Back in my late 20s, I was the "responsible adult" that oversaw a group of 16 to 20 year olds - Around a dozen of them - who went up to one of their parents cottages. My job was simply to keep them safe for the weekend, and several of the parents told me outright that I wasn't expected to keep the kids from drinking and getting high just from operating the watercraft and using protection. Great parents eh? More than half of the kids were girls, and one, exactly perfect in all my likes and desires was flirting with me from the start. She was a friend of one of the kids I didn't know and we got to talking and chumming around and by the first night, I was sure I was going to bed her. The gang all starts drinking but most of them are lightweights and quickly start dropping like flies leaving their drinks half finished. Since I had paid for most of the booze being drunk I sure wasn't going to let it go to waste and so I finished the drinks off... and gave myself alchohol poisoning. Yay me! I spend the first night and the better part of the second day sick as a dog, and I probably should have gotten medical help but I survived. Sadly, the girl I was hoping to score with had to leave on the second day and I never got a second chance. Bugger.