Royal Spa

Consequences of cancelling a session at the door


New member
Aug 16, 2011
Years ago I walked out a lot from BP's or places similar to Kitty's Place. I haven't walked out from agency girls for a long time but I came closed a few The key is you have to make a pretty quick decision at the door whether or not your investment on the girl would be worth it. Say, at $140/hh you can't ask for a model type of girl to appear at the door. As long as she looks decent and clean I am willing to finish the game of hit and miss!
I don't like sp's with tats as well but I don't know that she has huge tats on her body till she takes off her clothes. By that time it is too! If you used mostly agency girls like I do,then over time you will develop a trusting relationships among small group of agencies. I am not afraid of being blacklisted from agencies. It is rather that I blacklisted them for not delivering enough consistency with their services.
Bottom line is that you need to learn from your mistakes with the hobby. Do better research next time up so that you don't end up running at the door again. Set your expectations a little bit lower or else you will be blacklisted from escorts for running away too often! LOL


Camel Toad
Nov 19, 2007
Gettin' Licked
If she's not what you want, don't pay to fuck her. Simple.
What he said.

I've left twice. One was sooooo fat while her pics suggested merely busty. The other had an arm sleeve and her pics showed no such thing. They false advertised, imo, so I was justified in passing.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
Lol. So you're suggesting that a disclaimer would eliminate confusion? I'm sorry but I disagree.

.....putting the fact that tattoos are present in individual profiles kind of defeats the purpose....
In this case yes it would, totally! I don't mind tattoos personally but seeing a pic with absolutely not tats and no mention of them and then meeting a girl with sleeves creates an "impression" ......... It's about that "getting suckered" feeling that you get really, more than anything else. Nobody likes that, some agencies seem to forget that.
Absolutely agree with HS on this one. The limb tattoos (arms, legs) are a huge turnoff and airbrushing them then adding some generic non-girl specific warning doesn't cut it. I am not calling to get descriptions - I am relying on the photos from many agencies to pick the girl I want. By the time I am calling - it is to arrange an appointment.

I find the phrase ' .....putting the fact that tattoos are present in individual profiles kind of defeats the purpose.... ' what purpose ? - she can't be identified by your tattoo admission. I can only surmise that you are suggesting that it is easier to get customers for tattooed girls if you misrepresent their appearance. I will go for girls with no tattoos if they are indicated on photos that I'm attracted to but I'm not gambling with my money (and time) if you are not providing an honest representation of the girls in your agency.
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