DATY? Please help.


New member
Feb 17, 2002
A few of the SPs Ive seen have been so good tasteing and smelling down there I was like shocked at how enjoyable it was for me. With my girlfriends in my non sp life I cant believe how difficult and unappetizing the scent and taste has been. Ive tactfully encouraged a fun shower to start things out, ive even pushed for taking a dip in the pool. Things improve but Its still a strong odor taste. Ive even nicely mentioned it as a problem and if they could do something about it and they take it well sometime. I explain its not a criticism of them its just open discussion of sex. I think some men may not be picky and can stomach a strong odor taste. I really dont I just cant do it, i want to but I just cant. I do not believe they actually have any real health issues or infections that might cause it. Do SPs know some tricks to keep things really good? Foods? Health issues? Are bigger women just prone to having more odors? The Sp that I saw last year was a really fit girl, my girlfriends are a bit on the bigger side. The SP smelled and tasted really great like butter, have I been spoiled?.


New member
Aug 16, 2003

DATY---Unfortunately,to criticize,a persons cleanlyness,is like criticizing a Persons Driving habits. EVERYBODY is perfect--Period.

You have to remember,that SP's are very concious of their Bodies.And the ones i have known are without exception extremely clean.But so am i,and i expect the same from the Ladies in my life.
The Old""We take Bath every Saturday,whether we need it or not""just does'nt cut it.
You are either going to have to re educate the Ladies in your Life,
or move on.
I possess the Olfactory of a poor Beagle,so i am really bothered by stale bodies,and dirty Pussy i can decern from 20 feet away BRRRRRRRRR,i am lucky,that i am not into sniffing Guys.
Huffing and puffing through Life?????

Life is too short to hurry.

The Baroness

Sr. Member
Aug 11, 2002
Just once a day?
I love my baths so much I have 2 or 3.


BBBJ Artist!!
Mar 18, 2002
Toronto East
I am a bigger lady and I don't have problems with my hygine.
I always shower before I have sex.

Here are some things I do to keep my self clean.

1. I use a washcloth with ivory soap to was down there. I don't use any type of purfume soaps or powders because it can make things worse.

2. I take hot baths with epsom salts and a bit of viniger.

3. Regular trips to the gyno.

I would not recomend duching as it can lead to infections .
Duching messes with the chemestry of a womans body. It takes away secrections that naturally clean a womans vagina.



New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
While it is kinda funny to read how you all wash , the guy said that there was only a slight improvement after a shower which would lead me to believe one of the two of them has a "deeper " problem .


May 22, 2002
Around the World
There are many kinds of Vaginitis that can cause odor's due to an imbalance of bacteria, some manifest them in very uncomfortable forms such as yeast infections, but other minor infections may go unnoticed except for the odor or a thicker than normal discharge.

So many possibilities (could even be an iritation from certain chemicals in condoms) that its not as easy as do 1,2,3 and you'll be all clean. Speaking to a doctor would be the best solution, they can test for Bacterial Vaginitis, Trichomoniasis and Yeast infections.


Gentleman Horndog
Apr 8, 2002
Some women just have a stronger natural odour and taste than others when they're aroused. It's pretty easy to tell the difference between those resulting from poor hygiene or infections, and those resulting from natural body chemistry.

Quite frankly, as long as I'm confident the woman is clean and not suffering from an infection, a strong natural "perfume" turns me on more than off. A lady I used to see here in Winnipeg had a very strong natural odour, even after we showered together and washed each other very thoroughly. After rousing FS, the air would be very heavy with her essence, and I'd get turned on again very quickly.


Loves to Give ... LOVE
Aug 11, 2003
Shaving not necessarily the answer

As another connoisseur of DATY ..
I once had a GF that only shaved out side the bikini line … back in those days that is all the shaving that ladies did as a rule …

but boy was she ever sweet smelling, tasty and very juicy


New member
Sep 17, 2003
*smile* traveling guy is a fountain of information, isn't he? Either he has a VERY open relationship with his partner, or he's a gyno himself. Either way, thanks for the tips.

I find that now that I'm using condoms on a daily basis, that my "smell" has changed. (and not for the better)

It usually adjusts to every partner, in the way that every partner that I've had has made me smell more like them. and I also find that if I go too long without a partner (not the case anymore :) I revert to my "natural"scent.

Personally, I don't like the way condoms make my hello kitty smell. She's much more musky than I'm used to.

Anyone else have that issue?


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
Brigitte said:

It usually adjusts to every partner, in the way that every partner that I've had has made me smell more like them. and I also find that if I go too long without a partner (not the case anymore :) I revert to my "natural"scent.

Ok......does this mean you have women partners or you end up smelling like more like a guy ? Or am I being too literal here ? lol


New member
Sep 17, 2003
*smile* it means that once a guy cums inside me, my hello kitty's smells more like him than it does me. Not exactly like him, but kind of like a combination of his smell and mine.

and when I'm with women, my scent never changes.

weird eh?


May 22, 2002
Around the World
Brigitte said:
*smile* traveling guy is a fountain of information, isn't he? Either he has a VERY open relationship with his partner, or he's a gyno himself. Either way, thanks for the tips.

I find that now that I'm using condoms on a daily basis, that my "smell" has changed. (and not for the better)
Hehe... Yes I'm a travelling gyno, I've seen the best (and worst) that the world has to offer.. just kidding, I'm an amateur by far, but yes I always have very open relationships where I help them research things, I've done some readings on different vaginal issues, usually in everything I found though it indicated nothing should be assumed and seeking professional help is the best solution, the information I did come across could be either comforting to a lady or very discomforting, its difficult to wade through an article on vaginitis and have it mention STDs as a possibility.

Condom's containing Nonoxly-9 (spelling?) can be bad for some women, I know there are different condoms for all cases (sensitive etc), but sometimes they don't post the "ingredients" on the package. I ripped apart a box of trojans once trying to make sure it didnt contain nonoxly-9 and they didnt have anything listed on that particular brand box.

I applaud the ladies here who share their own experiences, I'll remember your own suggestions for my next friend in need of help.


New member
Oct 9, 2003
Smelly question

There are three reasons for variation of odors in pussies (and humans in general): cleanliness, sickness and food.

SPs tend to wash far more frequently than non-SPs -- at least in my experience. That results in a higher than average cleanliness which is noticeable in a general reduction of all natural body odor. SPs tend to give off a neutral odor which is sometimes masked by perfume.

Anyone with an infection gives off a "bad" smell. Pussies reflect that. If the odor is "bad" the most likely cause is a yeast infection; consulting a doctor is a wise choice.

Food tends to get overlooked as a cause of body odor but keep in mind that not only is the old saying true (you are what you eat), you also smell like what you eat. Generally, this ought not to be a problem with a G/F since one assumes you eat similar foods. However, if one of you eats strong spices (classic examples being garlic and curry) there is a noticeable smell to that person for the other. The other big difference is between meat eaters and vegetarians. Such variations in personal odor tend to be identified as "bad" as well but they are obviously easy to overcome.

Oh ya, smoking also produces a difference in odor and taste. Former smokers notice it most.


Sugar daddy II
Oct 17, 2003
It must be something in the DIET...
Some women are sweeter than others... not even talking about hygene, even some of the cleanest women, some of them do have a strong, bitter smell "down there" Im convinced that everyone womans "plumbing" is diffrent


New member
Feb 17, 2002

Thanks for the serious replies this is a serious issue very much for me.

Follow up questions:

Is there a noticable difference between women that only where pants and women that mostly where skirts? I doubt it but was wondering.

I dont want to push my luck to much with my lady friends. If I tell them they should get checked out they might have a yeast infection and they find out their fine do I look like a big asshole? Is it possible that a woman not know she have a yeast infection or related health issue? Would they not really be able to tell them selves?

Vaginitis? I know an itis is an inflamation but didnt know about vaginitis. Is vaginitis a generic term for a variety of problems? Is the entire vagina inflamed? Does it hurt?

Years ago I caught an itis from my first sp, epididymitis, does that mean she had vaginitis? (it was my first time, kitty was very unpleasant, but i was just ignorant, didnt dawn on me to send her home). My epididymitis flares up occassionally though it is very rare, way back when it first happened I took an antibiotic and antiinflamatory and it cleared up. Can my lady friends get vaginitis from my subdued epididymitis?

Is Dove the preferred soap?

Any thoughts or experiences would be interesting.


The Baroness

Sr. Member
Aug 11, 2002
fromaway said:
And my dear you do taste ever so sweet!


You say the sweetest things!

*miranda blushes*


Senior Member
Sep 27, 2003
Ive noticed from my personal experinces that not only does shaving (in men and woman) seem to cause less of an odar but i clean myself constantly every day ..way more than i did when i wasnt in the business..also you could try suggesting to her to use non scented baby wipes before and after you guys have sex...it feels alot more cleaner to me ..way better than using a hot bath cloth and is right there for you to use so it is more convient and all you have to do is throw it away ...lol
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