Court stops Doug Ford from changing council size!


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
Why is it hateful to support a minority for office over those dastardly white males?
Sure, Ford1000 sure.

You should change your sig line to read:

It is my hope that Krystin Wong-Tam will run as an independent candidate for Premier in the next Provincial election.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Sure, Ford1000 sure.

You should change your sig line to read:

It is my hope that Krystin Wong-Tam will run as an independent candidate for Premier in the next Provincial election.
So she isn't a good candidate? Who out of three do you prefer?


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2012
Apparently the findings of "EY" report and the City Staff report were more than enough to motivate the fine taxpayers of Scarborough and Toronto to instruct Tory, Minnan-Wong, Jaye Robinson et al to shove their plans to outsource solid waste delivery service up their asses.

What does your data demonstrate?
Tax payers didn't motivate anyone. Unless you are aware of a vote that was help with taxpayers in those areas?
Just a temporary setback. Come CUPE contract renewal time, bids will be obtained, and now that city council will be leaner on leftist union-ass kissing councillors, ...well...we all know how it will turn out.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Tax payers didn't motivate anyone. Unless you are aware of a vote that was help with taxpayers in those areas?
Just a temporary setback. Come CUPE contract renewal time, bids will be obtained, and now that city council will be leaner on leftist union-ass kissing councillors, ...well...we all know how it will turn out.
Right, I get it.
You're anti union whatever the cost.

You must be one of those angry losers who don't have a pension so wanna take it out on those who did.
What you really should do is join a union yourself.


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
The key sections of the ruling were posted on Twitter today and are captured in columns like the one Christie Blatchford has written for the National Post.

This was a major bitch slap against the original judge.

The appeal court essentially said Ford is almost certain to win his appeal of the original ruling because the "Charter" argument in the ruling was total nonsense. The appeal court judges said it was a total stretch to claim the legislation was somehow suppressing the municipal candidates' right to "freedom of expression."

This was a huge victory for the Ford government.


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
Tax payers didn't motivate anyone. Unless you are aware of a vote that was help with taxpayers in those areas?
Just a temporary setback. Come CUPE contract renewal time, bids will be obtained, and now that city council will be leaner on leftist union-ass kissing councillors, ...well...we all know how it will turn out.
Not much else motivates politicians more than an earful from irate constituents who feel they are being bamboozled by their disingenuous politicians such as Tory and his cadre in this particular instance.

You've been thoroughly out to lunch throughout this lil' debate of ours and we can only hope that now you will take a siesta.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2012
Not much else motivates politicians more than an earful from irate constituents who feel they are being bamboozled by their disingenuous politicians such as Tory and his cadre in this particular instance.

You've been thoroughly out to lunch throughout this lil' debate of ours and we can only hope that now you will take a siesta.
Just because you are disgruntled (again) at another Ford victory, you don't have to direct your rage at me. But if it helps calm your outrage then fine, I'll be your huckleberry.

The only thing constituents would be irate about is if the quality of garbage collection service declines (which won't happen based on the quality provided by the current contractor), and if taxes go up as a result, which won't.

Other than that, constituents trying to make ends meet don't really care about supporting cushy union jobs. You may think they do, but they don't. They just want their garbage picked up, period.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2012
Right, I get it.
You're anti union whatever the cost.

You must be one of those angry losers who don't have a pension so wanna take it out on those who did.
What you really should do is join a union yourself.
Nah...I've secured my own retirement without the help of a union. You know, working hard, investing wisely and not expecting someone else to pay for my retirement just because they think they are entitled to a job.

I used to be in a union many years is a race to the bottom, made to protect the lazy and demotivate the motivated.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Ford is winning.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Effing John Tory on the wrong side of the issue, again. What a surprise. How can a completely detached ignoramus become and be reelected to the mayorship of the biggest city in Canada is beyond me! Thank Zeus for a weak mayor system.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Effing John Tory on the wrong side of the issue, again. What a surprise. How can a completely detached ignoramus become and be reelected to the mayorship of the biggest city in Canada is beyond me! Thank Zeus for a weak mayor system.
Oh c'mon! How quickly you've forgotten who his opponent was!!


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Another that doesn't understand the realities of a 3 party system. Dumb line overused already by Old Jones for years.

Name me the last Ontario Liberal leader that got more than 50% of the popular vote?
Another that thinks that winning an election doesn't mean that you should respect the will of the majority of the province, not just your 2.3 million base.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
...and the majority of the province.

The "majority of the province" isn't following the current issue and has gone back to watching tv. What Ford has done is to piss off and alarm every constitutional law expert in Canada, all of whom now see him as the proverbial chimp with a hand grenade. For a moment of triumph re an act of petty spite, he has blown every iota of political credibility and good will with educated observers. This will come back to haunt him.

He has been denounced by Amnesty International. Again you will think this is a giggle. Educated observers will react differently to you and take it seriously.

He has revealed himself to be an even nastier and stupider version of Trump. This suggests that by the mid point in his government, he will have alienated all but a small % of supporters and will have ensured that the Tories go back to the political wilderness where they have resided for the last 2 decades and not win another election for another few decades - if the party even survives.

He has blown any chance the OPC had of gaining a foothold in the City of Toronto.

So enjoy it while it last, Boober. It ain't gonna last for long.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Another that thinks that winning an election doesn't mean that you should respect the will of the majority of the province, not just your 2.3 million base.
The customary phrase is something like, "I was elected to be a Premier for all Ontario". PM's and American Presidents, (up until #45) generally say similar things. Most even make a sincere effort to live up to the words.

If they didn't, and it really was a game of 'everybody's a loser but us', we'd long ago have given up our primitive FPTP for a more evolved and democratic system.
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