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Devon from PK

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Pink Kitty Escorts

New member
Dec 30, 2009
There was no refund, nor was it ever even considered in this case. And anyone who is a client in this business should realize that this isnt Wal-mart where the customer is always right, and if they dont get exactly then they come on a board and whine about it. The situation in this case was unforseen, was not a problem with the escort, who provides normally fantastic service.

RG, you have come into this thread and practically hi-jacked it with your agenda to talk about the differences between mtl and Ottawa escorts. What you think is fair pricing, and what you think is the proper amount of money to give a lady if she doesnt do what she advertized because of sitution that is out of control.

What you should have done is start a separate tread so you could have your rant.

She isnt being taken to task, she is being slagged by one guy with an agenda.. Regardless of whether she is with our agency or not, I won't speak badly about her. She has many fans and will continue to be sucessful.

Our agency has a good reputation, but we also have a reputation for not bending over and taking it from people either. Our number one concern is to the ladies, who at the end of the day are our clients not employees. They pay us for our services rendered. Our product that we sell them is our is our clientel that we have amassed over the many years in business, our extensive blacklist that we maintain, our booking service and our advertising campaigns.

We treat our clients fairly, and we make no bones about the fact that we take care of the ppl we work with. Without good ladies, we wouldnt be in business.. Rule number one is take care of the ladies, and the gentlemen will come. This is why we maintain our business volume, and a very very very low problem ratio. When you look at posts you have to realize if we do triple the business than any other agency, you can expect more complaints.. its inevidible because clients are much more likely to write a review if they are unhappy with someone than if they are happy. The old adage is if you are happy you tell a friend, if you are unhappy you tell 7.

The fact that the vast majority of our ladies reviews are positive is a testament to the fact we know what we are doing, and that we have good people.

Regular Guy

New member
Feb 3, 2006
There was no refund, nor was it ever even considered in this case. And anyone who is a client in this business should realize that this isnt Wal-mart where the customer is always right, and if they dont get exactly then they come on a board and whine about it.
If this is your attitude about clients and the policy of your agency towards them well I'll let your words speak for themselves.

RG, you have come into this thread and practically hi-jacked it with your agenda to talk about the differences between mtl and Ottawa escorts. What you think is fair pricing, and what you think is the proper amount of money to give a lady if she doesnt do what she advertized because of sitution that is out of control.

What you should have done is start a separate tread so you could have your rant.
Well first off I haven't hijacked anything. Anyone is free to post here and respond. And if you think the main thrust of my initial post above is simply a "rant", as you put it, about the difference between escorts in two cities then sadly you have missed the point completely. Read my post #8 above carefully. It is about a general protocol which should be in place for everyone, everywhere. I feel it is well thought out not mindless ranting and raving. Now since you seem to have raised your middle finger to myself and every other client who posts here I don't see the point in pressing the case any further. I think everyone gets the point. Well almost everyone. I sure have. Good day to you.


Oct 11, 2008
Actually RG, what you're doing here could be used as an example right next to the definition of thread-jacking in the dictionary. I can't be bothered to go through all 75 paragraphs of your ranting, but it doesn't look like you've used the word 'Devon' even once in any of your many posts.

If you have more to add, click on Create New Thread and put "Lying agencies make me cry a lot" as the subject.

Pink Kitty Escorts

New member
Dec 30, 2009
My question is who are you to tell ppl what the protocol should be? And I am not raising my finger to anyone, even you. But I think your posts are out of line on a review thread. As I stated, our First priority it to the ladies we represent.. With out them, you wouldnt have anyone to visit. I think you have things upside down.. These ladies are not commodities that you can push your demands on them as far as what they should charge, and their refund policy if things dont work out.

Don't turn this around on her or us, if someone is going to open up and start critisizing someone it would be normal to assume that you should also be subject to the same, no? As you said, fair is fair.

All of this said, You have the right to your opinion.. That's for sure.. I just don't think this was the thread for it. It was like you were waiting to find a less positive review so that it would give you an open invitation to unload all of these things you wanted to say. I submit you should have simply started your own thread and had it specifically for what you had to say instead of sidetracking a review that was lukewarm by one person, and better than average by another and great from a third. Then you come in and start up about how you believe things should be run. I don't think that is right.


New member
Jan 6, 2011
I just wanted to chime in here and actually talk about the original subject of this thread, Devon.

Honestly, I'm sorry HC that she and you didn't click but I can honestly say I had a fantastic time with her. Daty was great, and there was no
hesitation. The kissing was actually very passionate and I would consider her very much a GFE provider. There was no extra charge or mention of
it either.

I know we agreed on Jessy, who was amazing but I would say my experience with her was very comparable. The agency was polite and friendly and
the booking was flawless. No waiting around, and she delivered everything that was promised.

Regular Guy, I do respect what you have had to say but I have to side with PK that while these comments may have merit I agree they should be made separate of the
thread. It shadows negatively on a lady who's service was A1.



Active member
Jul 16, 2003
I noticed that Devon isn't on the PK website today...
I too saw her and DATY was included without hesitation or extra $.

Regular Guy

New member
Feb 3, 2006
Actually RG, what you're doing here could be used as an example right next to the definition of thread-jacking in the dictionary. I can't be bothered to go through all 75 paragraphs of your ranting, but it doesn't look like you've used the word 'Devon' even once in any of your many posts.

If you have more to add, click on Create New Thread and put "Lying agencies make me cry a lot" as the subject.
Actually I wont be addressing any more comments to Pink Kitty escorts on this thread. In the strict sense of the issue as you define it perhaps the entire conversation should have been between Devon and Hotchilly. However thankfully review threads have some elasticity to them. The MODs understand that. You might want to take a pointer or two from them. They would have shut this and other threads down long ago if that were not the case. In my defense of Hotchilly I gave my rationale for how I felt things might have gone and why. If members are not allowed to do that then all reviews simply turn into verbal byplay and are useless in improving things for others in the future. Unless you feel I should have just come on here and made one post yelling "liar,liar, pants on fire!" Now that would be useful wouldn't it? This is a business not a soap opera and clients have the right to be treated with fairness. At least I think so. Sorry if you feel I sounded preachy. I tried to be fair and present arguments for both sides in my rationale. Maybe you could have come on here a little earlier and asked Hotchilly how he felt about it all. Where were you? Trust me. I would have welcomed any dialogue on his behalf, even criticism, something that would have given some meaning to the issue. In any event the ball is now in your court my knowledgeable friend. I would love to hear how you feel this review thread might have improved things for Hotchilly (remember him?) and all other clients in future and not just be another useless bitching session that slowly wastes away until it is lost in the archives. No, in the end this was the right thread and the right opportunity. A real event involved a real person. That is the time to discuss it.

Regular Guy

New member
Feb 3, 2006
Overall service

I am happy that you other fellows have had a good experience with Devon. That you have come on here and related your experiences speaks well for her overall. In the end reviews are about dialogue. It has been my experience that escorts only truly suffer sanctions if there starts to be a pattern. However I do hope you agree that there are questions here which remain unanswered. There are many who will read this thread and ask themselves, What happened there? Could the same thing happen to me? What kind of client should I be for this girl so that I could get the same experience those lucky guys had? I can only hope that some of the points I made here may spark some thought in the minds of other guys. I am sure that Devon is a great gal. I can't begin to tell you half the horror stories I have read over the years about the ones who have abused trust. I'm sure you have too. All the best. RG


Oct 11, 2008
Holy fuck, after all these years I finally know what Charlie Brown really felt like while listening in class.

Pink Kitty Escorts

New member
Dec 30, 2009
This wasnt a situation where Hotchilly came in with a woe is me attitude.. He was giving a fair review, and it wasnt even all that negative.. And somehow RG turned this into a gong show about how HC was wronged.. Most ppl who saw her, really liked her. Most had above average comments.. Now its turning into a waaah-wahh-whaaaa-waaaah *charlie brown*

There are ways to be interesting and relivent.. RG, this one bombed for you..

Regular Guy

New member
Feb 3, 2006
Holy fuck, after all these years I finally know what Charlie Brown really felt like while listening in class.
Well this discussion is getting a tad on the intellectual side - way out of my league! After a wham bam put down like that I'm speechless. Way to go man. You sure told me! I will retire now a more humble guy. That sniff you hear is just me wiping a tear out of my left eye with the heel of my hand. The playing field is all yours.....................Have a nice day!


Oct 11, 2008
Yeah, that's it...intellectual discussion. Discussions usually involve more than one person and also requires give and take. You have an opinion that's indisputable and absolute in your mind, and it has very little to do with the topic at hand; which by the way would have died an appropriate, peaceful death had you not revived the thread to ensure your omniscience was heard by all.

And btw - brevity and paragraphs are your friend. Yay!


Super Moderator
Feb 18, 2010
"brevity and paragraphs are your friend. Yay!" I'll second that.

Nothing further can be gained by continuing this thread.

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