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czechs and americans advance


great white hooter hunter
Mar 15, 2004
well, when it mattered, two sputtering teams awoke, and finally played up to their capabilities.

the czechs just plain laid a beating on a very uninspired swedish squad. with talent like havlat, jagr, hejduk, amongst others, not as much as an upset as you'd think. sure the swedes had the better team, probably the second best team on paper to the canadian squad, but the game is played on the ice, not on paper. i think that finland game earlier in the round robin, really took it out of both teams, as the fins just eeked by germany, and now the swedes laid a major egg. may have been the last we saw of peter forsberg for awhile, as i really do believe he is done with the NHL, unless he gets mega-bucks waived in front of him, more than even he made before.

as for the USA, well, about time tkachuk decided to play up to his abilities, and stopped being an ass clown on the ice. that had to have been mike modano's best game in quite sometime as well! good effort from the russians, but now they have to be wondering what they could have done, had guys like federov, mogilny and khabibulin had been there. oh well, this ovenchkin looks like a real star in the making! and ilya kovalchuk was really something in a losing effort.

keep your eyes on this atlanta thrashers squad, two of the best young talents in the game, in heatley and kovalchuk, with a real stud young goalie coming in khari lehtonen, and a good young d-man in braydon coburn. this team could get real good, real fast!


kudos to ron wilson for benching the golden brett yet again! his problem is not waning talent, he just plain showed up to camp in horrid shape, and has yet to play himself anywhere near game shape! a real bad example to the younger americans on the squad. besides that, he really is a jerk-off!
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