The mongering facts about Cuba
Hiya Loverman,
I first travelled to Cuba in 1999 and continue to visit at least once a year, so I guess you can say that I have a lot of experience in that country. Cubana's hold a special part in my heart, as well as in my pocketbook...LOL!! In my opinion, the sensuality of a Cuban woman is unmatched, however, it's not easy pickings. Here are some musings regarding Cuba in general:
1. Speak Spanish??? A half-decent knowledge of Spanish is a pre-requisite for conversing/finding Cuban women. It's true that some Cuban women speak English, however, they are mostly concentrated in Havana or going to university. Speaking of university girls, you should note that Cubans in general [B
]DO NOT[/B] have any hangups regarding age. I'm in my 50s and I have no problems finding Cubanas in their 20s who enjoy the company of a suave genleman like myself <grin>.
2. Where are you visiting in Cuba??? If you're staying at some resort in Cuba, most are situated far away from the towns where a Cuban lives. If you're fortunate to find a woman who wants a FMF, don't expect just to bring her to your hotel room. As you are aware, Cuba is a communist country and "eyes" are everywhere!! You will not be allowed to bring a woman back to your hotel room! For you to be successful in your quest, you will have to go to the Cuban towns where the Cubana live, rather than vice versa. The development of the bed and breakfast industry (casa particulares in Spanish) has thrived in Cuba. This will be your best bet for a "love nest", however, each part of the country is different. Havana is more liberal than the rest of the country and the key is to find a casa with an independent entrance for your room. I would say that 80% of the bed and breakfast's in Cuba offer rooms which are communal in respect to access. What I mean is that you would have to enter the residence with the Cubana through the front door, leaving no room for discretion. Prices for bed & breakfasts vary across Cuba, however, they are extremely cheap (expect to pay an average of 40 CUC (Cuban dollars) a night. I should also say that some bed and breakfasts only allow "visitors" if they sign a register which the Cuban owners have to submit to the local authorities making it harder for you to find a woman willing to submit their names.
3. Where to find a woman??? This depends on where you are in Cuba. As mentioned previously, Havana is probably your best bet to be successful, however, there is always a needle in the haystack in the smaller towns. Cuban's love to dance/party so your best bet is going to a dance club (they call them disco's in Cuba). Just make sure you go to a disco where local people frequent and not a tourist oriented club. Another option for you to meet a Cubana is by internet, however, you should also be aware that internet access is severely limited to the average Cuban due to government restrictions/censorship policies. One note of interest though is that universities allow partial access to Cuban students. Again, speaking Spanish will help getting your foot in the door. A couple of Spanish-oriented free or almost free social networking sites or dating sites that Cuban females frequent and that I've had some success are-
As mentioned previously, I've travelled quite a bit to Cuba. If you can tell me where you and your wife are visiting, I'll try and help you pin down places to rent a room or places to find some fun.