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Could you hold your breath long enough....


Jan 31, 2005
That's insane.

When I was a teenager I swam competitively, and I could swim underwater for about 2.5min without surfacing but that was just lengths in a swimming pool, not straight down, which is much harder (you have to fight buoyancy). I think I could cover max maybe 70-75 meters at my best, he's going well over twice that (98m two ways) and doing it down and up rather than back and forth.

It's a lot more dangerous to go down too, obviously, if I couldn't make the length I could just surface and breathe, he's GOT to make it or he dies.

Swimming underwater is a hell of a lot harder than just holding your breath because obviously your muscles have to burn oxygen to propel you.


New member
Sep 29, 2004
Fuji - it truly is amazing what a person can push themselves to do. The video I've attached below gives a better idea of what it's like. Same guy, slightly different depth. Going down isn't the hard part - he's basically free falling - come back up, fighting the negative buoyancy, knowing you are 300 ft under water - that's the hard part!!!

Watch how he packs his lungs before he turns over and dives!

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