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Dancers, Strippers, SPS and their "moves"

The Lurker

All grown up. :O
Sep 7, 2005
hellofadeal said:
Nice to see you here....the lady behind the legends....hope to hear more from you......

I know my curiosity is "up".......unusual....I am normally not like that.....

What ??? ....... Swear I can hear laughter?......hmmmmm

Not from me Hello. I hope to meet Nicole some day soon too.


Glad to see your back on the board Nicole.


Not Just Candy Anymore
Sep 17, 2005
here's the thing...

I've been thinking about this lately,

The thing that makes the SJ experience enjoyable is that when you get dances from a good dancer she spends that time trying to turn you on. Teasing you. With each passing song she ups the ante. In fact it’s in her best interest to do this since she is paid per song. If the pace is too slow the customer might decide to leave and find someone else. If the pace is too fast she won’t get as much money as she could have. So, she has to find a pace that keeps the customer engaged and anticipating the next tickle of excitement.
Add to that;

a) The fact that there is no guarantee she has any
intention of “getting you over the finish line”
b) There is a bouncer patrolling to make sure no one is doing
something they shouldn’t be.
c) You’re doing this in a public/semi public place
d) It’s a little naughty

If all these things come into play and you do “cross the finish line” It can be a very satisfying experience. In fact a good dance is the male equivalent of foreplay. It’s definitely a good thing.

So why then would a guy, if given the option simply skip to the end and cross the finish line in record time? I don’t have a simple answer to that question except that they can. It’s ultimately where they want to get to, where the most intense pleasure is. Still getting there in record time is never as satisfying as getting there slowly.

It kind of like the reasoning people use when they buy a new video game because they want the challenge of playing it and then go to the internet, get the cheat codes, and take all the fun out of beating the game fairly.

Maybe spock said it best ( although I’m sure he was talking about something else)

"Having a thing is not nearly so pleasurable as wanting a thing."



Not Just Candy Anymore
Sep 17, 2005
In part it's a mileage thing. I thought"had a grip" on the mileage thing?


New member
Mar 27, 2004
I remember that Nicole used to give me a wicked mini lap dance that drove me wild ! Then clothes were flying in all directions and , you know what happens next! Yes, it was my choice to make it a mini appetizer. She followed my lead and we dived into the Buffet ! Nicole is too hot ! Now , I know I must see her again. The sun is definitely rising at the thought !:cool:
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