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Did anyone see the new Rogers commercial???


Better Late than Never
Nov 8, 2002
A more correct analogy would be if the kid stole a loaf of bread from the only bakery in town.


Prosopagnosia Sufferer
Jun 19, 2003
Doing laps at the Y
re Rogers Cable and sports

I'm in the country, no cable, just a tv tower. CBC broadcasts NHL hockey via the radio waves. CBC has a disclaimer about rebroadcast without permission. Cable is rebroadcast(almost simaltaineously). Why pay to watch NHL hockey on cable, when it's free from CBC? Cable co. is making money off you.
GLOBAL broadcasts NFL football via radio waves. Why pay to watch NFL football on cable when it's free from GLOBAL?
ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX etc all broadcast free from American cities. Advertisers pay for that privilage for you to see free programming. Why watch American prgramming on cable when same show is on a Canadian broadcaster, free? Or see further below.
Any time I'm at friends, I see that their ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX tv channel programming is overridden by the cable company to show the Canadian broadcasters/Canadian advertisers version on the original American tv channel position.
I can receive CBS and NBC from States via tv tower, free because the American advertisers paid for me to watch programming for free. So why pay the cable company? They double up City TV movie over a Buffalo broadcast or other sporting event on GLOBAL over a Buffalo broadcast. They are living or broadcasting by double standards.
Boycott the cable company, for it's rebroadcast of free programming and get SAT. feed or Digital tv.


New member
Jun 20, 2003
in a house...somewhere....i think
Bottom line is..

Rogers has taken MAJOR losses over the past few quarters because of this satellite thing.They're running scared cause they're losing money and alot of it! Not that i care...i have one myself.


Friendly Arrogant Bastard
Dec 25, 2002
Downtown TO
Oh please...

Zorba said:
Kwong, stealing may be stealing, but if there is a gap in service/choice that incumbent companies are unwilling to narrow, then consumers will seek alternatives to narrow it themselves.
Look, if you want to steal satellite signals, go makes no difference to me.

But don't try to rationalize that it's not stealing!

If you really want to get those chanels, you can buy the satellite service from a legitimate (ahem) "provider". If you make the choice to pirate these services, don't pretend that Rogers forced you into it!



New member
Sep 9, 2002
Zog please point out to me the relevant section of the criminal code of canada. It's not stealing.

It may be illegal, but to pretend or assert that it is criminal when it is not is just disgusting propaganda.


New member
Mar 5, 2003
Bell Expressvu vs DirecTV

Okay people

I have both a legitimate subscription to Bell ExpressVu and an "illegal" dish for DirecTV. Which do I watch more, why DirecTV of course. The selection of programming is a vast improvement over Bell - unless of course I want 20 channels all showing the same thing so I can choose which local commercials I want to view.

And, I use to have Rogers Cable, but their service was the worst you could imagine. It should not take over 3 weeks for someone to remove a filter from the outside box (which is right in front of my house by the way). I know, I know - I could have removed the filter myself since the idiots at Rogers (despite my complaints) would not come to fix the cover on the box which was completely open (the cover didn't fit right). Once I was no longer a customer and I called, they fixed it the next day once I stated that anyone could access the box and "steal" cable.

So, of the 3 - which would I choose - why DirecTV of course. Yes, it goes down from time to time, when DAVE tries to kill it - but shouldn't they consider this (people in Canada) watching a flattering concept - that we CHOOSE to watch them. They (DirecTV) should get onto the CRTC to petition for them to serve Canadian Markets, since Bell ExpressVu is doing such a piss-poor job of it.

Screw Canadian Content - let us watch what we want to watch.



Active member
Mar 28, 2003
zog, you are wrong.

The point is, I *can't* buy those channels. The CRTC and the Canadian content providers don't offer most of what I want (eg. ESPN).

Tulsa seems to understand the difference between the crap you get via Bell ExpressVu and what you would get from, say, DirectTV.

So don't tell me that I can (ahem) buy something that isn't being offered in my market! If I had the flexibility to get what I want at a reasonable price, then we wouldn't be having this conversation.

I have no problem paying for worthwhile services.... like a quality SP.



New member
Jun 24, 2003
Is it still possible to get a grey-market card, the kind you pay Direct TV via a US address? I heard that the police raided one of the companies providing this service here in Hamilton and got the records of all their clients. I'd like this service, but I don't want a police paper trail. I'm willing to pay for Direct TV, so I don't have to go through the hastle of downtime, and I'd feel better about it.

mr. x

Aug 17, 2001
Re: Bell Expressvu vs DirecTV

Tulsa said:

Screw Canadian Content - let us watch what we want to watch.

ya! who cares if we speed up the process of becoming absorbed into the uS by eliminating any last bestiges of having a separate culture!

who cares about all those jobs being lost, and who cares about the profits flowing out of canada - "i want my mtv!"

who cares if nothing on the tv ever reflects canadian opinions or news events, or the ways in which we are different from those to the south of us. why bother to remain a separate country.


El Duderino
Mar 20, 2003
Running Amok
Mr.X - I don't think people would mind preserving any "last bestiges" of Canadanian culture if your tv shows and cable channels didn't suck so bad. It's not our fault that our entertainment industry is unparalleled down here in the states. That's why the whole world watches American shows and movies.

So tune in and let the programming begin...we're taking over the world down here, one channel at a time.

I had no idea you guys couldn't get ESPN and HBO and shit like that. We get a lot of your channels in the States. When I moved to L.A., I couldn't believe they don't get CBC out here, though. I guess I took it for granted in Detroit. Watching NHL on ESPN sucks a fat one.



New member
Mar 5, 2003
Re: Re: Bell Expressvu vs DirecTV

mr. x said:
ya! who cares if we speed up the process of becoming absorbed into the uS by eliminating any last bestiges of having a separate culture!

who cares about all those jobs being lost, and who cares about the profits flowing out of canada - "i want my mtv!"

who cares if nothing on the tv ever reflects canadian opinions or news events, or the ways in which we are different from those to the south of us. why bother to remain a separate country.
Mr. X

As someone who grew up on the country, with no access to Cable - I was inundated with US Culture anyways. When the only signals you can receive come from US Stations (as the majority of border towns will tell you) due to the strength of their signals, the majority of Canada has already been affected.

As for jobs being lost, I have many friends in the entertainment industry (movies and television, both behind the screen and on it) and they are not lacking for work. A vast majority of American made movies are being filmed in Canada as it is right now.

As for Canadian opinions and news events - yes I watch Canadian news, but when the best that they can come up with is "Royal Canadian Air Farce" I'd rather watch a movie - even one I've seen 20 times.


try reading a book - I have had just about all sources of TV and there is still rarely anything worth watching. I find the internet much more entertaining than TV.


New member
Jun 24, 2003
Re: Re: Bell Expressvu vs DirecTV

mr. x said:
ya! who cares if we speed up the process of becoming absorbed into the uS by eliminating any last bestiges of having a separate culture... why bother to remain a separate country.
If it wasn't for the healthcare, I couldn't think of a reason to remain a seperate country. If our health-care gets any worse, there won't be any reason in my mind except pride.

mr. x

Aug 17, 2001
Denwa and tulsa:

its funny, but the part of toronto i lived in was the very last one to get cable - around 1972 or so. so for the first 12 years of my life, i watched tv using only an antenna - and of course, still watched a lot of the buffalo atations. same was probably true throughout most of canada, as most of us live within 70 miles of the US border.

part of the difficulty is that we have 1/9th the population of the US - so the costs of programming are spread over fewer viewers (that is, advertsing will not pay enough to cover the costs of a program). at the same time, because US programming has already been produced for the US market and paid for, the producers can sell the progam to export markets, like Canada, for peanuts.

even as it is now, what little programming we have still needs government subsidies in order to be made. the liberals cut $25 million out of one fund, and that has killed a number of popular programs.

and the other thing is that americans have very little interest in watching shows that are not american - so if we make shows set in canada, with canadian themes and characters, no US network would buy them (though actually, many other countries do buy canadian shows).

even shows from the UK don't get shown on the major US channels - the US companies remake them for the american market. man about the house = three's company. this fall, they are remaking "couples" with american actors. its like japan and cars - even when american companies make cars of high quality, the japanese refuse to buy them!

and true, our film and tv industry has been very busy making films and shows for the uS market, but these are mainly american productions, which are set in the uS and with US stars playing US characters. its only been becasue of the exchange rate that we have been so busy. SARS and a 73 cent dollar will hurt the industry, and already have in fact.

mr. x

Aug 17, 2001
Re: Re: Re: Bell Expressvu vs DirecTV

HornyTime said:
If it wasn't for the healthcare, I couldn't think of a reason to remain a seperate country. If our health-care gets any worse, there won't be any reason in my mind except pride.
the irony is that we are becoming less and less like americans in some very fundamental ways - the iraq thing was an example of this, and the end of the cold war is one of the things that has brought this about, as the US no longer feels it has to work as part of an ongoing coalition of democracies.

anyway, michael adams, the pollster, just wrote a book on this, though i have only read an exceprt or two myself. the point though is that our having public healthcare is indicative of a different mindset for that of the uS - which is more heavily into ideas about individual responsbility. americans tend to see things far more in terms of black and white - and tends to rely more on ideological view of issues whereas canadians tend to be more practical and willing to compromise or deal with an issue without viewing it through that ideological lens (just look at the lack of support for both the NDP and the alliance).

my concern is that we are ending up with the worst of both worlds - not part of the US, but not really a soveriegn country either. tied to the US economy and lacking our own culture, affected by US decisions but without any say in the descisions - just like the debate that went on about how we had to join the war in iraq or else the US would punish us!

the uS was founded on the slogan "no taxation without representation" - well , we aren't taxed by the uS (well, softwood lumber is!) but if we aren't careful, we will end up being governed the US without us having any say.

i went off topic, but without canadian programs and books, canadian kids end up knowing more about the uS than they do about our own country. they know about "miranda" rights, but not our legal system. they watch movies like "the patriot" which are hostorically incorrect and are really propaganda, without knowing about our own history. they watch "saving private ryan" but never get to see anything showing the sacrifices of our own patriots, like the guys over on juno beach on d-day!

i think that those who don't give a damn about canadian culture must beleive that ignorance (of canada) is bliss!

mr. x

Aug 17, 2001
oh, and i happen to agree that the air farce is lame - it was great on radio 20 years ago, when dave broadfoot was part of the crew. people should learn when to quit - but then, there are people in the US who are similar past their prime and should retire. hell, i even remember when bill cosby was funny!

Top Jimmy

Resident Musicologist
Feb 17, 2002
Too Far North
okeefe19 said:
I saw the commercial for the first time today. I thought it was kind of funny myself. However, before I noticed the rogers symbol, I thought it was a commercial by the Canadian satelitte providers.
I have now seen the commercial twice with the StarChoice logo at the end of the commerical. Looks like the whole coalition have their names on selected ads.

Top Jimmy

Resident Musicologist
Feb 17, 2002
Too Far North
gala said:
Zog please point out to me the relevant section of the criminal code of canada. It's not stealing. It may be illegal, but to pretend or assert that it is criminal when it is not is just disgusting propaganda.
Gala, sorry I can't quote any chapter or verse, but in late 2001 or early 2002 the CRTC passed rulings that changed "grey market" satteliters to "Black market" again. Immediately after they did so, approx 100 retailers of cards and systems of US origin were visited by the RCMP and charged.

I am not condoning the descision, just adding some info to the discussion.


Better Late than Never
Nov 8, 2002
Northred said:
Actually a more true analogy would be if the kid stole some water from a stream on private property...
Yes, I have to agree.

Another analogy: Its like the kid was caught reading somebody elses newspaper.


New member
Sep 9, 2002
Top Jimmy said:
Gala, sorry I can't quote any chapter or verse, but in late 2001 or early 2002 the CRTC passed rulings that changed "grey market" satteliters to "Black market" again. Immediately after they did so, approx 100 retailers of cards and systems of US origin were visited by the RCMP and charged.

I am not condoning the descision, just adding some info to the discussion.
Ok, I'm wrong. Section 326 makes it theft because it broadly defines telecommunications to include reception. Whether you could really make this stick I don't know -- you would have to show that there is no "colour of right" allowing a Canadian to passively receive a satellite signal. Assuming you could show that it would be theft.

The charges that have been layed have been under section 327 which makes it an indictable offense to sell/provide services enabling people to receive telecommunications services without payment.

So it is theft, and I'm wrong. I think it's silly still, but at any rate I'm mistaken.

I had thought it was an offense only under the Radiocommunications Act (and it is, sections 9c and 9d of that act--which is not part of the criminal code) but it is actually there in the criminal code sections mentioned above as well.
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