I always comes down to Trudeau. Always. Ignoring the fact that Harper was a divisive presence in Ottawa. Ignoring the fact that this is a big a diverse country. Ignoring the fact that we went through a once (hopefully) in a life-time event like the pandemic....and it obviously broke the brains of many people across the country...The number one responsibility of the Prime Minister of Canada is to hold this country together
If you do not believe me ask Jean Chrétien. He was quite clear about that
Justin Trudeau / Gerrald Butts took the Liberal Party of Canada and made a huge step to the left,
they also intentionally attacked the economic engine of Western Canada
The responsibility of partisanship that is splitting this country lands squarely at the feet of Justin Trudeau / Gerald Butts
The nine year socialist experiment in Canada has failed and failed miserably
And you think this is my fault ? ??????
I did not vote for him
So do not put your damn fool ignorance on display and dare to blame me for Trudeaus intentional and deliberate abdication of his responsibility
What is wrong with you ?
Let's face facts here. Trudeau was by no measure the best PM we've ever had. But a lot of the things righties and PP lament are not his fault, or entirely his fault. I said the same thing when Harper was in charge during the financial crisis. But I get it. You're cranky. Maybe have a nap. Maybe a snack. It might make you feel better.