly)
Really? So tell me why Erdogan has been bombing the Kurds who are fighting ISIS while they're on the Syrian and Iraqi side of the border? And why these are the same Kurd fighters who have been effective against ISIS; plus, they US is about to send 50 special forces soldiers to train and 'assist' them?

You are oversimplifying. Different countries, although wanting Assad to be ousted, have different interests. Qatar wants to build a pipeline through Syria through Turkey for exporting its gas; Assad didn't want to cooperate, so Qatar is funding and arming Al-Qaida in Syria. Saudi doesn't like the secular state of Syria led by Assad the apostate/Shiite/Alawite, and the fact that they're allied with arch enemy Iran; Saudi Arabia wants to spread its medieval Islamic fundamentalist Salafism there without Shiite 'dirt' having any influence; so they have been arming and financing ISIS Taqfiris (those who call Shiites apostates and call for their elimination, preferably by beheading). Plus, Assad is allied to Shiite Iran and Hezbollah, along with now Shiite Iraq (thanks to the Americans, believe it or not).

Turkey's interests will clash with Saudi Arabia, since both want to run the Levant. In fact, the US policy in the ME is no longer coherent.

Turkey goals and US goals are diverging. US is keeping mum on Turkey because they don't want to jeopardize the leases they have on their air bases in Turkey.

As for Crimea, annexation was a product of the US instigated coup that took place in Kiev, and the possibility that Kiev would break the 40 year lease agreement with Russia of the naval base at Sevastopol, home of the Russian Black Sea fleet, and the resulting possibility that the present regime in Kiev would hand it over to the US/NATO. Russia could not take the chance of this happening. Plus, the 90% ethnic Russian inhabitants of Crimea didn't want to be part of what was to become the economic and political basket case that is now the Ukraine.


Active member
Sep 20, 2004
Yet there are confirmed reports that the wife of the pilot indicated her husband phoned her prior to his departure and complained of the maintenance of the aircraft.
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