No, this was not my complaint in the first post. It was about using "daddy" in their advertising. After meeting - sure, if both parties are comfortable.
I really wish women would stop trying to appeal to potential customers by referring to them as "daddy", or still worse, "boo" or similar terms. I'm not your daddy, woman, and frankly, it's disconcerting and disrespectful.
Lots of guys love it, so it appeals to the right people. I can stand it, or how people talk to me if I do talk like that so I don't bother. But nits really gets people going. There are lots of lonely people who don't get any attention from women who use these services religiously that NEED a woman to inflate their ego and that them like some kind of stud.
Honestly, it is a huge turnoff for me. Are the girls that say this wanting to be called daughter? I dont get it. When I see that on Twitter or an ad, I keep scrolling. It's too bad as there have been many ladies who I have been wanting to see then I read "daddy" being sexualized and it kills the vibe. Best example of thia for me is Nessa at Alpha. Looks amazing but cant get past the daddy talk.