Connected to Internet But Can't Browse??



Your Rogers modem shouldn't be showing in network properties if you're using a wireless router, the modem is connected to the router now, not the PC. You should be able to delete that entry, it could be causing some conflicts. BUT before deleting be sure what you've said here is correct and you're using a wireless router.

As for the wireless adapter, I'm not sure you've solved anything. The SIS ethernet adapter should be the network adapter built into your motherboard (could be PCI card, but most likely not). If the wireless adapter is physically present in the PC I'd remove it along with any associated software you find in "Control Panel .... Add/Remove programs". Then reinstall it and the drivers and see if you can get it going. If you can you can then disconnect the cable from your PC to the router as you'll be connecting wirelessly. Problem hopefully solved.


Active member
Sep 11, 2004
When i scan the system for virus etc the other day, nothing out of the ordinary showed up, but last night, all of a sudden these little msg boxes kept popping up for TrendMicro.
-it has detected a trojan horse trying to access, restart your computer to completely remove etc
-another box kept saying there is an infected file.

So i basically re-installed windows xp just now. So it should fix everything right. Like if the settings in IE were changed everything should be back to normal and work.

Well its not. Same problem exists. Still cannot get on the net. WTF??

EDIT: ok nevermind then. Restarted the modem and now its fine. So i guess this was more of an issue with the virus that i had?
Thanx for all the suggestions everyone


New member
Nov 15, 2005
Are you using WPA or WPA2 security? Check your router's log, do you see an ip address being leased out to that PC? I had similar issues after a clean install of the OS as well. Try to configure your router with no security and see if your problem PC works. If it does, then you need to get the latest drivers for your wireless adapter, windows patch supporting WPA/WPA2, etc.
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