Jalimon: Viruses are always named according to where they are first isolated (Spanish flu, Asian flu, etc.)
No they aren't. It's common, but it doesn't always happen and the scientific community tends to frown on it.
If it is a regional name, it can be anything from where first isolated, where it actually originated, a dramatically reported outbreak, whatever.
You can never quite be sure what name will stick with the public.
Don't believe it's really true with the 1918 flu. It's referred to as the Spanish flu because all of the other European countries were at war and restricted printing information for fear of the enemy taking advantage so it was only reported on in Spain.
Case in point.
The Spanish Flu has been renamed to the more accurate The Blue Soldier and it started in Kansas.
I don't think The Blue Soldier ever got popular traction and I doubt it ever will.
I still here the Spanish Flu sometimes, but mostly it is the 1918 Pandemic - it doesn't seem to have a catchy name anymore.