These are important points, because there's a handful of guys that are familiar with terb who will message the girl as a new client and say this thing that they've read their reviews on terb. That right there and then is a turn off for me personally, I'm sure those who know, knows why. 2nd thing is, negative reviews can be false and absolute bs. I've seen it countless times on forums. Theirs been a myriad of negative reviews against various SPs that have been proven to be false, the guy was angry he got rejected, or was purposefully fake booking in order to make a fake review, which is what that incel group that got banned previously on terb did. As they were trying to dominate the forum and exploit SPs to their liking and if they didn't do as they said, they'd post toxic negative feedback to try and ruin their reputation, as if these guys didn't have anything better to do with their time. And yes, they're still around.Negative reviews are important to foster better experience for both ourselves as a cluster of clients, but also for the bookers and especially for the girls so they can grow and improve (if they are around long enough).
Things I never do:
Declare I do reviews on Terb before the service.
Post reviews that are not true.
The other thing is, SPs don't need to be told how to run their business. Why certain guys feel the need to tell SPs how to run their business is beyond me. That's like a non-marine trying to tell a Marine how he needs to conduct himself in war so he doesn't get shot at. It's ludicrous. Ok I'm done now, y'all have a good night! Xx A.