Dear new client...

Morgan Ellis

Bitchy McBitcherson
fernie said:
What can I say? Your web page appeals to some, while it may turn off others. Of course it's your call. It's not my cup of tea.

That's sort of the point of websites which are less cookie cutter, and more indicative of the actual person behind the photos - it allows you to decide if you click on more than just a 'hey, nice tits' level.

I like Ophelia's site, and her style - and her journal is hilarious.

-- Morgan


Feb 19, 2003
I never got to the journal, as I stopped reading after the "shag me retarded" line. Different strokes, different folks. Her look just doesn't appeal to me. Now your site is a different ball game entirely as I love your wit, intelligence and knock out bod, Morgan.
You're in a league of your own.


Ophelia Black

Hey! Nice tits!
Sep 4, 2003
"I never got to the journal, as I stopped reading after the "shag me retarded" line."

Wow. Impressive leap from, "I don't like your part of your site, even though I didn't bother to read it" to "Your site attracts assholes".

I think, as you've kindly pointed out, it really isn't their cup of tea. Enough already.

Thanks Morgan...glad you like it. :)
Last edited:


Feb 19, 2003
bbwmorgan said:
That's sort of the point of websites which are less cookie cutter, and more indicative of the actual person behind the photos - it allows you to decide if you click on more than just a 'hey, nice tits' level.

I like Ophelia's site, and her style - and her journal is hilarious.

-- Morgan
At the risk of hijacking the thread entirely, "Hey Morgan, nice tits."


Morgan Ellis

Bitchy McBitcherson
Oh crap, I just re-found this thread.

You guys slay me.

I'm changing the title of my journal to "Hey, Nice Tits!", even if it is now officially something I've stolen from Ophelia's TERB bio.

Tits, tits, tits - can't anyone just love me for my *mind*?

Guess not.

- Morgan, the 'hnt' chick

ps: Ophelia, do me a favour and get an LJ syndication feed so I can add yours.


New member
Jun 7, 2002
niagara region
he sounds like someone i saw a few months ago..if you add agressive to that and domineering and hurtful...its him im sure...
my hat is off to you hon, we all have had our fair share of "non-gents" to put it mildy.
I believe we should have at least in title an honorary public relations
i do so hope hon he didnt harm you and only darkened ya spirit briefly..can u pls pm me... i would like to know if this "twit" was the same.
however this thread does remind me off that I95 song... "were you born an asshole, or did ya work on it your whole life, either way ya an asshole, and youll be an asshole for the rest of ya life"
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