I have shared some some science in the previous discussion. Please refer to:
https://terb.cc/bulletin/showthread...ary-place-for-LGBT-people-in-Russia-right-now . You may reference Post # 579 and note that my rebuttal has stood unchallenged now for a few months. Why do think that may be...?
I know that many members here have said that they `can`t be bothered` to read through the earlier Thread, so with that in mind I will again ask anyone reading this to please provide us with a legitimate, reliable, recognized and acredited academic, scientific or scholarly publication which shows that Homosexual behaviour has any Evolutionary, Biological, Morphological, Physiological or Reproductive context. Please, show us the science. Additionally, I would ask you to show us the science that supports your claim that retroviruses such as SIV and HIV/AIDS have been around `since the beginning of time`. Can you please support this assertion, scientifically?
You say that there is no evidence that the Homo folks back in the early 1980`s who were hysterically adamant about their `civil` and `Human` right to anally fornicate with one and other without using a condom created AIDS; but when AIDS was first discoverd- up the anus and in the rectum of promiscuous Homosexual men in the eary 1980`s- and described by science as a new.....`syndrome` that was...... `acquired` and was afflicting only Homosexual men who were anally fornicating with one and other and eveything and everybody else without using a condom- no one anywhere was talking about monkeys in the jungle being the cause of the infection that only afflicted the Homo folks who were rabidly anally fornicating with one and other without the use of a condom. The Homo folks were certainly talking about all kinds of things being the cause of AIDS, such as dirty Hatian people and dirty intravenous drug users and dirty secret military plots secretly endeavouring to secretly infect the planet with a new and deadly and secret and infectous anal disease and on and on and on... The Homo folks were hysterically pointing their fingers at just about anything... except themselves and their behaviour as the cause of AIDS. All of this is a matter of fact that can be easily researched as a matter of public record. You talk about science and viruses and retroviruses and fossils and so on, but my sense is that you have no formal academic training or scientific accreditation. You are certainly not a virologist.
Your analogy of Nazi`s in war time Germany is ironic becuase as we all know, Homosexuals are the most intolerant people in Society. The Homo folks will not allow anyone, anywhere at anytime to offer a dissenting point of view on the origins of AIDS other than their Homo dogma of `monkeys in the jungle` being responsible for this completely preventable, deadly and infectous disease. But yes, this kind of tyranny and attempts at censorship and disgraceful lying and refusal to accept responsibility for the consequences of their behaviour is for me and many other like minded folks very reminiscent of watching the old, archival news reals of the Nuremburg Trials, where senior Nazi officers would step up smartly to the witness stand, all smug and shiny in their crisp, clean Nazi uniforms; and with their shoulders back and chins held high, answer direct questions from prosecutors with responses such as... Jews...? What Jews? I never saw any Jews. What are you talking about...? Perhaps all the Jews ran away or maybe all the Jews were killed by monkeys in the jungle....?
Please show us exacty how the historical events as they occurred- and which happen to be readily available as archival documents- lack credibility? Please show us how the question that I`ve asked- and which so far remains unchallenged- about Homosexual behaviour having any evolutionary or biological or morphological or phsyological or reproductive context is without... or as you say... having `zero` verifiable scientific credibility? Please edify us all on these points, if you can. Sincerely, Jon .